How to do micro business? 10 methods of micro-business marketing

Release: 2016-12-29 14:02:13
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WeChat business, "moments, e-commerce, micro-store" and other words have caused a shock! There are more and more businesses selling facial masks, clothing, cosmetics, etc. in Moments.

Well done They already have their own brands and companies and have become a myth of wealth creation; those who do not do well sell a large number of goods and continue to refresh the screen every day, and some businesses have begun to go astray and adopt the agency system. There are constant rumors about MLM. So is there still a market for micro-business in 2016? Then why are there so many micro-businesses that have not been able to do it? Too lazy.

Many micro businessmen do not do it full-time. They also have a job as their main business or are mothers to take care of their children. Then there is a problem. They think that doing micro business is just following their parents every day. Products can be made just by copying and pasting pictures in Moments. In addition, I have limited energy and don’t have much time to deal with and maintain them. As a result, all the posts in Moments are rigid advertisements, and I just follow what I post next. None of it is your own original content, and none of it is a portrayal of your own life. Just think about it, what value can you bring to your fans? So being "too lazy" is a micro-business. One of the common problems of micro-business is that no one buys the product and cannot sell it. There are no customers, no friends, and no agents. Why is it so unsuccessful?
2. There is no way

Many micro-businesses have no effective method for operating Moments, maintaining customers, and establishing emotional links. A common problem is: a large number of Moments + group messages every day (or else. Chicken soup for the soul, either a hard advertisement or a blessing) + a large number of product advertisements in the group. Just imagine that your circle of friends sends you group messages and you send one-on-one messages. Can you tell? So the answer is yes. It is said that we need to establish a one-to-one link and thoroughly explore the demand before promoting the product. If users have no demand, no matter how powerful the promotion is, it will be useless. After 14 years of advertising in groups, it is of little use, because the groups that advertise are basically just a few. An ineffective group is a group with no quality. Advertisements are flying all over the place and no one sees them. The group must have a topic, learn to intersperse your own opinions in the group, chat in the group, and learn more about them. Then the second part is required this year. To build a "community" = content + communication + integration, you have to build your own circle. What you sell is not just a product, but a good management of a community and a circle.

# #3. No fans

I believe that the lack of fans is the reason why most micro-businesses are confused.

Many micro-businesses are too limited in their marketing and rely on WeChat, which is limited to the addition of WeChat. Fan. This is not possible. No matter what marketing we do now, we are talking about full-network marketing. Although we talk about WeChat marketing, it still needs to be combined with online marketing, because after all, WeChat is just a social tool. If you want to rely on WeChat alone to become stronger. It is very difficult to grow big. There are many ways to add fans, but there are not many ways to add accurate and effective fans.

1. Soft article marketing; publish some of your own opinions through Baidu Tieba, Baidu Forum, Baidu Encyclopedia, etc. Soft articles attract traffic, which is very effective.

2. Recommendations from friends: Find some friends and Internet celebrities to make recommendations for you. As long as your products are different, recommendations are very useful. There will be no competition, only win-win cooperation.

3. Social platforms; using social tools such as QQ, Weibo, and Weishi as a way to attract traffic is also very accurate. By adding some QQ groups in the mom circle, you can increase fans in them and use space marketing.

4. No team

Now we are talking about an era of resource integration, win-win cooperation, and team development. The era of going it alone has passed. Well, if you want to develop micro-business by yourself, it will be difficult to achieve great things! So you have to develop your own team. Only with a team can you develop faster. There is also the fact that many micro-businesses have teams that do not know how to manage. There is not much communication and communication between the teams, and there is not a series of rewards and incentives. This results in a phenomenon where there are many agents, but the products cannot be sold. Therefore, the team must be standardized and systematic.

5. No positioning

Many micro-businesses do not know positioning. Positioning includes two aspects: personal positioning and product positioning. Many friends asked me, is it still too late to start a micro-business? I said what product do you want to make? He said he didn't know. In a situation like this, you don’t even have a direction or goal, so no matter how much work you do, it will be fake. For personal positioning, you can choose products that interest you or that you are good at.

There are three major principles for product positioning:

Principle of proximity - nearby features;

Principle of familiarity - familiar circles;

Principle of proximity - source of goods of the upstream.

