Due to the large amount of article content, dede has a very practical function in the system which is to automatically paginate articles. This function can be said to be very thoughtfully set up.
However, a problem occurred while using it. How to solve the problem? Generally speaking, I first go to the dede forum and search to see if there are any relevant solutions. I searched a lot of articles related to automatic paging, but the problem has not been completely solved. Maybe there are some version problems or patches.
I am using the 4.0 rcl version. The complete solution is as follows:
First, insert this code in the content page template (if it does not exist in the content page template) {dede:pagebreak/}, directly insert it in {dede:field name='body'/}.
Then you can try using the automatic paging function to see if the problem is solved (probably not, hehe). If not, go to the next step
Modify the file dede/article_description_action.php. Open the file and find the following code
The following is the quoted content:
//Update automatically Pagination
require_once(dirname( __FILE__)."/inc/inc_archives_functions.php");
//Total number of statistical records
$addquery = " where ID>0 ";
if($sid!=0) $ addquery = " And ID>='$sid' ";
if($eid!=0) $addquery = " And ID<='$eid' ";
$row = $dsql->GetOne("Select count (*) as dd From $table $addquery");
$totalnum = $row['dd'];
//Get records and analyze
if($totalnum > $startdd+$pagesize) $limitSql = " limit $startdd,$pagesize";
else if(($totalnum-$startdd)>0) $limitSql = " limit $startdd,".($totalnum - $startdd);
else $limitSql = "";
$tjnum = $startdd;
$addquery = " where ID>0 ";
if($sid!=0) $addquery = " And ID>='$sid' "; F if ($ EID! = 0) $ addqury =" and ID & lt; = '$ EID' ";
$ FQuery =" Select Aid, $ Field from $ table $ limitsql; ""; & gt ;SetQuery($fquery);
$dsql->Execute(); $aid = $row['aid'];
if(strlen($body) < $msize) continue; SpLongBody($body,$cfg_arcautosp_size*1024,"#P#Page title#E#"); Body 'where aid =' $ aid '; "); -----------------------
//Update automatic paging
//------------------ ----------
$addquery = " where aID>0 ";
if($sid!=0) $addquery .= " And aID>='$sid' ";
if($eid!=0) $addquery .= " And aID<='$eid' ";
$row = $dsql->GetOne("Select count(*) as dd From $table $addquery");
$totalnum = $row['dd'];
if($totalnum > $startdd+$pagesize) $limitSql = " limit $startdd,$pagesize";
else if(($totalnum-$startdd)>0) $limitSql = " limit $startdd,".($totalnum - $startdd);
else $limitSql = "";
$tjnum = $startdd;
$addquery = " where aID>0 ";
if($sid!=0) $addquery .= " And aID>='$sid' ";
if($eid!=0) $addquery .= " And aID<='$eid' ";
$fquery = "Select aid,$field From $table $addquery $limitSql ;";
$body = $row[$field];
$aid = $row['aid'];
if(strlen($body) < $msize) continue;
$body = SpLongBody($body,$cfg_arcautosp_size*1024,"#P#分页标题#E#");
$body = addslashes($body);
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update $table set $field='$body' where aid='$aid' ; ");
}//end if limit