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Detailed interpretation of Java serial port programming

Release: 2016-12-19 16:52:36
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There are some differences when installing JavaComm and RxTX. It is highly recommended to follow the installation instructions step by step. If the installation instructions require that a jar file or a shared library must be in a specific folder, that means it needs to be taken seriously. If the instructions require a specific file or device to have a specific ownership or access rights, this also means that it needs to be taken seriously. Many installation problems are caused simply by not following the installation instructions.

It is important to note that some versions of JavaComm will come with two installation instructions. One for Java 1.2 and later versions, and one for Java 1.1 versions. Using incorrect installation instructions can result in a non-working installation. On the other hand, some versions/builds/packages of TxTx contain incomplete instructions. In this case it is necessary to obtain the source code of the relevant RxTx distribution, which contains complete installation instructions.

Also note that the Windows Jdk installer will contain three java virtual machines, so there will be three extension folders.

One is an integral part of JDK.

 A part of a private JRE along with the JDK that runs the JDK tools.

 A part of the public JRE along with the JDK that runs the application.

What’s more, there is even a fourth jre, which exists in the Windows directory structure. JavaComm should be installed as an extension into the JDK and all public JREs.



A common question about JavaComm and RxTx is that they do not support installation via Java WebStart: JavaComm is notorious for requiring a file called javax.comm.properties to be placed in the JDK lib directory , which cannot be done through Java WebStart. It's frustrating that the need for this file is the result of some unnecessary design/decisions in JavaComm that could have been easily avoided by the designers of JavaComm. Sun stubbornly refused to correct this error, insisting that this mechanism was essential. They are talking nonsense with open eyes, especially when it comes to JavaComm, since Java has had a dedicated service provider architecture for such intentions for a long time.

The content in this properties file is only one line, which provides the java class name of the local driver.

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Here’s a trick to deploy JavaComm via Web Start without that vexing properties file. But it has serious flaws and may fail when deploying newer JavaComm - if Sun ever makes a new version.

First, close the security manager. Some idiot programmers at Sun thought it would be cool to check over and over again for the existence of the dreaded javax.comm.properties file, especially after it had been loaded in the first place. This simply checks to see if the file exists and nothing else.

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Then, when initializing the JavaComm API, manually initialize the driver.

String driverName = "com.sun.comm.Win32Driver"; // or get as a JNLP property
CommDriver commDriver = (CommDriver)Class.forName(driverName).newInstance();
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RxTx requires changing the ownership and access rights of the serial device on some platforms. This is also something that cannot be accomplished through WebStart.

On program startup you should ask the user to act as superuser to perform necessary settings. In particular, RxTx has a pattern matching algorithm to verify "valid" serial device names. This often messes things up when someone wants to use a non-standard device, such as a USB-to-serial converter. This mechanism can be disabled by system properties. Refer to the RxTx installation instructions for details.
JavaComm API

Java’s official serial communication API is JavaComm API. This API is not part of Java 2 Standard Edition, so the implementation of this API needs to be downloaded separately. Unfortunately, JavaComm did not receive enough attention from Sun, and the actual maintenance time was not very long. Sun only occasionally fixes some unimportant bugs, but does not do some important overhauls that are long overdue.

This section explains the basic operations of JavaComm API. The source code provided is kept simplified to show the key points and needs to be improved for use in practical applications.

The source code for this chapter is not the only example code available. Many examples include JavaComm downloads. The examples almost include more information on how to use it than its API documentation. Unfortunately, Sun doesn't have any real tutorials or documentation. Therefore, to understand the mechanics of this API, it is worthwhile to study the sample code, and still need to study the API documentation. But the best way is to study these examples and apply them. APIs are often criticized due to the lack of easy-to-use applications and the difficulty of understanding the programming model of these APIs. Compared to its reputation and functionality, this API is better, but nothing more.

