Home > Web Front-end > JS Tutorial > JavaScript realizes the left and right scrolling effect of pictures [can automatically scroll, has left and right buttons]

JavaScript realizes the left and right scrolling effect of pictures [can automatically scroll, has left and right buttons]

Release: 2017-01-18 13:48:06
3137 people have browsed it

The example in this article describes the javascript implementation of the left and right scrolling effect of images. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

html code:

<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"/>
  <meta name="renderer" content="webkit"/>
  <meta name="keywords" content=""/>
  <meta name="description" content=""/>
  .scroll_left{width:23px;height:63px;background:url(images/btn_left.jpg) no-repeat;float:left;}
  .scroll_right{width:23px;height:63px;background:url(images/btn_right.jpg) left no-repeat;float:left;}
  .pic ul{display:block;}
  .pic li{float:left;display:inline;width:104px;text-align:center;}
<p style="margin:100px auto;width:358px;">
    <p id="LeftArr"></p>
    <p id="scrollPic">
      <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic01.png" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic02.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic03.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic04.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic05.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li>
      <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic06.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li>
    <p id="RightArr"></p>
<script src="scrollPic.js"></script>
window.onload = function(){
function scrollPic() {
  var scrollPic = new ScrollPic();
  scrollPic.scrollContId  = "scrollPic"; //内容容器ID
  scrollPic.arrLeftId   = "LeftArr";//左箭头ID
  scrollPic.arrRightId   = "RightArr"; //右箭头ID
  scrollPic.frameWidth   = 312;//显示框宽度
  scrollPic.pageWidth   = 104; //翻页宽度
  scrollPic.speed     = 10; //移动速度(单位毫秒,越小越快)
  scrollPic.space     = 10; //每次移动像素(单位px,越大越快)
  scrollPic.autoPlay    = true; //自动播放
  scrollPic.autoPlayTime  = 3; //自动播放间隔时间(秒)
  scrollPic.initialize(); //初始化
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scrollPic.js code:

