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Universal CRUD function framework in the fast backend in the IcePHP framework (6) SCrudField field class

Release: 2023-03-04 11:10:01
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* CRUD field class
* @author bluehire
class SCrudField extends SCrudSub {
// The following properties come from the database (configuration file, config/crud/*.config.php)
public $name; / / Field name
private $scale; // Precision
private $type; // Complete type
private $maxLength; // Maximum length
public $simpleType; // Simple type CILNDTXBR
private $notNull; // NULL is not allowed
public $primaryKey; // Whether the primary key
private $autoIncrement; // Whether it is auto-incrementing
private $binary; // Whether it is binary
private $unsigned; // Unsigned
private $hasDefault; // Is there a default value?
public $defaultValue; // Default value
public $description; // Field remarks

// Recalculated Default value, can be modified
public $title; // Field title

//The following attributes are all Boolean, can be set
public $isPassword; // Whether the password field
public $ isAbandon; // Whether to be abandoned
public $inGrid; // Whether to participate in the list
public $inInsert; // Whether to participate in the creation
public $inUpdate; // Whether to participate in the modification
public $inView; // Whether to participate in viewing
public $inSort; // Whether to participate in sorting
public $isCreated; // Whether to create a time field
public $isUpdated; // Whether to modify a time field

public $showType; //CRUD type of field Text/Image/Date/Time/String
public $updateType; //CRUD type of field Text/Image/Date/Time/String

public $enum; //This field is an enumeration, here set the correspondence between the field storage value and the display value
public $foreignKey; //This field is a foreign key of another table. Set the main table name and main table field name here

public $regular; //Regular expression used for front-end and back-end verification

public $width = false; //Picture width settings
public $height = false; //Picture height settings
public $style = false; //Picture style settings
public $css = false; //Set the style class of the image
public $alt = false; //Set the replacement text of the image
public $format; //Format

public $searchDefault; / /Default value of search conditions
public $searchMax; //The upper limit of the search range
public $searchMin; //The lower limit of the search range

private $config; //Save the original configuration

* @param SCrud $father main CRUD object
* @param array $c database configuration
public function __construct(SCrud $father, array $c) {
$this->crud = $father;
$this->config = $c;

//All configuration values ​​are recorded in the properties of this object
foreach($c as $k=>$v){
$this->$k=$ v;

//Handle the default values ​​of some attributes

$default = array (
'title' => $c ['description'] ? : $n, //Default value of title: remarks/field name
'inSort' => strpos ( '>CIRNDT', $t ), //Whether to participate in sorting: C/I/N/D/T
'inGrid' => strpos ( '>CIRLNDT', $t ), // Whether to participate in the list
'inInsert' => strpos ( '>CILNDTX', $t ) and ! $c ['primaryKey'], // Whether to participate in the creation
'inUpdate' => strpos ( ' >CILNDTX', $t ) and ! $c ['primaryKey'], //Whether to participate in editing
'inView' => strpos ( '>CIRLNDTX', $t ), //Whether to participate in display
'isCreated' => strpos ( '>CIDT', $t ) and ($n == 'created' or $n == 'create_time'), // Whether it is a creation time field
'isUpdated ' => strpos ( '>CIDT', $t ) and ($n == 'updated' or $n == 'update_time'), //Whether it is a modification time field

foreach ( $default as $k => $v ) {
if (! isset ( $c [$k] )) {
$this->$k = $v;

//Set the default CRUD type of the field
case 'D':
$this-> showType='Date';
case ' T':
//Large text
case 'X':
$this-> ;searchType=null;
case 'C':
$this->updateType=' String';
case 'L':
$this->enum=array('0'=>'No', '1'=>'is');
case 'I':
//自增长 整数
case 'R':
case 'N':


* Process the field again before use
public function process() {
// 将外键处理成枚举
if ($this->foreignKey) {
$fk = $this->foreignKey;
$t = table ( $fk ['table'] );
if (isset ( $fk ['where'] )) {
$t = $t->where ( $fk ['where'] );
if (isset ( $fk ['orderby'] )) {
$t = $t->orderby ( $fk ['orderby'] );
$this->enum = $t->col ( $fk ['field'] );

if ($this->isPassword) {
$this->searchType = null;
$this->updateType = 'Password';

