The examples in this article describe common image processing methods encapsulated by the CI framework. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
In fact, when uploading pictures on the WeChat mobile phone, it is best to use thumbnails for the list pictures to save data traffic. No, it was tricked by mobile phones again. It stopped after one point of phone bill sign, and it stopped when the traffic amount was 90 yuan. I was also drunk. . . .
No more nonsense, the following is written using CI's built-in image processing library. I'm not talented, so please point out any omissions. Thank you.
/** * 生成缩略图 * @param $path 原图的本地路径 * @return null 创建一个 原图_thumb.扩展名 的文件 * */ public function dealthumb($path){ $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config['source_image'] = $path; $config['create_thumb'] = TRUE; //生成的缩略图将在保持纵横比例 在宽度和高度上接近所设定的width和height $config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE; $config['width'] = 80; $config['height'] = 80; $this->load->library('image_lib', $config); $this->image_lib->resize(); $this->image_lib->clear(); } /* * 处理图像旋转 */ public function transroate($path,$imgpath){ $this->load->library('image_lib'); //(必须)设置图像库 $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $newname = time().'_rote.jpg'; //设置图像的目标名/路径 $config['new_image'] =$imgpath.$newname; //(必须)设置原始图像的名字/路径 $config['source_image'] = $path; //决定新图像的生成是要写入硬盘还是动态的存在 $config['dynamic_output'] = FALSE; //设置图像的品质。品质越高,图像文件越大 $config['quality'] = '90%'; //有5个旋转选项 逆时针90 180 270 度 vrt 竖向翻转 hor 横向翻转 $config['rotation_angle'] = 'vrt'; $this->image_lib->initialize($config); if(@$this->image_lib->rotate()){ $this->image_lib->clear(); return $config['new_image']; }else{ $this->image_lib->clear(); return ''; } } /** * 处理图像水印 */ public function overlay($path,$imgpath){ $this->load->library('image_lib'); $newname = time().'_over.jpg'; //设置新图像名称 $config['new_image'] =$imgpath.$newname; //调用php gd库 绘图 $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; //源图像 本地地址 $config['source_image'] = $path; //覆盖文字 $config['wm_text'] = 'Copyright 2015 - Friker'; //覆盖类型 文字/图像 $config['wm_type'] = 'text'; //文字字体类型 //$config['wm_font_path'] = 'C:\Windows\Fonts\vrinda.ttf'; //字体大小 $config['wm_font_size'] = '16'; //字体颜色 $config['wm_font_color'] = 'ff0000'; //垂直方向距离顶端距离 $config['wm_vrt_alignment'] = '20'; //水平方向距离左端距离 $config['wm_hor_alignment'] = 'center'; //padding $config['wm_padding'] = '20'; $this->image_lib->initialize($config); if($this->image_lib->watermark()){ $this->image_lib->clear(); return $config['new_image']; }else{ $this->image_lib->clear(); return ''; } } /** * 处理图片上传 * 文件上传类 通过前台 上传文件 */ public function uploadfile(){ //文件上传部分 // 处理文件 // $data = ''; $this->load->helper('url'); $formpic = key($_FILES); //文件处理部分 if(false === empty($_FILES[$formpic]['tmp_name'])){ //设置文件上传的路径 $upload['upload_path'] = "./public/img/"; //限制文件上传的类型 $upload['allowed_types'] = 'jpeg|jpg|gif|png'; //限制文件上传的大小 $upload['max_size'] = 2048; //设置文件上传的路径 $upload['file_name'] = date('YmdHis', time()).rand(10000, 99999); //加载文件上传配置信息 $this->load->library('upload', $upload); //处理文件上传 $this->upload->do_upload($formpic); //返回文件上传信息 $image = $this->upload->data(); /* 'file_name' => string '2015071702051718388.jpg' (length=23) 'file_type' => string 'image/jpeg' (length=10) 'file_path' => string 'E:/wamp/www/testci/public/img/' (length=30) 'full_path' => string 'E:/wamp/www/testci/public/img/2015071702051718388.jpg' (length=53) 'raw_name' => string '2015071702051718388' (length=19) 'orig_name' => string '2015071702051718388.jpg' (length=23) 'client_name' => string 'u=415761610,1548338330&fm=116&gp=0.jpg' (length=38) 'file_ext' => string '.jpg' (length=4) 'file_size' => float 3.74 'is_image' => boolean true 'image_width' => int 146 'image_height' => int 220 'image_type' => string 'jpeg' (length=4) 'image_size_str' => string 'width="146" height="220"' (length=24) */ //var_dump($image); //返回文件上传名字 $data = $image['file_name']; $this->dealthumb($image['full_path']); $this->overlay($image['full_path'],$image['file_path']); $this->transroate($image['full_path'],$image['file_path']);// $thumbdata = ''; //生成缩略图名称 $pos = strripos($image['file_name'], "."); $newname = substr($image['file_name'], 0,$pos)."_thumb".substr($image['file_name'], $pos); if(file_exists($image['file_path'].$newname)){ $thumbdata = $newname; } } //$dirroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; //$this->dealthumb($dirroot."/public/img/".$data); //上传失败 if(!$data){ echo json_encode(array('status'=>0,'msg'=>"上传失败!")); }else{ //上传成功 echo json_encode(array( 'name'=>$data, 'pic'=>base_url()."public/img/".$data, 'picthumb'=>$thumbdata == '' ?$data:$thumbdata )); } }
The following is the basic html code of the front end:
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP program design based on the CodeIgniter framework.