There are always various surprises and shocks! C# array is one of them, and I regard it as my debut blog.
C# arrays are very different from other C series languages. There was a big difference in understanding when I was exposed to them in the past. Especially the understanding of multi-dimensional arrays. Multidimensional arrays are a new concept compared to C language. At first, I regarded it as a special type of jagged array.
First focus on the initialization and access of two-dimensional arrays and simple interleaved arrays
int[,] nums={ {1,2,3}, {1,2,0} }; for (int i = nums.GetLowerBound(0); i <= nums.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { for (int j = nums.GetLowerBound(1); j <= nums.GetUpperBound(1); j++) { Console.WriteLine(nums[i,j]); Console.WriteLine(nums.GetValue(i,j)); } } foreach (var num in nums) { Console.WriteLine(num); } //对任意维度的数组,都可以这样快速访问,只是foreach不能修改变量。
int[][] nums2 ={ new int[]{1,2,3}, new int[]{1,2,0} }; for (int i = nums2.GetLowerBound(0); i <= nums2.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { for (int j = nums2[i].GetLowerBound(0); j <= nums2[i].GetUpperBound(0); j++) { Console.WriteLine(nums2[i][j]); } } foreach (var ia in nums2) { foreach (var i in ia) { Console.WriteLine(i); } }
The items stored in the array must be of the same type! This is important for understanding various complex arrays.
Complex Jagged Array
bool[][][] cells31 = new bool[2][][] { new bool[2][] { new bool[] {false}, new bool[] {true} }, new bool[3][] { new bool[] {false}, new bool[] {true}, new bool[] {true} } };
Console.WriteLine("交错数组类型"); Console.WriteLine(cells31[0].GetType()); Console.WriteLine(cells31[0][0].GetType()); Console.WriteLine(cells31[0][0][0].GetType()); //交错数组类型 //System.Boolean[][] //System.Boolean[] //System.Boolean //这是交错数组里面的类型。 // bool[2][] 与boo[3][] 是相同的类型,所以我们创建存储结构不一致的数组
bool [][,,][][,,][]Foo;
I chose a simple point as an example bool [][,][]Foo;
bool[][,][] Foo = new bool[1][,][] { new bool[2,2][] { { new bool[2] {false, true}, new bool[2] {false, true} }, { new bool[2] {false, true}, new bool[2] {false, true} } } }; Console.WriteLine("混合数组类型"); Console.WriteLine(Foo.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(Foo[0].GetType()); Console.WriteLine(Foo[0][0,0].GetType()); Console.WriteLine(Foo[0][0, 0][0].GetType()); //结果 混合数组类型 //system.boolean[][,][] //system.boolean[][,] //system.boolean[] //system.boolean
//定义交错数组:一维数组存放(二维int数组存放(一维int数组存放(四维int数组))) //标准的C#定义描述 array of( multi-array of( array of (nulti-array))) int[][,][][, , ,] arr = new int[10][,][][,,,]; //初始化 二维int数组存放(一维int数组存放(四维int数组)) arr[4] = new int[1, 2][][,,,]; //初始化 一维int数组存放(四维int数组) arr[4][0, 1] = new int[3][, , ,]; //初始化 四维int数组 arr[4][0, 1][2] = new int[1, 2, 3, 4]; Console.WriteLine(arr.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(arr[4].GetType()); Console.WriteLine(arr[4][0, 1].GetType()); Console.WriteLine(arr[4][0, 1][2].GetType()); //System.Int32[,,,][][,][] //System.Int32[,,,][][,] //System.Int32[,,,][] //System.Int32[,,,] //C#编译器生成的名字与我们声明的是倒着的。理解起来应该也没差异吧
Finally, consider the impact on array methods. Especially Clear();
Console.WriteLine(Foo[0][0,0][0]); //输出为Flase Array.Clear(Foo,0,1); Console.WriteLine(Foo[0][0, 0][0]); //这里会引发空引用异常。因为 bool[][,]的类型的值已经变为null。