Secondary menu navigation is a very common function, and most web pages have this function. If it is a common method, it is to change the url and jump to the corresponding page; another way is to frame.
If you use vue, you can use vue-router to change the components in
When using Vue.js, we have already combined the components into an application. When you want to add vue-router, you only need to configure the components and route mapping, and then tell vue-router where to render them.
<div id="app"> <div class="leftBox"> <!-- 使用 router-link 组件来导航. --> <!-- 通过传入 `to` 属性指定链接. --> <!-- <router-link> 默认会被渲染成一个 `<a>` 标签 --> <ul> <li><router-link to="/" actived>首页</router-link></li> <li><router-link to="/article">文章</router-link></li> <li><router-link to="/picture">图片</router-link></li> <li><router-link to="/music">音乐</router-link></li> </ul> </div> <div class="rightBox"> <!-- 路由出口 --> <!-- 路由匹配到的组件将渲染在这里 --> <router-view></router-view> </div> </div>
define routes. Each route should map a component. Where "component" can be a component, etc. Create and mount the root instance. Remember to inject routes through the router configuration parameters so that the entire application has routing functions
var Home = {template: '<div>home</div>'} var router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ {path: '/', component: Home}, {path: '/picture', component: Picture}, {path: '/music', component: Music}, {path: '/article', component: Artlist}, {path: '/article/:id', component: Article} ] }) new Vue({ el: "#app", router: router })
When I switched to the article section, I made another article list and clicked on the article title to enter the article content.
I have hardcoded the data here, but I can actually get the data assignment through ajax.
I simulated loading..., and based on data-driven thinking, I used v-if="loading" to determine whether the loading appears.
Remember to specify different keys for animation switching, otherwise it will have no effect.
When creating and changing a route, you must pass the url parameters to a method to get the data. Here you need to create and watch '$route'
To get the url parameters, you need to pass $route.params or $route.query, etc. , please refer to the tutorial for details
To return to the previous level, use router.go(-1), which is equivalent to pressing the back button
var Article = { template: '<div class="post">\ <div class="loading" v-if="loading">loading.....</div>\ <transition name="slide">\ <div v-if="post" class="content" :key="">\ <button @click="back">返回</button>\ <p>{{post.title}}</p>\ <P>{{post.body}}</P>\ </div>\ </transition>\ </div>', data: function() { return { loading: false, error: null, post: null } }, created:function() { this.fetchData(); }, watch: { '$route': 'fetchData' }, methods: { fetchData:function () { this.error = = null; this.loading = true; getPost(this.$,(err,post) => { this.loading = false; if(err) { this.error = err.toString(); }else { = post } }) }, back: function() { router.go(-1); } } }