Step one, configuration
First you need to install the nodemailer library
npm install nodemailer//默认会安装最新的版本。
For the documentation about this library, please see nodemailer
Step two, some introduction to the use of the library
The method of using this library is very simple. The first thing is to create an instance for sending emails
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(transport[, defaults])
transport parameter attribute
There are too many attributes, so just write some key attributes
port: The port number of the connection, usually 465
host: The host of the server you use to send emails. For example, the host of 163 is
auth: This is the difference from the old version. The new version uses a literal to store username and password. Note that stmp must be enabled in your mailbox.
user: username
pass: password. If your 163 has set a third-party login password, you need to fill in your third-party login password here.
After setting these, you can use it~ Paste my settings here
var smtpConfig = { host: '', port: 465, auth: { user: 'xxxx', pass: 'xxxx' } }; var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpConfig);
The third step, Usage
Now we can use the following function to send emails
transporter.sendMail(data[, callback])
data email content
from the sender of the email
to the recipient of the email
subject subject
text The email is sent as text
html The content of the email is the html webpage effect
attachments attachments. For details, please see the official documentation
callback function
Accepts two parameters err and info
If it fails, you can print this object to see relevant information
You can see a lot of sending status information
E Messageid will return the messageid value of information, and I don't know much aboutvar sendmail = function(html){ var option = { from:"sender", to:"accepter", subject : '来自node的邮件', html : html } transporter.sendMail(option, function(error, response){ if(error){ console.log("fail: " + error); }else{ console.log("success: " + response.messageID); } }); } sendmail("邮件内容:<br/>这是来自nodemailer发送的邮件");