The example in this article describes the usage of Yii's Srbac plug-in. I would like to share it with you for your reference. The details are as follows:
Yii's rbac, from the beginning of installing the arbc module extension to debugging and analyzing its principles, it took a lot of time intermittently. Of course, after you understand it, you will find that Yii's abrc is very convenient and allows you to easily implement resource control access, which is very powerful. Now I will sort out my study notes and share them. Although the authMangner component implements rbac, it does not implement visual editing management. Currently, there are two official extension modules, Srbac and Right. We use them to visually manage roles, tasks, and operations very conveniently.
Role-Based Access Control is a simple yet powerful centralized access control. The authManager component based on Yii Framework implements hierarchical RBAC, which can help us solve some resource control access problems encountered during development.
For these two extension modules, the functions are actually similar, but the interface is different. Depending on what style you like, just choose that module to test. As for installation and debugging, you only need to download them, and there are detailed introductions inside. Let's analyze the principle of authManager component implementation.
Authorization project is to determine whether a user is allowed to operate a specific resource by checking whether the user belongs to a role that has permission to access the resource. Here we need to understand the relationship between authorized projects, roles, tasks, and operations.
1. Authorization projects can be divided into roles, tasks, and operations;
2. A role can be composed of several tasks;
3. A task can be composed of several operations;
4 .The operation is a permission and cannot be divided.
It should also be mentioned here that the issue of business rules is actually a piece of PHP code that will be executed when checking permissions.
Let’s analyze the rbac implementation, which requires three tables: the structure of authhassignment, authitem, and authitemchild:
itemname varchar(64) role name, case-sensitive
userid varchar( 64) User ID is the id of the user table in your own project
bizrule text Business rule, a piece of php code
data text Serialized array used to provide parameters to bizrule
name varchar( 64) The itemname in authassignment is the same
type integer Type identification (0,1,2)
|-------- 0 means Operation
|-- ------ 1 means Task task
|-------- 2 means Role role
description text Related description
bizrule text Business rule, a piece of php code
data text Serialized array, used to provide parameters to bizrule
parent varchar(64) parent name, [role name, can also be a task];
children varchar(64) child object name . [Task name, can also be an operation];
Use the verification method CWebUser::checkAccess(). The following is a demo code description:
if(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(what,$params)) { //what --- role,或者task,也可以是operation, //params --- 是传进业务规则的参数key-value; }
The following will demonstrate the specific operation of a user deleting articles:
$params=array('uid'=>$id); if(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('delArticle',$params)) { //检查当前用户是否有删除文章权限 //并且使用业务规则,检查用户id等于文章里面的作者id //通过验证,就执行删除操作 }
##Yii-srbac- Permission expansion module working principle1 . Set the permission rule table: it can be placed in the module module configuration file
public function init() { //操作权限表,必须存在以下字段: //itemname角色名/ID, //type授权项目类型/1(任务)或者2(角色), //bizrule权限/逻辑运算表达式为false是有权限操作, //data数据/YII暂无利用 Yii::app()->authManager->itemTable = 'AuthItem'; //会员组-权限对应表,必须存在以下字段: //child子角色/ID, //parent父角色/ID,此表可循环执行,可多级继承 Yii::app()->authManager->itemChildTable = 'uthItemChild'; //会员-会员组对应表,会员组可直接为操作名称,必须存在以下字段: //itemname角色名/ID, //userid用户名/ID, //bizrule权限/逻辑运算表达式为false是有权限操作, //data数据/YII暂无利用 Yii::app()->authManager->assignmentTable = 'zd_mem_glog'; }
class ProductController extends SBaseController { ........ } class SBaseController extends Controller { ........ }
protected function beforeAction($action) { //载入模块分隔符 $del = Helper::findModule('srbac')->delimeter; //取得前模块名称 $mod = $this->module !== null ? $this->module->id . $del : ""; $contrArr = explode("/", $this->id); $contrArr[sizeof($contrArr) - 1] = ucfirst($contrArr[sizeof($contrArr) - 1]); $controller = implode(".", $contrArr); $controller = str_replace("/", ".", $this->id); // 生成静态页面 模块+分隔符+控制器(首字母大写)+方法(首字母大写)例: model-ControllerAction if(sizeof($contrArr)==1){ $controller = ucfirst($controller); } $access = $mod . $controller . ucfirst($this->action->id); //验证访问页面地址是否在总是允许列表里面,是返回有权限 if (in_array($access, $this->allowedAccess())) { return true; } //验证SRBAC有无安装,没在安装,返回的权限访问 if (!Yii::app()->getModule('srbac')->isInstalled()) { return true; } //验证SRBAC有无开启,没在开启,返回的权限访问 if (Yii::app()->getModule('srbac')->debug) { return true; } // 权限验证 if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($access) || Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { $this->onUnauthorizedAccess(); } else { return true; } }
public function getAuthAssignments($userId) { $rows=$this->db->createCommand() ->select() ->from($this->assignmentTable) ->where('userid=:userid', array(':userid'=>$userId)) ->queryAll(); $assignments=array(); foreach($rows as $row) { if(($data=@unserialize($row['data']))===false) $data=null; $assignments[$row['itemname']]=new CAuthAssignment($this,$row['itemname'],$row['userid'],$row['bizrule'],$data); } return $assignments; }
public function getAuthItem($name) { $row=$this->db->createCommand() ->select() ->from($this->itemTable) ->where('name=:name', array(':name'=>$name)) ->queryRow(); if($row!==false) { if(($data=@unserialize($row['data']))===false) $data=null; return new CAuthItem($this,$row['name'],$row['type'],$row['description'],$row['bizrule'],$data); } else return null; }
protected function checkAccessRecursive($itemName,$userId,$params,$assignments) { if(($item=$this->getAuthItem($itemName))===null) return false; Yii::trace('Checking permission "'.$item->getName().'"','system.web.auth.CDbAuthManager'); if(!isset($params['userId'])) $params['userId'] = $userId; if($this->executeBizRule($item->getBizRule(),$params,$item->getData())) { if(in_array($itemName,$this->defaultRoles)) return true; if(isset($assignments[$itemName])) { $assignment=$assignments[$itemName]; if($this->executeBizRule($assignment->getBizRule(),$params,$assignment->getData())) return true; } $parents=$this->db->createCommand() ->select('parent') ->from($this->itemChildTable) ->where('child=:name', array(':name'=>$itemName)) ->queryColumn(); foreach($parents as $parent) { if($this->checkAccessRecursive($parent,$userId,$params,$assignments)) return true; } } return false; }
public function executeBizRule($bizRule,$params,$data) { return $bizRule==='' || $bizRule===null || ($this->showErrors ? eval_r($bizRule)!=0 : @eval_r($bizRule)!=0); }
Building of SRBAC theme environment , and how to integrate it into our specific project (you can put it in the modules directory, and then make some configurations in the configuration file) As mentioned above
新建具体的task:一个task可以对应于多个operation,我们可以按照相应的功能来命名task。例如:可以使用News Management 来表示新闻管理的task。这里的命名没有严格的格式要求,只要做到见名知意即可。
'modules' => array( 'srbac' => array( 'userclass' => 'User', 'userid' => 'id', 'username' => 'username', 'debug' => false,//confirm this field