6. No customers

I told you before that there are no fans, fans ≠ customers. If you have 1,000 fans, maybe 50 of them are your customers, which is good. So how to convert fans into customers is believed to be a pain point for many micro-businesses. The first one has to establish his own customer base and build a customer base from his existing customers for after-sales and re-conversion. The second one is the recommendation of existing customers. After the customers get the experience product, they are asked to share the experience product pictures, real feelings and your WeChat to the circle of friends. After sharing, they will give a red envelope of cash, which the customer will be very happy to accept.

7. No product

Many micro-business products have many products, and they are updated frequently every day. I am also tired, and my fans are tired when they see it, so they block them. Therefore, micro-business products should not be too many. There are too many products, and there are no main products and highlights. If there are too many products, you will keep posting products every day, and there will be no time to interact and communicate with fans. This will not be effective. , In addition, if there are too many products, all the content you post in your circle of friends will be products, which will be very empty. So everyone has to create their own star product!

8. No brand

First of all, you have to have a unique name and label yourself with personality. For example, Wong Lo Kat: reduces fire; Leng Suan Ling: reduces inflammation; it must have a clear positioning, and then it must have its own story and give the product a story. It can be your own entrepreneurial story, or the story of your relationship with the product, etc. You have to tell your own story so that you can build a strong relationship with your fans!

##9. No interaction

Fans without interaction are equal to zombie fans. Many micro-businesses have added a lot of fans, but they don't take the initiative to say hello and just leave them aside. What's the use of adding them like this? We need to communicate more with fans and understand each other’s needs. The second circle of friends must regularly conduct activities to activate fans. Conduct targeted interactive activities based on some festivals or hot Internet events. Third, publish some intellectual pictures and texts in Moments, which is to solicit users’ opinions or ask fans for help. In this way, fans will be very happy to help you, because they have a sense of accomplishment when they help you! I once posted a message in my circle of friends asking for help on how to clean up WeChat memory space. In an instant, there were more than 100 comments, and everyone offered suggestions. This way, interaction naturally came! As a micro-business, no one can buy the products and cannot sell them. There are no customers, no friends, and no agents. Why is it such a failure?

10. Failure to persist

Many micro-businessmen may have been deceived by their superiors at first: joining our team and earning over 10,000 yuan per month is not a dream, it is easy. Make money, etc. But as soon as I came in, I found that it was not the case, and making money was not that easy, so I was disheartened, and I was too lazy to update my circle of friends, and I was too lazy to release products. If things go on like this, the product has no sales volume and no money is made, so they have no choice but to give up. Therefore, many micro-businesses die on the road of not persevering. It is not difficult to solve the above ten problems and do a good job in micro-business. Persistence is victory. It is never too late to join micro-business. The demand is here and the market is there. What is missing is your persistence! As a micro-business, no one can buy the products and cannot sell them. There are no customers, no friends, and no agents. Why is it such a failure?

The above is a summary of experience. Please forgive me if there are any deficiencies. Micro-business is not difficult as long as you work hard. Finally, I quote Edison’s words: No problem can be solved There are solutions, there are no unthinkable things. If it really gets to the point where it is unimaginable, then you can only blame yourself for being a fool and a lazy person.

Wechat business masters share 10 ways to increase customers

How to do micro business? 10 methods of micro-business marketing

Nowadays, friends who are doing wechat business are constantly Add to. However, most are still laymen. Many friends are very worried about the process of promoting people to add people. Today I will share with you the exclusive ways to add people to some big names in WeChat business. The first one is to use Tencent's series of mobile games to find people nearby and drop notes to add friends. Suitable games include "Tiantian Cool Run", "Tiantian Love Elimination", "Rhythm Master", etc. We can try other games by ourselves. The way to add friends is very simple. Download the above game and install it on your phone. You first log in with your own WeChat ID, and then click on nearby people to see other nearby players. At this time, you can throw a note to them and attach a sentence, for example, add a WeChat ID XXXX and play Tiantian Cool Run together. The other party can receive it before sending it. The point is that there is no limit to the number of notes you can send, but generally you can receive up to 50 notes from others.

