An excel is exported from the database, which contains the file names of some image files. The corresponding files need to be downloaded from the server. The program does not provide a batch export function for images. It is just temporary data statistics. You need to manually export the corresponding files in excel. .
1. Copy the file name column in excel, paste it into a blank text file, name it filelist.txt, and upload it to the server.
2. Use script export on the server, python script:
#! python #coding:utf-8 ##!/usr/bin/python # Filename : import sys import os import shutil fileList='filelist.txt' targetDir='files' filedir = open(fileList) line = filedir.readline() log = open('running.log','w') while line: line = line.strip('\n'); basename = os.path.basename(line) exists = os.path.exists(line) if exists : print 'copy '+line+' to '+os.getcwd()+'/'+targetDir+'/'+basename log.write('copy '+line+' to '+os.getcwd()+'/'+targetDir+'/'+basename+'\r\n') shutil.copy(line,targetDir+'/'+basename) else: print line+' not exists' log.write(line+' not exists'+'\r\n') line = filedir.readline() log.close()