I did custom sharing on WeChat some time ago and accumulated some experience to share with everyone.
Steps 1 and 2 are already very detailed in the WeChat developer documentation, just start from step three.
Step 3To parameterize WeChat parameters, except appId, other parameters are dynamic. Here, I use PHP language to generate parameters in the backend. The code is as follows:
PHP side code:
public function getwxinfo(){ $dataurl = I('dataurl'); include('./ThinkPHP/Library/Vendor/jssdk/jssdk.php'); $jssdk = new \JSSDK('appId','appSecret'); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage($dataurl); exit(response('1','ok',$signPackage)); }
When generating a signature, the URL of the current page must be obtained, so $dataurl is dynamically obtained through the following JS, remember.
JS side code:
var dataurl = window.location.href; $.ajax({ type:'post', data:{'dataurl':dataurl}, url:'/index.php/Home/Index/getwxinfo', dataType:'json', success:function(json){ var list = json.data; var appId = list.appId; var timestamp = list.timestamp; var nonceStr = list.nonceStr; var signature = list.signature; weixinInfo(appId,timestamp,nonceStr,signature); }, error:function() { //alert('网络不给力哦...') } }); function weixinInfo(appId,timestamp,nonceStr,signature){ wx.config({ debug: false, appId: appId, timestamp:timestamp , nonceStr:nonceStr, signature:signature, jsApiList: [ 'checkJsApi', //判断当前客户端版本是否支持指定JS接口 'onMenuShareTimeline', //分享到朋友圈 'onMenuShareAppMessage', //分享给好友 'onMenuShareQQ', //分享到QQ 'onMenuShareWeibo' //分享到微博 ] }); } wx.ready(function () { //微信好友 var s_title = '分享标题'; var s_desc = '分享描述'; var s_link = '分享后的链接'; var s_imgUrl = '图片链接'; wx.onMenuShareAppMessage({ //例如分享到朋友圈的API title: s_title, // 分享标题 desc: s_desc, // 分享描述 link: s_link, // 分享链接 imgUrl: s_imgUrl, // 分享图标 success: function () { }, cancel: function () { } }); //朋友圈 wx.onMenuShareTimeline({ title: s_title, // 分享标题 link: s_link, // 分享链接 imgUrl: s_imgUrl, // 分享图标 success: function () { }, cancel: function () { } }); //QQ好友 wx.onMenuShareQQ({ title: s_title, // 分享标题 desc: s_desc, // 分享描述 link: s_link, // 分享链接 imgUrl: s_imgUrl, // 分享图标 success: function () { }, cancel: function () { } }); }); wx.error(function (res) { <br />alert(res.errMsg); //打印错误消息。及把 debug:false,设置为debug:ture就可以直接在网页上看到弹出的错误提示 <br />});
It’s that simple.
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study. I also hope that everyone will support Script Home.