PHP implements QQ quick login, listing three methods
Method one: process-oriented, callback address and first trigger login are written on a method page [because of if Make judgment],
Methods 2 and 3: Object-oriented
1. First call the login method and send a request to Tencent,
2. Tencent carries the unique corresponding parameters of this website OPENID, ACCESSTOKEN, return to the corresponding callback page,
3. After the callback page receives Tencent's parameters, it uses these two parameters to issue the corresponding request, such as querying the user's data.
4. Tencent performs corresponding operations, such as returning the user's data to you
Even if you don't understand it, it doesn't matter. Follow my process below to ensure that you can achieve it.
Preliminary preparation:
When using Tencent’s functions, you have to say hello to them!
QQ Internet homepage:
After entering the website, follow the following operations:
1. Enter the official website
2. Apply to create a [website] application
3. Fill in the information as required
Note the website address: fill in You need to set the URL for quick login, eg:;
Callback address: After you send QQ quick login, Tencent will give you information, and this information will be accepted on this page. eg:
[For detailed application filling, please see the official tips, I will not go into details here]
4. After successful application, complete the information
Method 1, process-oriented method
Usage method: After configuring $app_id, $app_secret, $my_url, copy the others as they are, and $user_data is the returned login information
//应用的APPID $app_id = "你的APPID"; //应用的APPKEY $app_secret = "你的APPKEY"; //【成功授权】后的回调地址,即此地址在腾讯的信息中有储存 $my_url = "你的回调网址"; //Step1:获取Authorization Code session_start(); $code = $_REQUEST["code"];//存放Authorization Code if(empty($code)) { //state参数用于防止CSRF攻击,成功授权后回调时会原样带回 $_SESSION['state'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); //拼接URL $dialog_url = "" . $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) . "&state=" . $_SESSION['state']; echo("<script> top.location.href='" . $dialog_url . "'</script>"); } //Step2:通过Authorization Code获取Access Token if($_REQUEST['state'] == $_SESSION['state'] || 1) { //拼接URL $token_url = "" . "client_id=" . $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) . "&client_secret=" . $app_secret . "&code=" . $code; $response = file_get_contents($token_url); if (strpos($response, "callback") !== false)//如果登录用户临时改变主意取消了,返回true!==false,否则执行step3 { $lpos = strpos($response, "("); $rpos = strrpos($response, ")"); $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos -1); $msg = json_decode($response); if (isset($msg->error)) { echo "<h3>error:</h3>" . $msg->error; echo "<h3>msg :</h3>" . $msg->error_description; exit; } } //Step3:使用Access Token来获取用户的OpenID $params = array(); parse_str($response, $params);//把传回来的数据参数变量化 $graph_url = "".$params['access_token']; $str = file_get_contents($graph_url); if (strpos($str, "callback") !== false) { $lpos = strpos($str, "("); $rpos = strrpos($str, ")"); $str = substr($str, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos -1); } $user = json_decode($str);//存放返回的数据 client_id ,openid if (isset($user->error)) { echo "<h3>error:</h3>" . $user->error; echo "<h3>msg :</h3>" . $user->error_description; exit; } //echo("Hello " . $user->openid); //echo("Hello " . $params['access_token']); //Step4:使用<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">openid,</span><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">access_token来获取所接受的用户信息。</span> $user_data_url = "{$params['access_token']}&oauth_consumer_key={$app_id}&openid={$user->openid}&format=json"; $user_data = file_get_contents($user_data_url);//此为获取到的user信息 } else { echo("The state does not match. You may be a victim of CSRF."); }
