The example in this article describes jQuery’s method of moving up and down based on the sorting function. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
swap sort with adjacent elements.
The premise is that each element has its own sort value, which is not zero.
<tr id="{sh:$}"> <td> <span onclick="up(this);" class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up text-danger up" style="cursor: pointer;" title="上移" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span onclick="down(this);" class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down text-danger down" style="cursor: pointer;" title="下移" aria-hidden="true"></span> </td> <td> <span title="{sh:$vo.user_id}">{sh:$vo.store_name}</span> </td> <td class="center"><a href="{sh:$vo.logo}" target="_blank"><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="{sh:$vo.logo}" class="lazy" style="max-width:90%"How jQuery implements move up and move down based on sorting function" ></td> <td class="center">{sh:$vo.category_name}</td> <td class="center edit"> <a val="{sh:$vo.store_id}" onclick="view(this);" class="view btn btn-success" href="javascript:void(0);" title="查看"> <i class="halflings-icon white zoom-in"></i> </a> </td> </tr>
Click to trigger the up method and down method.
Get the current id.
Get adjacent elements through jQuery.
// 上移 function up(obj){ var $tr = $(obj).parents("tr"); if ($tr.index() != 0) { var current_id = $tr.attr('id'); var exchange_id = $tr.prev("tr").attr('id'); $.ajax({ url: '{sh::U("Mall/ajax","todo=exchange_sort")}', type: 'POST', data: 'current_id='+current_id+'&exchange_id='+exchange_id, success:function(json) { if (json == 1) { $tr.fadeOut().fadeIn(); $tr.prev().before($tr); layer.msg('上移成功', {icon: 1}); } else { layer.msg('上移失败', {icon: 2}); } } }); } } // 下移 function down(obj) { var len = $(".down").length; var $tr = $(obj).parents("tr"); if ($tr.index() != len - 1) { var current_id = $tr.attr('id'); var exchange_id = $"tr").attr('id'); $.ajax({ url: '{sh::U("Mall/ajax","todo=exchange_sort")}', type: 'POST', data: 'current_id='+current_id+'&exchange_id='+exchange_id, success:function(json) { if (json == 1) { $tr.fadeOut().fadeIn(); $$tr); layer.msg('下移成功', {icon: 1}); } else { layer.msg('下移失败', {icon: 2}); } } }); } }
Several jQuery methods are used here, prev(), next(), before(), after(). And effects, fadeOut(), fadeIn(). And some simple logical judgments and skills.
php background processing,
case 'exchange_sort': $mallShopModel = M('Mall_shop'); $current_id = $this->_post('current_id','trim'); $exchange_id = $this->_post('exchange_id','trim'); $current_sort = $mallShopModel->where(array('id'=>$exchange_id))->getField('sort'); $exchange_sort = $mallShopModel->where(array('id'=>$current_id))->getField('sort'); $cdata['id'] = $current_id; $cdata['sort'] = $current_sort; $cres = $mallShopModel->save($cdata); $edata['id'] = $exchange_id; $edata['sort'] = $exchange_sort; $eres = $mallShopModel->save($edata); if ($cres !== FALSE && $eres !== FALSE){ exit('1'); } else { exit('2'); }