Python relative import and absolute import, these two concepts are relative to the import in the package. In-package import means that modules within the package import modules within the package.
Search path for Python import
Search for the module in the current directory
Search in sequence in the path list specified in the environment variable PYTHONPATH
Search in the lib library of the Python installation path
Python import steps
Python All loaded module information is stored in the sys.modules structure. When importing a module, It will be carried out as follows
If it is import A, check whether there is already A in sys.modules. If there is, it will not be loaded. If not, create a module object for A and load A
If it is from A import B, first create a module object for A, then parse A, find B from it and fill it into A's __dict__
Relative import and absolute import
The format of absolute import is import A.B or from A import B, the relative import format is from . import B or from ..A import B, . represents the current module, .. represents the upper module, ... represents the upper module, in order analogy.
Relative import can avoid maintenance problems caused by hard coding. For example, if we change the name of a top-level package, then all imports of its sub-packages will no longer be available. However, modules with relative import statements cannot be run directly, otherwise there will be an exception:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
What is the reason for this? We need to first understand some rules when importing modules:
When the package structure is not explicitly specified, Python determines the structure of a module in the package based on __name__. If it is __main__, then it itself It is a top-level module with no package structure. If it is an A.B.C structure, then the top-level module is A. Basically follow this principle:
If it is an absolute import, a module can only import its own submodules or modules and their submodules at the same level as its top-level module
If it is a relative import Import, a module must have a package structure and can only import modules inside its top-level module
If a module is run directly, it itself is the top-level module and there is no hierarchy, so it cannot be found Relative path to other.
Python2.x defaults to relative path import, and Python3.x defaults to absolute path import. Absolute import can avoid importing subpackages from overwriting standard library modules (conflicts due to the same name). If you want to use absolute import by default in Python2. Treated as an absolute import, which means disabling implicit relative import (implicit relative import), but not disabling explicit relative import (display relative import).
So what is an implicit relative import and what is an explicit relative import? Let's look at an example, assuming the following package structure:
from __future__ import absolute_import
thing ├── books │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── ├── furniture │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── └──
Finally, it is emphasized again that relative imports and absolute imports are only for imports within the package, otherwise the content discussed in this article It just doesn't make sense. The so-called package is the directory containing the file. This file will be executed first when the package is imported. The file can be empty, or any legal Python code can be added to it.
Relative import can avoid hard coding and is friendly to package maintenance. Absolute import can avoid naming conflicts with the standard library. In fact, it is not recommended that custom modules have the same commands as the standard library.
import bench # 此为 implicit relative import from . import bench # 此为 explicit relative import from furniture import bench # 此为 absolute import