This API uses a callback mechanism to notify programmers that new data has arrived. It's also a good idea to learn the mechanism instead of relying on the ask port. Unlike other callback interfaces in Java (e.g. in graphical interfaces), this interface only allows one listener to listen for events. If multiple listeners request to listen to several events, the primary listener must do so by dispatching information to other secondary listeners.

Download and Installation


Sun公司的JavaComm网页指向下载地址。在这个地址下,Sun当前(2007年)提供了支持Solaris/SPARC、Solaris/x86已经Linux x86的JavaComm 3.0版本。下载需要注册一个Sun公司的账户。下载页提供了注册页的链接。注册的目的并不清楚。在为注册时,用户可下载JDK和JREs,但对于这几乎微不足道的JavaComm,Sun公司在软件分销和出口方面却援引法律条文和政府限制。

官方已不再提供JavaComm的Windows版本,并且Sun已经违背了他们自己的产品死亡策略-不能在Java产品集中下载。但仍可以从这下载2.0的Windows版本(javacom 2.0).


按照与下载一起的安装说明进行安装。一些版本的JavaComm 2.0会包含两个安装说明。这两个说明间最明显的区别是错误的那个是用于古老的Java1.1环境的,而适用于Java 1.2(jdk1.2.html)的那个才是正确的。


IDE 都有代表性的IDE的方式来得知一个新的库(类和文档)。通常一个库想JavaComm不仅需要被IDE识别,而且每个使用该库的项目也应当识别。阅读IDE的文档,应该注意老的JavaComm 2.0 版本以及JavaDoc API文档使用的是Java 1.0 的Java Doc 布局。一些现代的IDE已经不再认识这些结构并不能将JavaComm2.0的文档集成到他们的帮助系统中了。在这种情况下需要一个外部的浏览器来阅读文档(推荐活动)

一旦软件安装完成,它便会推荐测试样例和JavaDoc 目录。构建并运行样例应用来确认安装是否正确时很有道理的。样例程序通常需要一些小的调整以便运行在特别的平台上(像改写硬编码的com端口标识符)。在运行一个样例程序时最好有一些串行硬件,想cabling,零调制解调器,接线盒,一个真正的猫,PABX以及其他可用的设备。

Serial_Programming:RS-232 Connections 和Serial_Programming:Modems and AT Commands 提供了一些怎样搭建串行应用开发环境的信息。







import javax.comm.*;
import java.util.*;
// Platform specific port name, here= a Unix name
// NOTE: On at least one Unix JavaComm implementation JavaComm
//    enumerates the ports as "COM1" ... "COMx", too, and not
//    by their Unix device names "/dev/tty...".
//    Yet another good reason to not hard-code the wanted
//    port, but instead make it user configurable.
String wantedPortName = "/dev/ttya";
// Get an enumeration of all ports known to JavaComm
Enumeration portIdentifiers = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
// Check each port identifier if
//  (a) it indicates a serial (not a parallel) port, and
//  (b) matches the desired name.
CommPortIdentifier portId = null; // will be set if port found
while (portIdentifiers.hasMoreElements())
  CommPortIdentifier pid = (CommPortIdentifier) portIdentifiers.nextElement();
  if(pid.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL &&
    portId = pid;
if(portId == null)
  System.err.println("Could not find serial port " + wantedPortName);
// Use port identifier for acquiring the port
// Use port identifier for acquiring the port
SerialPort port = null;
try {
  port = (SerialPort) portId.open(
    "name", // Name of the application asking for the port
    10000  // Wait max. 10 sec. to acquire port
} catch(PortInUseException e) {
  System.err.println("Port already in use: " + e);
// Now we are granted exclusive access to the particular serial
// port. We can configure it and obtain input and output streams.
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import java.io.*;
// Set all the params.
// This may need to go in a try/catch block which throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
// Open the input Reader and output stream. The choice of a
// Reader and Stream are arbitrary and need to be adapted to
// the actual application. Typically one would use Streams in
// both directions, since they allow for binary data transfer,
// not only character data transfer.
BufferedReader is = null; // for demo purposes only. A stream would be more typical.
PrintStream  os = null;
try {
 is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(port.getInputStream()));
} catch (IOException e) {
 System.err.println("Can't open input stream: write-only");
 is = null;
// New Linux systems rely on Unicode, so it might be necessary to
// specify the encoding scheme to be used. Typically this should
// be US-ASCII (7 bit communication), or ISO Latin 1 (8 bit
// communication), as there is likely no modem out there accepting
// Unicode for its commands. An example to specify the encoding
// would look like:
//   os = new PrintStream(port.getOutputStream(), true, "ISO-8859-1");
os = new PrintStream(port.getOutputStream(), true);
// Actual data communication would happen here
// performReadWriteCode();
// It is very important to close input and output streams as well
// as the port. Otherwise Java, driver and OS resources are not released.
if (is != null) is.close();
if (os != null) os.close();
if (port != null) port.close();
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将数据写入到串口与基本的java IO一样简单。但在你使用AT Hayes 协议时仍有一些注意事项:

不要在输出流(OutputStream)中使用prinln(或其他自动附加"\n"的方法)。调制解调器的AT Hayes协议使用"\r\n"作为分隔符(而不考滤底层的操作系统)。





To do:



// Write to the output
os.print("\r\n"); // Append a carriage return with a line feed
is.readLine(); // First read will contain the echoed command you sent to it. In this case: "AT"
is.readLine(); // Second read will remove the extra line feed that AT generates as output
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// Read the response
String response = is.readLine(); // if you sent "AT" then response == "OK"
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读写方法(在前面示例中的是os.print()或is.readLine())不会返回, 导致应用程序被暂停。更准确地说,读写线程被阻塞了。如果那个线程是应用程序主线程的话,应用程序会停止直到阻塞条件被释放(即有可读数据到达或设备重新接受数据)。








JavaComm API提供了事件通知机制以克服阻塞I/O带来的问题。但在这个典型的Sun方式中这个机制也有问题的。


javax.comm.SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE和 javax.comm.SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY.






import javax.comm.*;
 * Listener to handle all serial port events.
 * NOTE: It is typical that the SerialPortEventListener is implemented
 *    in the main class that is supposed to communicate with the
 *    device. That way the listener has easy access to state information
 *    about the communication, e.g. when a particular communication
 *    protocol needs to be followed.
 *    However, for demonstration purposes this example implements a
 *    separate class.
class SerialListener implements SerialPortEventListener {
   * Handle serial events. Dispatches the event to event-specific
   * methods.
   * @param event The serial event
  public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event){
    // Dispatch event to individual methods. This keeps this ugly
    // switch/case statement as short as possible.
    switch(event.getEventType()) {
      case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY:
      case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
/* Other events, not implemented here ->
      case SerialPortEvent.BI:
      case SerialPortEvent.CD:
      case SerialPortEvent.CTS:
      case SerialPortEvent.DSR:
      case SerialPortEvent.FE:
      case SerialPortEvent.OE:
      case SerialPortEvent.PE:
      case SerialPortEvent.RI:
<- other events, not implemented here */
   * Handle output buffer empty events.
   * NOTE: The reception of this event is optional and not
   *    guaranteed by the API specification.
   * @param event The output buffer empty event
  protected void outputBufferEmpty(SerialPortEvent event) {
    // Implement writing more data here
   * Handle data available events.
   * @param event The data available event
  protected void dataAvailable(SerialPortEvent event) {
    // implement reading from the serial port here
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SerialPort port = ...;
// Configure port parameters here. Only after the port is configured it
// makes sense to enable events. The event handler might be called immediately
// after an event is enabled.
// Typically, if the current class implements the SerialEventListener interface
// one would call
//    port.addEventListener(this);
// but for our example a new instance of SerialListener is created:
port.addEventListener(new SerialListener());
// Enable the events we are interested in
/* other events not used in this example ->
<- other events not used in this example */
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 * Synchronized ring buffer.
 * Suitable to hand over data from one thread to another.
public class RingBuffer {
  /** internal buffer to hold the data **/
  protected byte buffer[];
  /** size of the buffer **/
  protected int size;
  /** current start of data area **/
  protected int start;
  /** current end of data area **/
  protected int end;