The second type is mutual recommendation between peers. If my colleague and I recommend each other, let’s say he sells another brand of cosmetics, such as ocean water, and he recommends me in his circle of friends. I recommended his Ocean Water mask in my circle of friends. After I posted the advertisement for Ocean Water, I found that there were a few people in my circle of friends who wanted to buy it, so I asked the peers who recommended it to me. , he said 90 yuan, which I think is expensive. I asked another person in my circle of friends who owns Ocean Water, and he said 70 yuan. Then I would rather find someone with 70 yuan than 90 yuan, right? So this method of mutual promotion, It only works if you have a fixed brand and a consistent price. Wherever you buy this product, you will always have the same price. In this way, both agency customers and retail customers will be relatively stable, and there will be no problem of losing customers.

The third method: Many children know this method, which is to use the new prompt function of QQ. First, download and install mobile QQ, log in to your own QQ, then select a group, then click the + sign in the lower right corner, and you will see a prompt function. Click to create a prompt, and you will be able to prompt the group members with a pop-up message in the lower right corner of QQ. Even if some of the group members are using mobile phones, they can still see it. In addition to creating reminders in the group, you can also create reminders for old friends one-on-one. When we create a reminder in the group, we can write a sentence "I am an old friend in the group, waiting for you to add me WeChat ID XXXX". In this way, the purpose of letting others take the initiative to add your WeChat ID is achieved.

The fourth type is that girls all love shopping. When shopping, which clothing store should you go to, where can you buy bags, and ask the shopping guide for a phone number and a WeChat account? , tell her to add you on WeChat, and just take photos of any new products in the store for me!

The fifth way: you add QQ groups, such as mothers’ groups, Beauty group, skin care group, add the group, add the women in the group, because our WeChat account is connected with QQ space and Tencent WeChat. As long as you post a WeChat advertisement, it can be synchronized to the space. A QQ account can be used for up to Add 2,000 people. If you buy a membership, you should pay attention to your QQ space every day. There will be good people asking!

The sixth type: QQ group WeChat The promotion method is to use ten QQs, and you must have a sun account. Each QQ adds groups every day. One QQ can only add 20 groups a day. Someone may ask what type of groups to join? Regarding the above information, we Join mothers, pregnant mother groups, beauty and skin care groups, weight loss and weight loss groups, breast enhancement and whitening groups from all over the country. In short, as long as women pay attention to the group, you should join it. The purpose of joining is not to advertise, for example. , for example, when I joined the mothers’ group, I could post, sisters, I paid attention to a WeChat official account today, and there was an article in it about the secrets you have to learn about healthy eating for babies. Your official account has been implanted into the group so smoothly, and then we have obtained real content sharing. You said the group owner will kick you, but we will not think you are disturbing the public by posting advertisements. You must vote skillfully. advertise.

The seventh way is to cause trouble. The first way is to buy some software that automatically finds the phone number. The second way is to do it without spending money. , is to create an excsl table. We all know that the first few digits of each mobile phone number are the same in a certain area. Our mobile phone has 180 181 from 130 to 139. So how to operate it is to put the phone number The first seven digits are set to be the same, and we place the next four digits in order from 0 to 9, and then use the form to copy and paste to generate tens of thousands of them at once.

The eighth method: Use a software called Interactive Bar, which can be downloaded on your mobile phone. If you want to organize any promotional activities, you can use this software to help you complete it. If customers want to buy after seeing it, Your products, address, phone number, and name will all be given to you. If you have any questions you don’t understand, you can ask me after class. For example, even if you are giving something to others, don’t give it easily, but give it conditionally. For example, forward a friend circle and take a screenshot for you. Then I will send you a free trial pack worth whatever you want. If you send it directly, you will get one for free. If you don’t believe me, you can give it a try.

Ninth type: Use temptation. For example, we can find some good resources and publish them on some websites. Then write: xxx software, I don’t know if we need it. If you need it, you can add me on WeChat! Add a few screenshots of the software and the like, and publish it. Maybe share some of them first, and if you need more, you can add them on WeChat or something. I also have xxx and so on. This feature is great if you can find some good ones. In fact, these funds should not be difficult to find online. You can find some useful software based on your industry.

The tenth type: mobile APP promotion method. I believe many people have not studied mobile APP promotion methods in depth. I recommend you a few powerful APPs that you can try. Go in and do marketing promotions, Momo, Changba, Happy Mom, and various news apps.

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