20.1.6 Static constructor in a generic class
The static constructor in a generic class is used to initialize static fields for each different one created from a specific generic class declaration. Closely constructed type, performs additional initialization. The type parameters declared by a generic type are within the scope and can be used within the body of the static constructor.
If one of the following situations occurs, a new closed constructed class type will be initialized for the first time.
When an instance of a closed constructed type is created
When any static member of the closed constructed type is referenced
In order to initialize a new closed constructed class type, first that A new set of static fields (§20.1.5) of a specific enclosing type will be created. Each static field is initialized to its default value (§5.2). Next, static field initializers (§ are executed for these static fields. Finally the static constructor will be executed.
Since the static constructor will be executed once for each enclosing constructed class type, it will be convenient to implement runtime checks on type parameters that cannot be checked by constraints (§20.7). For example, the following type uses a static constructor to check whether a type parameter is a reference type.
class Gen<T> { static Gen(){ if((object)T.default != null){ throw new ArgumentException(“T must be a reference type”); } } }
20.1.7 Access to protected members
In a generic class declaration, access to inherited protected instance members is allowed by constructing from the generic class Any type of instance will do. In particular, the rules for accessing protected and protected internal instance members specified in §3.5.3 are extended for generics using the following rules.
In a generic class G, for an inherited protected instance member M, the basic expression using E.M is allowed, provided that the type of E is a class type constructed from G, or A class type that inherits from a class type constructed from G.
In the example
class C<T> { protected T x; } class D<T> :C<T> { static void F(){ D<T> dt = new D<T>(); D<int> di = new D<int>(); D<string> ds = new D<string>(); dt.x = T.default; di.x = 123; ds.x = “test”; } }
the three assignment statements to x are all allowed because they all occur through instances of the class type constructed from generics.
20.1.8 Overloading in Generic Classes
Methods, constructors, indexers, and operators in a generic class declaration can be overloaded. But to avoid ambiguity in constructed classes, these overloads are constrained. Two function members declared with the same name in the same generic class declaration must have such parameter types, that is, two members with the same name and signature cannot appear in a closed constructed type. When considering all possible closed constructed types, this rule includes the possibility that a type that does not currently exist in the current program is an argument, but it is still possible [1]. Type constraints on type parameters are ignored for the purpose of this rule.
The following example shows valid and invalid overloads according to this rule.
nterface I1<T> {…} interface I2<T>{…} class G1<U> { long F1(U u); //无效重载,G<int>将会有使用相同签名的两个成员 int F1(int i); void F2(U u1, U u2); //有效重载,对于U没有类型参数 void F2(int I , string s); //可能同时是int和string void F3(I1<U>a); //有效重载 void F3(I2<U>a); void F4(U a); //有效重载 void F4(U[] a);} class G2<U,V> { void F5(U u , V v); //无效重载,G2<int , int>将会有两个签名相同的成员 void F5(V v, U u); void F6(U u , I1<V> v);//无效重载,G2<I1<int>,int>将会有两个签名相同的成员 void F6(I1<V> v , U u); void F7(U u1,I1<V> V2);//有效的重载,U不可能同时是V和I1<V> void F7(V v1 , U u2); void F8(ref U u); //无效重载 void F8(out V v); } class C1{…} class C2{…} class G3<U , V> where U:C1 where V:C2 { void F9(U u); //无效重载,当检查重载时,在U和V上的约束将被忽略 void F9(V v); }
0.1.9 Parameter array methods and type parameters
Type parameters can be used in the type of parameter array. For example, given the declaration
class C<V> { static void F(int x, int y ,params V[] args); } 方法的扩展形式的如下调用 C<int>.F(10, 20); C<object>.F(10,20,30,40); C<string>.F(10,20,”hello”,”goodbye”); 对应于如下形式: C<int>.F(10,20, new int[]{}); C<object>.F(10,20,new object[]{30,40}); C<string>.F(10,20,new string[](“hello”,”goodbye”));
20.1.10 override and generic class
abstract class C<T> { public virtual T F(){…} public virtual C<T> G(){…} public virtual void H(C<T> x ){…} } class D:C<string> { public override string F(){…}//OK public override C<string> G(){…}//OK public override void H(C<T> x); //错误,应该是C<string> } class E<T,U>:C<U> { public override U F(){…}//OK public override C<U> G(){…}//OK public override void H(C<T> x){…}//错误,应该是C<U> }
class X<T> { public static X<T> operator ++(X(T) operand){…} public static int operator *(X<T> op1, int op2){…} public static explicit operator X<T>(T value){…} }
class C<T>{…} class D<T>:C<T> { public static implicit operator C<int>(D<T> value){…}//OK public static implicit operator C<T>(D<T> value){…}//错误 }
struct Nullable<T> { public static implicit operator Nullable<T>(T value){…} public static explicit operator T(Nullable<T> value){…} }
void F(int I , Nullable<int> n){ i = n; //错误 i = (int)n; //用户定义的显式转换 n = i; //用户定义的隐式转换 n = (Nullable<int>)i; //用户定义的隐式转换 }
void F(object o , Nullable<object> n){ o = n; //预定义装箱转换 o= (object)n; //预定义装箱转换 n= o; //用户定义隐式转换 n = (Nullable<object>)o; //预定义取消装箱转换 }
泛型类声明可以包含嵌套类型声明。封闭类的类型参数可以在嵌套类型中使用。嵌套类型声明可以包含附加的类型参数,它只适用于该嵌套类型。class Outer<T> { class Inner<U> { static void F(T t , U u){…} } static void F(T t) { Outer<T>.Inner<string >.F(t,”abc”);//这两个语句有同样的效果 Inner<string>.F(t,”abc”); Outer<int>.Inner<string>.F(3,”abc”); //这个类型是不同的 Outer.Inner<string>.F(t , “abc”); //错误,Outer需要类型参数 } }
class Outer<T> { class Inner<T> //有效,隐藏了 Ouer的 T { public T t; //引用Inner的T } }
struct-declaration:(结构声明:) attributes opt struct-modifiers opt struct identifier type-parameter-list opt struct-interfaces opt type-parameter-constraints-clauses opt struct-body ;opt (特性可选 结构修饰符可选 struct 标识符 类型参数列表可选 结构接口可选 类型参数约束语句可选 结构体;可选)
interface-declaration:(接口声明:) attribute opt interface-modifiers opt interface indentifier type-parameter-list opt interface-base opt type-parameter-constraints-clause opt interface-body; (特性可选 接口修饰符可选 interface 标识符 类型参数列表可选 基接口可选 类型参数约束语句可选 接口体;可选) 使用类型参数声明的接口是一个泛型接口声明。除了所指出的那些,泛型接口声明遵循和常规结构声明相同的规则。
interface I<T> { void F(); } class X<U, V>:I<U>,I<V> //错误,I<U>和I<V>冲突 { void I<U>.F(){…} void I<V>.F(){…} }
I<int> x = new X<int ,int>(); x.F();
让L成为在泛型类、结构或接口声明 C中指定的接口的列表。
interface IList<T> { T[] GetElement(); } interface IDictionary<K,V> { V this[K key]; Void Add(K key , V value); } class List<T>:IList<T>,IDictionary<int , T> { T[] IList<T>.GetElement(){…} T IDictionary<int , T>.this[int index]{…} void IDictionary<int , T>.Add(int index , T value){…} }
[1] 也就是在类型参数被替换成类型实参时,有可能替换后的实参导致出现两个成员使用相同的名字和签名。
以上就是C#2.0 Specification(泛型二)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!