* Determine whether this field can be sorted
* @return boolean
public function isSortable(){
if($this->isAbandon or $this->simpleType=='X' or $this->simpleType=='B' or $this->simpleType=='L' or $this->isPassword or !$this->inGrid){
return false;

return $this->inSort;

* Determine whether this field participates in creation
* ​​@return boolean
public function isInsertable(){
if($this->isAbandon or $this->simpleType=='B' or $this->isCreated or $this->isUpdated or $this->autoIncrement or $this->primaryKey){
return false;
return $this->inInsert;

* Determine whether this field participates in editing
* @return boolean
public function isUpdatable(){
if($this->isAbandon or $this->simpleType=='B' or $this->isCreated or $this->isUpdated or $this->autoIncrement or $this->primaryKey){
return false;
return $this->inInsert;

* Determine whether this field participates in list display
* @return boolean
public function isGridable(){
if($this->isAbandon or $this->simpleType=='X' or $this->simpleType=='B' or $this->isPassword){
return false;

if($this->primaryKey or $this->isSortable()){
return true;

return $this->inGrid;

* Determine whether this field participates in viewing
* @return boolean
public function isViewable(){
if($this->isAbandon or $this->simpleType=='B' or $this->isPassword){
return false;
return true;
return $this->inView;

* Save decoding function
* ​​@var Closure
public $decode;

* Set decoding function/decoding
* @param Closure|mixed $decode
* @return SCrudField
public function decode($decode) {
if ($decode instanceof Closure) {
$this->decode = $decode;
return $this;
} else {
//具体 解码
$closure = $this->decode;
return $closure ( $decode );

* Save encoding function
* ​​@var Closure
public $encode;

* Set encoding function
* ​​@param Closure|mixed $encode
* @return SCrudField
public function encode($encode) { 
if ($encode instanceof Closure) {
$this->encode = $encode;
return $this;
} else {
//具体 编码
$closure = $this->encode;
return $closure ( $encode );

* Display this field in list/view
* @param $value field value
* @return string
public function show($value) {
if ($this->enum) {
$value = $this->enum [$value];

switch ($this->showType) {
case 'Image' :
return $this->crud->display ( 'grid_image', array (
'src' => $value,
'width' => $this->width,
'height' => $this->height,
'style' => $this->style,
'css' => $this->css,
'alt' => $this->alt 
) );
case 'Time' :
$format = $this->format ? : 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
return date ( $format, $value );
case 'Date' :
$format = $this->format ? : 'Y-m-d';
return date ( $format, $value );
case 'Text' :
return $this->showString ( $value );
default :
if ($this->decode) {
return $this->decode ( $value );
return $value;

* Displayed when creating/editing
* @param string $default
public function showUpdate($v=''){ 
$tpl = 'update_' . strtolower ( $this->updateType );
$this->crud->display ( $tpl, array (
'field' => $this,
) );

* Determine whether to participate in the search
* @return boolean
public function isSearchable(){
if($this->isAbandon or !$this->searchType or $this->isPassword){
return false;
return true;

* Display a search condition
* ​​@param string $default
public function showSearch() {

//如果是枚举,增加一个 不限制 的参数

return $this->crud->display ( 'search_' . strtolower ( $this->searchType ), array (
'title' => $this->title,
'name' => 'crud_' . $this->name,
'default' => $this->searchDefault,
'min' => $this->searchMin,
'max' => $this->searchMax,
) );

* Determine whether there are disallowed characters
* @param unknown $v
* @param unknown $chars
* @return boolean
private function antiInject($v,$chars){
for($i=0;$i if(strpos($v,$chars[$i])!==false)
return false;
return true;

* Construct fuzzy matching query conditions
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|string
private function whereLike(SRequest $req){

return false;

return false;

if(!$this->antiInject($v, ''"\%_')){
return false;

return '`'.$this->name.'` like "%'.$v.'%"';

* Construct exact matching query conditions
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|multitype:string
private function whereEqual(SRequest $req){

return false;


return false;

if(!$this->antiInject($v, ''"\')){
return false;

case 'I':
return array($this->name=>intval($v));
case 'L':
return array($this->name=>($v=='1' or strtolower($v)=='true')?1:0);
case 'N':
return array($this->name=>floatval($v));
case 'D':
return false;
return array($this->name=>date('Y-m-d',$p));
case 'T':
return false;
return array($this->name=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$t));

return array($this->name=>$v);