var sina = {
  $ : function (objName) {
    if (document.getElementById) {
      return eval(&#39;document.getElementById("&#39; + objName + &#39;")&#39;)
    } else {
      return eval(&#39;document.all.&#39; + objName)
  isIE : navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ? true : false,
  addEvent : function (l, i, I) {
    if (l.attachEvent) {
      l.attachEvent("on" + i, I)
    } else {
      l.addEventListener(i, I, false)
  delEvent : function (l, i, I) {
    if (l.detachEvent) {
      l.detachEvent("on" + i, I)
    } else {
      l.removeEventListener(i, I, false)
  readCookie : function (O) {
    var o = "",
    l = O + "=";
    if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
      var i = document.cookie.indexOf(l);
      if (i != -1) {
        i += l.length;
        var I = document.cookie.indexOf(";", i);
        if (I == -1)
          I = document.cookie.length;
        o = unescape(document.cookie.substring(i, I))
    return o
  writeCookie : function (i, l, o, c) {
    var O = "",
    I = "";
    if (o != null) {
      O = new Date((new Date).getTime() + o * 3600000);
      O = "; expires=" + O.toGMTString()
    if (c != null) {
      I = ";domain=" + c
    document.cookie = i + "=" + escape(l) + O + I
  readStyle : function (I, l) {
    if (I.style[l]) {
      return I.style[l]
    } else if (I.currentStyle) {
      return I.currentStyle[l]
    } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
      var i = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(I, null);
      return i.getPropertyValue(l)
    } else {
      return null
//UI&UE Dept. mengjia
function ScrollPic(scrollContId, arrLeftId, arrRightId, dotListId) {
  this.scrollContId = scrollContId;
  this.arrLeftId = arrLeftId;
  this.arrRightId = arrRightId;
  this.dotListId = dotListId;
  this.dotClassName = "dotItem";
  this.dotOnClassName = "dotItemOn";
  this.dotObjArr = [];
  this.pageWidth = 0;
  this.frameWidth = 0;
  this.speed = 10;
  this.space = 10;
  this.pageIndex = 0;
  this.autoPlay = true;
  this.autoPlayTime = 5;
  var _autoTimeObj,
  _state = "ready";
  this.stripDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
  this.listDiv01 = document.createElement("DIV");
  this.listDiv02 = document.createElement("DIV");
  if (!ScrollPic.childs) {
    ScrollPic.childs = []
  this.ID = ScrollPic.childs.length;
  this.initialize = function () {
    if (!this.scrollContId) {
      throw new Error("必须指定scrollContId.");
    this.scrollContDiv = sina.$(this.scrollContId);
    if (!this.scrollContDiv) {
      throw new Error("scrollContId不是正确的对象.(scrollContId = \"" + this.scrollContId + "\")");
    this.scrollContDiv.style.width = this.frameWidth + "px";
    this.scrollContDiv.style.overflow = "hidden";
    this.listDiv01.innerHTML = this.listDiv02.innerHTML = this.scrollContDiv.innerHTML;
    this.scrollContDiv.innerHTML = "";
    this.stripDiv.style.overflow = "hidden";
    this.stripDiv.style.zoom = "1";
    this.stripDiv.style.width = "32766px";
      this.listDiv01.style.cssFloat = "left";
      this.listDiv02.style.cssFloat = "left";
      this.listDiv01.style.styleFloat = "left";
      this.listDiv02.style.styleFloat = "left";
    sina.addEvent(this.scrollContDiv, "mouseover", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].stop()"));
    sina.addEvent(this.scrollContDiv, "mouseout", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].play()"));
    if (this.arrLeftId) {
      this.arrLeftObj = sina.$(this.arrLeftId);
      if (this.arrLeftObj) {
        sina.addEvent(this.arrLeftObj, "mousedown", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].rightMouseDown()"));
        sina.addEvent(this.arrLeftObj, "mouseup", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].rightEnd()"));
        sina.addEvent(this.arrLeftObj, "mouseout", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].rightEnd()"))
    if (this.arrRightId) {
      this.arrRightObj = sina.$(this.arrRightId);
      if (this.arrRightObj) {
        sina.addEvent(this.arrRightObj, "mousedown", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].leftMouseDown()"));
        sina.addEvent(this.arrRightObj, "mouseup", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].leftEnd()"));
        sina.addEvent(this.arrRightObj, "mouseout", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].leftEnd()"))
    if (this.dotListId) {
      this.dotListObj = sina.$(this.dotListId);
      if (this.dotListObj) {
        var pages = Math.round(this.listDiv01.offsetWidth / this.frameWidth + 0.4),
        for (i = 0; i < pages; i++) {
          tempObj = document.createElement("span");
          if (i == this.pageIndex) {
            tempObj.className = this.dotClassName
          } else {
            tempObj.className = this.dotOnClassName
          tempObj.title = "第" + (i + 1) + "页";
          sina.addEvent(tempObj, "click", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].pageTo(" + i + ")"))
    if (this.autoPlay) {
  this.leftMouseDown = function () {
    if (_state != "ready") {
    _state = "floating";
    _scrollTimeObj = setInterval("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].moveLeft()", this.speed)
  this.rightMouseDown = function () {
    if (_state != "ready") {
    _state = "floating";
    _scrollTimeObj = setInterval("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].moveRight()", this.speed)
  this.moveLeft = function () {
    if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + this.space >= this.listDiv01.scrollWidth) {
      this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + this.space - this.listDiv01.scrollWidth
    } else {
      this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft += this.space
  this.moveRight = function () {
    if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - this.space <= 0) {
      this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.listDiv01.scrollWidth + this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - this.space
    } else {
      this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft -= this.space
  this.leftEnd = function () {
    if (_state != "floating") {
    _state = "stoping";
    var fill = this.pageWidth - this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft % this.pageWidth;
  this.rightEnd = function () {
    if (_state != "floating") {
    _state = "stoping";
    var fill = -this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft % this.pageWidth;
  this.move = function (num, quick) {
    var thisMove = num / 5;
    if (!quick) {
      if (thisMove > this.space) {
        thisMove = this.space
      if (thisMove < -this.space) {
        thisMove = -this.space
    if (Math.abs(thisMove) < 1 && thisMove != 0) {
      thisMove = thisMove >= 0 ? 1 : -1
    } else {
      thisMove = Math.round(thisMove)
    var temp = this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + thisMove;
    if (thisMove > 0) {
      if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + thisMove >= this.listDiv01.scrollWidth) {
        this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + thisMove - this.listDiv01.scrollWidth
      } else {
        this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft += thisMove
    } else {
      if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - thisMove <= 0) {
        this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.listDiv01.scrollWidth + this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - thisMove
      } else {
        this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft += thisMove
    num -= thisMove;
    if (Math.abs(num) == 0) {
      _state = "ready";
      if (this.autoPlay) {
    } else {
      setTimeout("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].move(" + num + "," + quick + ")", this.speed)
  this.next = function () {
    if (_state != "ready") {
    _state = "stoping";
    this.move(this.pageWidth, true)
  this.play = function () {
    if (!this.autoPlay) {
    _autoTimeObj = setInterval("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].next()", this.autoPlayTime * 1000)
  this.stop = function () {
  this.pageTo = function (num) {
    if (_state != "ready") {
    _state = "stoping";
    var fill = num * this.frameWidth - this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft;
    this.move(fill, true)
  this.accountPageIndex = function () {
    this.pageIndex = Math.round(this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft / this.frameWidth);
    if (this.pageIndex > Math.round(this.listDiv01.offsetWidth / this.frameWidth + 0.4) - 1) {
      this.pageIndex = 0
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < this.dotObjArr.length; i++) {
      if (i == this.pageIndex) {
        this.dotObjArr[i].className = this.dotClassName
      } else {
        this.dotObjArr[i].className = this.dotOnClassName
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Parameter description:

var scrollPic = new ScrollPic(); //Define variables and initialize methods
scrollContId //Scroll container ID
arrLeftId //Left button ID
arrRightId //Right button ID
frameWidth //Display frame width
pageWidth //Page turning width
speed //Moving speed (unit milliseconds, the smaller the faster)
space //Move pixels each time (unit px, the larger the faster)
autoPlay / /Autoplay
autoPlayTime //Autoplay interval (seconds)
initialize() //Initialization

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in JavaScript programming.

For more javascript to achieve the left and right scrolling effect of images [can automatically scroll, with left and right buttons] please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related articles!

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