The example in this article describes how Yii implements the top function of the article list. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
My understanding: First click to get the current ID, the model layer queries all sort fields, traverses the data, gets the maximum value, modifies the data, and replaces the data.
Model layer:
//显示列表 public function lists1() { $arr=Yii::$app->db->createCommand("select * from acticle join type on type.t_id=acticle.t_id order by sort desc")->queryall(); return $arr; } //置顶 public function top(){ $arr=$this::find()->select("sort")->asArray()->all(); //print_r($arr);die; $rows=array(); foreach($arr as $key=>$v) { $rows[]=$v['sort']; } $max=array_search(max($rows),$rows); return intval($rows[$max]+1); } //修改数据 public function update1($sort,$acticle_id){ $arr=Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update("acticle",['sort'=>$sort],['acticle_id'=>$acticle_id]); if($arr->execute()){ return 1; }else{ return 2; } }
//文章置顶 public function actionTopq(){ $acticle_id=$_GET['id']; //echo $acticle_id;die; //获取最大sort $model=new Acticle(); $sort=$model->top(); //修改数据 $row=$model->update1($sort,$acticle_id); //echo $row;die; if($row==1){ //替换数据,置顶 $res1=$model->lists1(); $art=new Articles(); $res6=$art->get_right($res1,5); return $res6; }else{ return false; } }
View layer:
<!-- 文章列表 --> <div class="r_230_b ma_b8" style="float:right;right:0;line"> <div class="news_t" ><h2><font color="#d52c99">最新动态</font></h2></div> <?php echo $res6;?> </div> <script> function topq(ts){ $.get("index.php?r=index/topq",{id:ts},function(msg){ $('#sort').html(msg); //alert(msg); }) } </script>
Readers who are interested in more Yii-related content can check out the special topics of this site: "Introduction to Yii Framework and Summary of Common Techniques", "Summary of Excellent PHP Development Framework", "Basic Tutorial for Getting Started with Smarty Templates", "Introduction to PHP Object-Oriented Programming" Tutorial", "php string usage summary", "php+mysql database operation introductory tutorial" and "php common database operation skills summary"
I hope this article will help you design PHP programs based on the Yii framework.