Usage method:
1. Correctly configure APPID, APPKEY CALLBACK (callback URL) in QQ_LoginAction.class
2. In the calling method, the code is:
$qq_login = new \Component\QQ_LoginAction(); //引入此类文件即可 $qq_login->qq_login(); //调用登录方法,向腾讯发出快速登录请求
$qc = new \Component\QQ_LoginAction(); $acs = $qc->qq_callback();<span style="white-space:pre"> //access_token $oid=$qc->get_openid();<span style="white-space:pre"> //openid $user_data = $qc->get_user_info();<span style="white-space:pre"> //get_user_info()为获得该用户的信息,其他操作方法见API文档
5.QQ_LoginAction.class.php File code: [ThinkPHP3.2 used]
<?php namespace Component; session_start(); define('APPID','XXXX'); //appid define('APPKEY','XXXX'); //appkey define('CALLBACK','XXXX'); //回调地址 define('SCOPE','get_user_info,list_album,add_album,upload_pic,add_topic,add_weibo'); //授权接口列表 class QQ_LoginAction { const GET_AUTH_CODE_URL = ""; const GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = ""; const GET_OPENID_URL = ""; private $APIMap = array( "get_user_info" => array( //获取用户资料 "", array("format" => "json"), ), "add_t" => array( //发布一条普通微博 "", array("format" => "json", "content","#clientip","#longitude","#latitude","#compatibleflag"), "POST" ), "add_pic_t" => array( //发布一条图片微博 "", array("content", "pic", "format" => "json", "#clientip", "#longitude", "#latitude", "#syncflag", "#compatiblefalg"), "POST" ), "del_t" => array( //删除一条微博 "", array("id", "format" => "json"), "POST" ), "get_repost_list" => array( //获取单条微博的转发或点评列表 "", array("flag", "rootid", "pageflag", "pagetime", "reqnum", "twitterid", "format" => "json") ), "get_info" => array( //获取当前用户资料 "", array("format" => "json") ), "get_other_info" => array( //获取其他用户资料 "", array("format" => "json", "#name-1", "#fopenid-1") ), "get_fanslist" => array( "", //我的微博粉丝列表 array("format" => "json", "reqnum", "startindex", "#mode", "#install", "#sex") ), "get_idollist" => array( "", //我的微博收听列表 array("format" => "json", "reqnum", "startindex", "#mode", "#install") ), "add_idol" => array( "", //微博收听某用户 array("format" => "json", "#name-1", "#fopenids-1"), "POST" ), "del_idol" => array( //微博取消收听某用户 "", array("format" => "json", "#name-1", "#fopenid-1"), "POST" ) ); private $keysArr; function __construct(){ if($_SESSION["openid"]){ $this->keysArr = array( "oauth_consumer_key" => APPID, "access_token" => $_SESSION['access_token'], "openid" => $_SESSION["openid"] ); }else{ $this->keysArr = array( "oauth_consumer_key" => APPID ); } } public function qq_login(){ //-------生成唯一随机串防CSRF攻击 $_SESSION['state'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $keysArr = array( "response_type" => "code", "client_id" => APPID, "redirect_uri" => CALLBACK, "state" => $_SESSION['state'], "scope" => SCOPE ); $login_url = self::GET_AUTH_CODE_URL.'?'.http_build_query($keysArr); header("Location:$login_url"); } public function qq_callback(){ //--------验证state防止CSRF攻击 if($_GET['state'] != $_SESSION['state']){ return false; } //-------请求参数列表 $keysArr = array( "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "client_id" => APPID, "redirect_uri" => CALLBACK, "client_secret" => APPKEY, "code" => $_GET['code'] ); //------构造请求access_token的url $token_url = self::GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL.'?'.http_build_query($keysArr); $response = $this->get_contents($token_url); if(strpos($response, "callback") !