   * Construct a RingBuffer with a default buffer size of 1k.
  public RingBuffer() {
   * Construct a RingBuffer with a certain buffer size.
   * @param size  Buffer size in bytes
  public RingBuffer(int size) {
     this.size = size;
     buffer = new byte[size];
   * Clear the buffer contents. All data still in the buffer is lost.
  public void clear() {
    // Just reset the pointers. The remaining data fragments, if any,
    // will be overwritten during normal operation.
    start = end = 0;
   * Return used space in buffer. This is the size of the
   * data currently in the buffer.
   * <p>
   * Note: While the value is correct upon returning, it
   * is not necessarily valid when data is read from the
   * buffer or written to the buffer. Another thread might
   * have filled the buffer or emptied it in the mean time.
   * @return currently amount of data available in buffer
  public int data() {
     return start <= end
           ? end - start
           : end - start + size;
   * Return unused space in buffer. Note: While the value is
   * correct upon returning, it is not necessarily valid when
   * data is written to the buffer or read from the buffer.
   * Another thread might have filled the buffer or emptied
   * it in the mean time.
   * @return currently available free space
  public int free() {
     return start <= end
           ? size + start - end
           : start - end;
   * Write as much data as possible to the buffer.
   * @param data  Data to be written
   * @return    Amount of data actually written
  int write(byte data[]) {
    return write(data, 0, data.length);
   * Write as much data as possible to the buffer.
   * @param data  Array holding data to be written
   * @param off  Offset of data in array
   * @param n   Amount of data to write, starting from .
   * @return    Amount of data actually written
  int write(byte data[], int off, int n) {
    if(n <= 0) return 0;
    int remain = n;
    // @todo check if off is valid: 0= <= off < data.length; throw exception if not
    int i = Math.min(remain, (end < start ? start : buffer.length) - end);
    if(i > 0) {
       System.arraycopy(data, off, buffer, end, i);
       off  += i;
       remain -= i;
       end  += i;
    i = Math.min(remain, end >= start ? start : 0);
    if(i > 0 ) {
       System.arraycopy(data, off, buffer, 0, i);
       remain -= i;
       end = i;
    return n - remain;
   * Read as much data as possible from the buffer.
   * @param data  Where to store the data
   * @return    Amount of data read
  int read(byte data[]) {
    return read(data, 0, data.length);
   * Read as much data as possible from the buffer.
   * @param data  Where to store the read data
   * @param off  Offset of data in array
   * @param n   Amount of data to read
   * @return    Amount of data actually read
  int read(byte data[], int off, int n) {
    if(n <= 0) return 0;
    int remain = n;
    // @todo check if off is valid: 0= <= off < data.length; throw exception if not
    int i = Math.min(remain, (end < start ? buffer.length : end) - start);
    if(i > 0) {
       System.arraycopy(buffer, start, data, off, i);
       off  += i;
       remain -= i;
       start += i;
       if(start >= buffer.length) start = 0;
    i = Math.min(remain, end >= start ? 0 : end);
    if(i > 0 ) {
       System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, data, off, i);
       remain -= i;
       start = i;
    return n - remain;
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根据在 "建立一个串口事件处理器"小节演示的事件处理器的轮廓,你可以使用在"一个简单的,线程安全的环形缓冲区实现"小节中介绍的共享环形缓冲区以支持OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY事件。不是所有的JavaComm实现都支持这个事件,所以这段代码可能永远也不会被调用。但如果可以,它是确保最佳数据吞吐量的一部分,因为它可以使串口不会长时间处于空闲状态。


