The yii framework has been installed before, now let’s create the first Yii application
1. Enter the directory of your website
2. Execute the command: YiiRoot/framework/yiic webapp testdrive
Note: The YiiRoot here is the installation directory of your Yii framework.
3. After entering the above command, a prompt message will appear:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/php_pdo_mysql.dll' - /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/php_pdo_mysql.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Create a Web application under '/home/wwwroot/'? (yes|no) [no]:
Here it prompts whether to install the web application in this directory. We can directly enter yes to complete. Application creation.
4. Visit your application: http://hostname/index.php. We can see an application that includes a homepage, about page, contact page, and login page.
5. Introduction to the application directory structure:
|-- assets contains public resource files
|-- css contains CSS files
| |-- bg.gif
| |-- form.css
| |-- ie.css
| |-- main.css
| |-- print.css
| `-- screen.css
|-- images Contains image files
|-- index-test.php Entry script file used for functional testing
|-- index.php Web application entrance Script file
|-- protected Contains protected application files
| |-- commands Contains customized 'yiic' commands
| | `-- shell Contains customized 'yiic shell' commands
| |-- components Contains reusable user components| | |-- Controller.php The base class for all controller classes
| | `-- UserIdentity.php The 'Identity' class used for authentication
| |-- config contains configuration files
| | |-- console.php console application configuration
| | |-- main.php Web application configuration
| | `-- test.php functional test Configuration used
| |-- controllers Contains the class file of the controller
| | `-- SiteController.php The class file of the default controller
| |-- data Contains the sample database| | |-- schema.mysql.sql Sample MySQL database
| | |-- schema.sqlite.sql Sample SQLite database
| | `-- testdrive.db Sample SQLite database file
| |-- extensions include third parties Extensions
| |-- messages Contains translated messages
| |-- migrations
| |-- models Class files containing models
| | |-- ContactForm.php 'contact' action form model
| | `-- LoginForm.php 'login' action form model
| |-- runtime contains temporarily generated files
| |-- tests contains test scripts
| | |-- WebTestCase.php
| | |-- bootstrap.php
| | |-- fixtures
| | |-- functional
| | | | `-- SiteTest.php
| | |-- phpunit.xml
| | |-- report
| | `-- unit
| |-- views View and layout files containing controllers
| | |-- layouts contains the layout view file
| | | | |-- column1.php uses the layout used for the single-column page
| | | -- main.php Default layout for all views
| | `-- site View file containing the 'site' controller
| | | -- contact.php 'contact' action view
| | |-- error.php 'error' action view (display external errors)
| | | |-- index.php 'index' action view
| | |-- login.php 'login' action view View
| | `-- pages contains "static" pages
| | `-- about.php "about" page's view
| |-- yiic yiic command line script
| |- - yiic.bat yiic command line script under Windows
| `-- yiic.php yiic command line PHP script
`-- themes Contains application themes
`-- classic
`-- views
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