Some tips for HTML tips
Dec 16, 2016 pm 02:25 PM01. Make the background image not scroll
IE browser supports a Body property bgPRoperties, which can make the background not scroll:
〈Body Background="image file" bgproperties="fixed"〉
02. Make your webpage unable to be saved For
<noscript><iframe src=*></iframe></noscript>
03. Make the background of the document in the IFRAME frame transparent
<iframe src="about:<body style ='background:transparent'>" allowtransparency></iframe>
04. Disable right click:
<body oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart ="return false" onselect="document. selection.empty()" oncopy="document.selection.empty()" onbeforecopy="return false"onmouseup="document.selection.empty()">
05. Automatically refresh immediately after entering the page?
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="120;url=">, this is your own URL.
06. Open the window and maximize it
<script language="javaScript">
<!-- Begin
// End -->
07. Can the scroll bar of IFRAME be hidden? Three methods I know:
1. Set iframe scrolling="no"
2. Apply overflow:hidden to the body of the included page, that is, apply it in the included page 15. How to control the visibility of horizontal and vertical scroll bars?
3. Add scroll="no" to the body tag of the included page
08. Add background music
<bgsound src="mid/windblue[1].mid" loop="-1"> Only applicable to IE
<embed src="music.mid" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"> Applicable to both Netscape and IE
09. Embed webpage
<iframe name="tt" src="01a.html" width="450" height="287" scrolling="Auto" frameborder="0"></iframe>
10. Jump
<meta http-equiv="refresh " content="3;URL=list.htm">
<MARQUEE direction=up height=146 onmouSEOut=start() onmouseover=stop() scrollAmount=4></marquee>
12. Thin line divider
<hr noshade size=0 color=#C0C0C0>
13. Transition method
<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="revealTrans(Duration=3,Transition=5 )"> The value of
Duration is the time for dynamic transition of the web page, in seconds.
Transition is the transition method, its value is 0 to 23, corresponding to 24 transition methods. As shown in the table below:
0 Box-shaped contraction 1 Box-shaped radial 2 Circular contraction 3 Circular radiating 4 From bottom to top
5 From top to bottom 6 From left to right 7 From right to left 8 Vertical blinds 9 Horizontal blinds
10 Horizontal Grid shutters 11 Vertical lattice shutters 12 Dissolve at will 13 Expand from the left and right ends to the middle
14 Expand from the middle to the left and right ends 15 Expand from the upper and lower ends to the middle
16 Expand from the middle to the upper and lower ends 17 From the upper right corner to Expand the lower left corner
18 Expand from the lower right corner to the upper left corner19 Expand from the upper left corner to the lower right corner
20 Expand from the lower left corner to the upper right corner21 Horizontal linear expansion
22 Vertical linear expansion23 Randomly generate a transition method
14 .The format for adding comments is:
〈!-[Comment content...]--〉
15. How to control the display and hiding of horizontal and vertical scroll bars?
<body style="overflow-y:hidden"> Remove the x-axis
<body style="overflow-x:hidden"> Remove the y-axis
<body scroll="no">Not displayed.
16. Customize the small icon in front of the browser address bar:
A: Add the following sentence between 〈head〉〈/head〉 of the web page:
〈link rel="shortcuticon" href="http://…/icon .ico"〉
is enough. Among them, icon.ico is a 16x16 icon file, and the color should not exceed 16 colors.
17. How to add an email link to a web page and display a predetermined subject?
〈A href=""〉...〈/a〉
18.Definition of this For web page keywords, you can add the following code to 〈Head〉〈/Head〉:
〈meta name="KeyWords" content="china,enterprise,business,net"〉
Content contains keywords, you can Set it yourself.
Here is a trick, you can repeat a certain word, which can improve the ranking position of your website, such as:
〈meta name="Keywords" content="china,china,china,china"〉 This keyword is for Google search invalid.
19. Add to favorites:
〈a href="Javascript :window.external.addFavorite('http://link','description');"〉Add to favorites〈/a〉
20. Set as homepage:
〈a href=#'url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://link');〉Set as homepage〈/ a〉
21. Place the scroll bar on the left side of the browser window
A: Add dir=RTL to <body>, that is, <body dir=RTL>.
Attached: Some shortcut keys for IE5.0:
A: Open the search function: Ctrl+F
Close the browser window: Ctrl+W
Open the address bar drop-down list box: F4
Refresh: F5
Refresh the current Web page Save to favorites list: Ctrl+D
Open a copy of the current IE window: Ctrl+N
Stop downloading the current webpage: Esc
The cursor quickly moves to the beginning of the webpage: Home
The cursor quickly moves to the end of the webpage: End
Open New address typing window: Ctrl+O
Open favorites: Ctrl+I
Open history folder: Ctrl+H
Open the default homepage set by the browser: Alt+HOME
The above are some tips for HTML For technical content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website ( for more related articles!

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