RingBuffer dataBuffer = ... ;
* Handle output buffer empty events.
* NOTE: The reception is of this event is optional and not
*    guaranteed by the API specification.
* @param event The output buffer empty event
protected void outputBufferEmpty(SerialPortEvent event) {
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import javax.comm.*;
InputStream is = port.getInputStream();
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("out.dat"));
 * Listen to port events
class FileListener implements SerialPortEventListener {
   * Handle serial event.
  void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent e) {
    SerialPort port = (SerialPort) e.getSource();
    // Discriminate handling according to event type
    switch(e.getEventType()) {
    case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
      // Move all currently available data to the file
      try {
         int c;
         while((c = is.read()) != -1) {
      } catch(IOException ex) {
    case ...:
    if (is != null) is.close();
    if (port != null) port.close();
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如同其他特别的串行设备,如果希望由JavaComm控制一个猫,那么就得在JavaComm上写必要的代码。页面"Hayes-compatible Modems and AT Commands"提供了处理Hayes猫的必要的基本信息。



由于Sun没有为Linux提供JavaComm的参考实现,人们为java和linux开发了RxTx。后来RxTx被移植到了其他平台。最新版本的RxTx已知可运行在100种以上平台,包括Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris 和其他操作系统。

RxTx可以独立于JavaComm API使用,也可以作为所谓的Java Comm API服务者。如果采用后者还需要一个称为JCL的封装包。JCL和RxTx通常与Linux/Java发行版打包在一起,或者JCL完全与代码集成在一起。所以,在一个个地下载他们之前,看一看Linux发行版的CD是值得的。

由于Sun对JavaComm的有限的支持和不适当的文档,放弃JavaComm API,转而直接使用RxTx而不是通过JCL封装包似乎成为了一种趋势。然而RxTx的文档是很稀少的。特别是RxTx开发者喜欢将他们的版本和包内容弄得一团糟(例如使用或未使用集成的JCL)。从1.5版本开始,RxTx包含了公共JavaComm类的替代类。由于法律原因,他们没有在java.comm包中,而是在gui.io包下。然而现存的两个版本的打包内容有很大差别。

    RxTx 2.0

    这个版本的RxTx 主要用作JavaComm提供者。它应该源自于RxRx 1.4,这是RxTx添加gui.io包之前的版本。

    RxTx 2.1

    这个版本的RxTx包含了一个完整的代替java.comm的gnu.io包。它应该源自于RxTx 1.5,这是支持gnu.io的起始版本。

因此,如果你想对原始的JavaComm API 编程的话你需要

        Sun JavaComm 通用版。撰写本文时实际上就是Unix包(包含对各种类Unix系统的支持,像Linux或Solaris)即使在Windows上,这个Unix包也是需要用来提供java.comm的通用实现的。只用用Java实现那部分会被用到,然而Unix的本地库会被忽略的。

    RxTx 2.0, 为了能在JavaComm通用版本下有不同的提供者,不同于JavaComm包下的那个。然而,如果你只想用gnu.io替换包,那么你只需要将一个JavaComm应用转换成RxTx应用。


    使用RxTx 2.0作为JavaComm接口的实现

    将应用移植到RxTx 2.1环境上

The first item above has been explained before, and the second item is also quite simple. For those who need to port a JavaComm application to RxTx 2.1, just replace all references to the "java.comm" package in the application source code with the "gnu.io" package. If the original JavaComm application is written properly, there is no Other things need to be done.

On the Unix platform, RxTx 2.1 even provides the tool "contrib/ChangePackage.sh" to perform global replacement in the source code tree structure. Such replacement is easy to use on other platforms using IDEs that support the refactoring function ( integrated development environment) to complete.

For more detailed explanations of Java serial port programming related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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