Process control refers to the way to control the direction of the program while it is running. It is mainly divided into the following categories:
Sequential structure
Sequential structure, as the name suggests, means that the program is executed sequentially from top to bottom. There is no judgment or jump in the middle.
Branch structure
Java provides two branch structures: if and switch. The if statement uses Boolean expressions or Boolean values to judge the branch control, while the switch statement uses integers, String types, and enumeration types. .
if statement
if statement uses Boolean expressions or Boolean values to judge and control branches. There are mainly three structures:
if statement
if (condition) {
Execution trend
int score = 65;if(score >= 60){
System.out.PRintln("You passed");
if…else statement
if (condition) {
int score = 65 ;if(score >= 60){
System.out.println("You passed, congratulations");
System.out.println("Failed, cleaning toilets for three months");
} //statement } else if (condition) {
//statement } else {
Evaluation of students’ final exam scores
Score>=60: Moderate
int score = 70; //Examination score if ( score >= 90 ) {
System.out.println("Excellent");} else if (score >= 80 ) {
System.out. println("Good");} else if (score >= 60 ) {
System.out.println("Medium");} else {
contains another if statement in the if statement
If (condition 1) { if (condition 2) { if (condition 3) {
Normally, the statement blocks of these types of judgment statements are wrapped in {} brackets, but if the statement has only one sentence, you don’t need to use curly braces, for example
boolean b = true;if( b)
System.out.println("You can not use curly braces"); else
System.out.println("It is recommended to put curly braces");
case "Passed":
System.out.println("Performing well"); break;
case "Failed":
default:System.out.println("Didn't come for the exam? Call your parents");
int i = 1;switch(i){
case 1:
System.out.println("Won the first place");
case 2:
System.out.println("Won the second place" );
break; case 3:
System.out.println("Get third place");
System.out.println("You are not the top three");
Pay attention to the break statement when using it. If you miss it, hey!
Comparison of switch and multiple if
Same points:
Both can implement multi-branch structures
Switch: can only handle conditional judgments of equal values, and the conditions are equal to integer variables or character variables Value judgment
Multiple if: The processing also includes other if structures in the else part, which is especially suitable for situations when a certain variable is in a certain range
Loop structure
Loop statements are also called iteration statements. Loop statements can satisfy Under the condition of conditions, repeatedly execute a certain code. The cycle statement includes:
while cycle
while (cycle condition) {// meet the conditions and continue to execute the cycle; Operation}
Loop operation //Perform the loop operation first} while (loop condition); //If the conditions are met, the loop continues to execute; otherwise, Loop exit
System.out.println("Unlucky, need to clean the toilet");
} while(i
loop operation;