Caching is an essential method to solve performance problems in our daily development. Simply put, cache is a memory space created to improve system performance.
Caching is widely used in many systems and architectures, such as:
1.CPU cache
2. Operating system cache
3. Local cache
4. Distributed cache
5. HTTP cache
6. Database cache
Wait, it can be said that in the field of computers and networks, Caching is everywhere. It can be said that as long as there is unequal hardware performance, cache will be present wherever network transmission is involved.
Guava Cache is a full-memory local cache implementation that provides a thread-safe implementation mechanism. Overall, Guava cache is the best choice for local caching. It is easy to use and has good performance.
There are two ways to create Guava Cache:
1. cacheLoader
2. callable callback
The cache created by these two methods is the same as the usual one The difference between using map to cache is that both methods implement a logic - get the value of key X from the cache. If the value has been cached, return the value in the cache. If it is not cached However, there is a method to obtain this value. But the difference is that the definition of cacheloader is relatively broad and is defined for the entire cache. It can be considered a unified method of loading value based on key value. The callable method is more flexible, allowing you to specify the
cacheLoader method implementation example when getting:
[code] @Test public void TestLoadingCache() throws Exception{ LoadingCache<String,String> cahceBuilder=CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .build(new CacheLoader<String, String>(){ @Override public String load(String key) throws Exception { String strProValue="hello "+key+"!"; return strProValue; } }); System.out.println("jerry value:"+cahceBuilder.apply("jerry")); System.out.println("jerry value:"+cahceBuilder.get("jerry")); System.out.println("peida value:"+cahceBuilder.get("peida")); System.out.println("peida value:"+cahceBuilder.apply("peida")); System.out.println("lisa value:"+cahceBuilder.apply("lisa")); cahceBuilder.put("harry", "ssdded"); System.out.println("harry value:"+cahceBuilder.get("harry")); }
callable callback implementation:
[code] @Test public void testcallableCache()throws Exception{ Cache<String, String> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000).build(); String resultVal = cache.get("jerry", new Callable<String>() { public String call() { String strProValue="hello "+"jerry"+"!"; return strProValue; } }); System.out.println("jerry value : " + resultVal); resultVal = cache.get("peida", new Callable<String>() { public String call() { String strProValue="hello "+"peida"+"!"; return strProValue; } }); System.out.println("peida value : " + resultVal); } 输出: jerry value : hello jerry! peida value : hello peida!
cache parameter description:
Recycling parameters:
1. Size setting: CacheBuilder.maximumSize(long) CacheBuilder.weigher(Weigher) CacheBuilder.maxumumWeigher(long)
2. Time: expireAfterAccess (long, TimeUnit) expireAfterWrite(long, TimeUnit)
3. Reference: CacheBuilder.weakKeys() CacheBuilder.weakValues() CacheBuilder.softValues()
4. Explicit deletion: invalidate( key) invalidateAll(keys) invalidateAll()
5. Delete listener: CacheBuilder.removalListener(RemovalListener)
Refresh mechanism:
1. LoadingCache.refresh(K) When generating a new value, the old value will still be used.
2. CacheLoader.reload(K, V) allows the use of old values during the generation of new values
3. CacheBuilder.refreshAfterWrite(long, TimeUnit) automatically refreshes the cache
[code] /** * 不需要延迟处理(泛型的方式封装) * @return */ public <K , V> LoadingCache<K , V> cached(CacheLoader<K , V> cacheLoader) { LoadingCache<K , V> cache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .maximumSize(2) .weakKeys() .softValues() .refreshAfterWrite(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .removalListener(new RemovalListener<K, V>(){ @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<K, V> rn) { System.out.println(rn.getKey()+"被移除"); }}) .build(cacheLoader); return cache; } /** * 通过key获取value * 调用方式 commonCache.get(key) ; return String * @param key * @return * @throws Exception */ public LoadingCache<String , String> commonCache(final String key) throws Exception{ LoadingCache<String , String> commonCache= cached(new CacheLoader<String , String>(){ @Override public String load(String key) throws Exception { return "hello "+key+"!"; } }); return commonCache; } @Test public void testCache() throws Exception{ LoadingCache<String , String> commonCache=commonCache("peida"); System.out.println("peida:"+commonCache.get("peida")); commonCache.apply("harry"); System.out.println("harry:"+commonCache.get("harry")); commonCache.apply("lisa"); System.out.println("lisa:"+commonCache.get("lisa")); } peida:hello peida! harry:hello harry! peida被移除 lisa:hello lisa!
Callable Cache implementation based on generics:
[code]private static Cache<String, String> cacheFormCallable = null; /** * 对需要延迟处理的可以采用这个机制;(泛型的方式封装) * @param <K> * @param <V> * @param key * @param callable * @return V * @throws Exception */ public static <K,V> Cache<K , V> callableCached() throws Exception { Cache<K, V> cache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder() .maximumSize(10000) .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(); return cache; } private String getCallableCache(final String userName) { try { //Callable只有在缓存值不存在时,才会调用 return cacheFormCallable.get(userName, new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { System.out.println(userName+" from db"); return "hello "+userName+"!"; } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Test public void testCallableCache() throws Exception{ final String u1name = "peida"; final String u2name = "jerry"; final String u3name = "lisa"; cacheFormCallable=callableCached(); System.out.println("peida:"+getCallableCache(u1name)); System.out.println("jerry:"+getCallableCache(u2name)); System.out.println("lisa:"+getCallableCache(u3name)); System.out.println("peida:"+getCallableCache(u1name)); } 输出: peida from db peida:hello peida! jerry from db jerry:hello jerry! lisa from db lisa:hello lisa! peida:hello peida!
guava Cache数据移除:
定义的方式一般为 CacheBuilder.maximumSize(long),还有一种一种可以算权重的方法,个人认为实际使用中不太用到。就这个常用的来看有几个注意点,
expireAfterAccess(long, TimeUnit) 这个方法是根据某个键值对最后一次访问之后多少时间后移除
expireAfterWrite(long, TimeUnit) 这个方法是根据某个键值对被创建或值被替换后多少时间移除
1.单独移除用 Cache.invalidate(key)
2.批量移除用 Cache.invalidateAll(keys)
3.移除所有用 Cache.invalidateAll()
如果需要在移除数据的时候有所动作还可以定义Removal Listener,但是有点需要注意的是默认Removal Listener中的行为是和移除动作同步执行的,如果需要改成异步形式,可以考虑使用RemovalListeners.asynchronous(RemovalListener, Executor)