* Construct search conditions for date matching
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|multitype:Ambigous
private function whereDate(SRequest $req){

return false;

return false;

if(!$this->antiInject($v, ''"\')){
return false;

return false;

case 'C':
case 'D':
return array($this->name=>date('Y-m-d',$v));
case 'T':
return array($this->name=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$v));

//Return condition
return array( $this->name=>$v);

* Get a date range boundary parameter from the request parameter
* @param unknown $name
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|string|number|Ambigous
private function whereOne($name, SRequest $req) {
/ / If this request parameter does not exist
if (! $req->exist ( $name )) {
return false;

// If the request parameter is empty
$v = trim ( $req->$name );
if (! $v) {
return false;

// If there are illegal characters in the request parameters
if (! $this->antiInject ( $v, ''"\' )) {
return false;

// Standardize parameters
switch ($this->simpleType) {
case 'C' :
return $v;
case 'I' :
case 'R':
return intval ( $v );
case 'N' :
return floatval ( $v );
case 'D' :
// If it cannot be parsed by date
$v = strtotime ( $v );
if ($v) {
return false;
return date ( 'Y-m-d', $v );
case 'T' :
// If date cannot be used Parse
$v = strtotime ( $v );
if ($v) {
return false;
return date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $v ) ;

return $v;

* Create search criteria based on request parameters
private function whereRange(SRequest $req){
// Request parameter name

//Get the boundary value
$min=$this->whereOne($name.'_min' ,$req);

if(!$min and !$max){
return false;

return '`'.$this->name.'`>="'.$min.'"';

return '`'.$this->name.'`<="'.$max.'"';

//Return condition
return '`'.$this->name.'` BETWEEN "'.$min.'" AND "'.$max.'"';

* Construct query conditions for date range
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|string
private function whereDateRange(SRequest $req){
//Request parameter name
$name='crud_'.$this-> name;

//Calculate boundary value
$max=$this->whereOne( $name.'_max',$req);

if(!$min and !$max){
return false;

if(!$max) {
return '`'.$this->name.'`>="'.$min.'"';

return '`'.$this->name.'`<="'.$max.'"';

//Return conditions
return '`'. $this->name.'` BETWEEN "'.$min.'" AND "'.$max.'"';

private function whereTime(SRequest $req){
//@todo: Query conditions for time matching

* Construct query conditions for single-select search
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|multitype:Ambigous
private function whereRadio(SRequest $req){
//Request parameter name

//If this request parameter does not exist
return false;

//If the request parameter is empty
return false;

//If there are illegal characters in the request parameters
if(!$this->antiInject($v, '''\')){
return false;

//Standardize parameters
case 'I':
case 'R':
return array($this->name=>intval($v));
case 'L':
return array($this->name=>( $v=='1 ' or strtolower($v)=='true'));

//Return condition
return array($this->name=>$v);

* Construct query conditions for multi-select search based on user request
* @param SRequest $req
* @return boolean|multitype:Ambigous
private function whereCheck(SRequest $req){
//Request parameter name
$name='crud_'.$this-> ;name;

//If this request parameter does not exist
return false;

//If the request parameter is empty
return false;

//If there are illegal characters in the request parameters
if(!$this->antiInject($v, ''"\')){
return false;

//Standardize the parameters
case 'I':
case 'R':
return array($this->name=> intval($v));
case 'L':
return array($this->name=>( $v=='1' or strtolower($v)=='true'));

//Return condition
return array($this->name=>$v);

* Construct query conditions based on user request parameters
* @param SRequest $req
* @throws Exception
* ​​@return Ambigous |Ambigous |Ambigous |Ambigous
public function where(SRequest $req) {
switch ($this->searchType) {
case 'Like' :
return $this->whereLike ( $req );
case 'Equal' :
return $this-> whereEqual ( $req );
case 'Date' :
return $this->whereDate ( $req );
case 'Time' :
return $this->whereTime ( $req );
case 'List' :
return $this->whereEqual( $req );
case 'Tree' :
return $this->whereEqual ( $req );
case 'Radio' :
return $this->whereRadio ( $req );
case 'Check' :
return $this->whereCheck ( $req );
case 'Range ' :
return $this->whereRange ( $req );
case 'DateRange' :
return $this->whereDateRange ( $req );
throw new Exception ('The program flow should not reach here');

The above is the general CRUD function framework (6) in the fast backend in the IcePHP framework (6) The content of the SCrudField field class, please pay attention to more related content PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!

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