== false){ $lpos = strpos($response, "("); $rpos = strrpos($response, ")"); $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos -1); $msg = json_decode($response); if(isset($msg->error)){ $this->showError($msg->error, $msg->error_description); } } $params = array(); parse_str($response, $params); $_SESSION["access_token"]=$params["access_token"]; $this->keysArr['access_token']=$params['access_token']; return $params["access_token"]; } public function get_contents($url){ if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") == "1") { $response = file_get_contents($url); }else{ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } if(empty($response)){ return false; } return $response; } public function get_openid(){ //-------请求参数列表 $keysArr = array( "access_token" => $_SESSION["access_token"] ); $graph_url = self::GET_OPENID_URL.'?'.http_build_query($keysArr); $response = $this->get_contents($graph_url); //--------检测错误是否发生 if(strpos($response, "callback") !== false){ $lpos = strpos($response, "("); $rpos = strrpos($response, ")"); $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos -1); } $user = json_decode($response); if(isset($user->error)){ $this->showError($user->error, $user->error_description); } //------记录openid $_SESSION['openid']=$user->openid; $this->keysArr['openid']=$user->openid; return $user->openid; } /** * showError * 显示错误信息 * @param int $code 错误代码 * @param string $description 描述信息(可选) */ public function showError($code, $description = '$'){ echo "<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">"; echo "<h3>error:</h3>$code"; echo "<h3>msg :</h3>$description"; exit(); } /** * _call * 魔术方法,做api调用转发 * @param string $name 调用的方法名称 * @param array $arg 参数列表数组 * @since 5.0 * @return array 返加调用结果数组 */ public function __call($name,$arg){ //如果APIMap不存在相应的api if(empty($this->APIMap[$name])){ $this->showError("api调用名称错误","不存在的API: <span style='color:red;'>$name</span>"); } //从APIMap获取api相应参数 $baseUrl = $this->APIMap[$name][0]; $argsList = $this->APIMap[$name][1]; $method = isset($this->APIMap[$name][2]) ? $this->APIMap[$name][2] : "GET"; if(empty($arg)){ $arg[0] = null; } $responseArr = json_decode($this->_applyAPI($arg[0], $argsList, $baseUrl, $method),true); //检查返回ret判断api是否成功调用 if($responseArr['ret'] == 0){ return $responseArr; }else{ $this->showError($responseArr['ret'], $responseArr['msg']); } } //调用相应api private function _applyAPI($arr, $argsList, $baseUrl, $method){ $pre = "#"; $keysArr = $this->keysArr; $optionArgList = array();//一些多项选填参数必选一的情形 foreach($argsList as $key => $val){ $tmpKey = $key; $tmpVal = $val; if(!is_string($key)){ $tmpKey = $val; if(strpos($val,$pre) === 0){ $tmpVal = $pre; $tmpKey = substr($tmpKey,1); if(preg_match("/-(\d$)/", $tmpKey, $res)){ $tmpKey = str_replace($res[0], "", $tmpKey); $optionArgList[]= $tmpKey; } }else{ $tmpVal = null; } } //-----如果没有设置相应的参数 if(!isset($arr[$tmpKey]) || $arr[$tmpKey] === ""){ if($tmpVal == $pre){ continue; }else if($tmpVal){//则使用默认的值 $arr[$tmpKey] = $tmpVal; }else{ $this->showError("api调用参数错误","未传入参数$tmpKey"); } } $keysArr[$tmpKey] = $arr[$tmpKey]; } //检查选填参数必填一的情形 if(count($optionArgList)!=0){ $n = 0; foreach($optionArgList as $val){ if(in_array($val, array_keys($keysArr))){ $n++; } } if(!$n){ $str = implode(",",$optionArgList); $this->showError("api调用参数错误",$str."必填一个"); } } if($method == "POST"){ $response = $this->post($baseUrl, $keysArr, 0); }else if($method == "GET"){ $baseUrl=$baseUrl.'?'.http_build_query($keysArr); $response = $this->get_contents($baseUrl); } return $response; } public function post($url, $keysArr, $flag = 0){ $ch = curl_init(); if(! $flag) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $keysArr); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $ret = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $ret; } }
Usage method: Tencent SDK, the API is very well written Detailed, no details
Address: %82%E8%BF%B0
If you are still unclear, you can read the official introduction for more details.
Method: Modify the HOST configuration file
1. Open C :\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host
2. Add
and then operate.