case statement. The
case statement is more complicated than if, and it can construct more complex conditions.
Case condtion
WHEN whenvalue THEN statlist
[when value then statmentlist]
[else statmentlist]
end case
when scontion then stlist
[when sconteiont then statlist]
[else statlst]
end case
In programming, most if statements can be completed using case. Of course, all the methods of case can be completed by if. Let's take a look at an example tutorial of case.
when iid=2 then
set @x=@x1+dcount;
set @x2 = @x2+ dcount ;
end case;
case id
when 2 then
@x1 = @x1 + 5;
else = '';
end case;
The above is the mysql stored procedure case statement syntax and examples For the content of the tutorial, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website ( for more related content!