1. Definition of dictionary
The characteristic of a dictionary is that the symbol of the dictionary is curly brackets, and the elements in the dictionary use key-value pairs. A key-value pair acts as a data item.
2. How to create a dictionary
(1) Use the definition method
dict1={'李宁':'一切皆有可能','耐克':'Just do it','阿迪达斯':'Impossible is nothing','鱼C工作室':'编程让世界更美好'} print("鱼C工作室的口号是:",dict1["鱼C工作室"])print("\n") dict2={1:'one',2:'two',3:'three'}#可以使用键作为索引获得相应的值。print(dict2[1])print('\n')
2. Use the dict() function to create a dictionary
It is worth noting What's more, dict() has only one parameter
#之所以会有那么多的括号,是因为dict函数只有一个参数 dict3=dict((('F',70),('i',105),('s',115),('h',104),('C',67))) print(dict3) print('\n')
(3) Use dict()+keyword parameters to create a dictionary
It is worth noting that: keyword parameters are not No quotation marks
(1) Modify the items that exist in the dictionary
This is special, not only will no exception occur, but the data item will be inserted into the dictionary
(1)fromkeys(S[,v]) creates a dictionary and returns a dictionary. The default value of the second parameter is
dict1={}dict1=dict1.fromkeys((1,2,3)) print(dict1) print("\n")dict1=dict1.fromkeys((1,2,3),('numbers')) print(dict1)
dict1=dict1.fromkeys(range(32),"赞") print(dict1)for eachkey in dict1.keys(): print(eachkey,end=" ") print("\n")
#values()所有值的集合for eachvalue in dict1.values(): print(eachvalue,end=" ")print("\n")
for eachitem in dict1.items(): print(eachitem,end=" ")
str1=dict1.get(32) print(str1)
print("\n")print(32 in dict1)print("\n")
a={1:"one"} b={1:"two"}a.update(b) print(a)
In general, using the assignment symbol only creates a label pointing to the data, but it still shares the same data, similar to a person's name. When using functions, the data has absolutely no relationship.
print("\n") list1=['1','2','3'] list2=list1[:3] list3=list1print(id(list1)) print(id(list2)) print(id(list3)) print(list2) print(list3) list1[0]="666" print(list2) print(list3) #根据id可知,字典的赋值操作创建了一个指向 #数据的一个标签,并不是真正意义上的拷贝 a={"姓名":"小甲鱼"} b=aprint(id(a))print(id(b))print(b) #将a指向了空字典,而不是改变其数据的大小 #这里类似于指针的赋值,指针的赋值是将地址的赋值 #而不是数据的赋值a={} #空集类似于空指针print(id(a))print(a)print(b) #赋值与全拷贝函数,区别类似于上面a={1:'one',2:'two',3:'three'} b=a.copy() c=aprint(id(a))print(id(b))print(id(c))print(a)print(b)print(c)