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Detailed explanation and example code of JS implementation of calculator (1)

Release: 2017-01-20 17:11:31
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Javascript implements the calculator:

Series of articles:

JS implements the calculator in detail and example code (1)

Javascript implements the calculator time function in detail and examples ( 2)


The solution I came up with is a clumsy method. Although it is completed, there are still many bugs, and the method used is not the most effective. Basically The function is considered complete, and some small details have been taken into consideration, but there are still other details that need to be dealt with.

The overall design idea is to draw a sketch first -> Design UI -> Write UI code -> Write CSS -> Write JS logic code;

Panel (main-board)

Overall panel size design

JS 实现计算器详解及实例代码(一)

Title bar (board-title)

Font: font: 30px/50px “Comic Sans MS” , "Microsoft Yahei";

Width and height: (100%, 50px);

Screen display area (board-result)

Number display area (result-up ):

Expression display area (result-down):

Button area (board-keys), use the form to complete, and then add onclick event to each td

Complete the interface

JS 实现计算器详解及实例代码(一)

Import new font

// main.css
@font-face {
font-family: Lovelo-Black;/×定义font的名字×/
src: url('font/Lovelo Black.otf');/*把下载的字体文件引入进来×/
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Code analysis

Code organization structure

Calculator object: Calculator;

Calculator properties:

bdResult: DOM object of the screen display area on the calculator panel;

operator: operation Character array, including '+,-,×,÷,=';

digits: valid digit characters, including '0-9' and dot '.';

dot, equal, zero: '.', '=', '0' corresponds to three characters, dot, equal sign, character '0';

digit: the currently input number displayed in the upper layer of the screen display area;

expression: an expression consisting of input numbers and operators displayed in the lower layer of the screen display area;

resSpan: a span object that displays the current number in the upper layer of the screen display area;

resDown: the div object that displays the expression in the lower layer of the screen display area;

last: the last button content entered;

allDigits: all the valid digits in the expression parsed by the expression ;

ops: All operators in the expression parsed with the expression string;

hasEqual: Determine whether the '=' equal sign identifier is pressed;

lastRes: The last calculated result [TODO] has not been used yet and can be continuously calculated to be implemented;

Calculator method:

init: Calculator initialization method;

addTdClick: Add a click event to each td, that is, the calculator button;

calculatorClickEvent: click event;

btnClickHanlder: click event processing function;

showCurrRes: processing The content to be displayed in the upper and lower layers of the screen display area;

showText: display the result processed by showCurrRes;

addZero: add '0' in front of the expression;

calResult: calculation result;

clearData: clear data;

hasOperator: determine whether there is an operator in the expression;

isOperator: determine whether the current character is an operator ;

delHeadZero: Delete the '0' at the beginning of the expression;

Auxiliary method

getResSpan: Get the span object on the upper layer of the screen display;

$tag : Get the tag object based on the tag name;

$: Get the DOM object based on the id;

Code logic

Usage method

Introduce Calculator.js File (based on writing the UI)

Create the object and initialize: new Calculator().init();

Calculator object

// 计算器对象
function Calculator() {
 // 私有属性
 this.bdResult = $("board-result"); // 计算机面板结果显示区对象
 this.operator = ['+', '-', '×', '÷', '='];
 this.digits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.']; // 组成有效数字的数字数组
 this.dot = '.';
 this.equal = '=';
 this.zero = '0';
 this.digit = "";   // 当前输入的数字
 this.expression = "";   // 表达式
 this.resSpan = getResSpan(); // 数字显示区
 this.resDown = $("result-down"); // 表达式显示区
 this.last = "";   // 上一次按下的按钮内容
 this.allDigits = [];   // 从表达式中获取的所有数字组成的数组,将用来和ops中的操作符对应计算出结果 
 this.ops = [];   // 所有操作符组成的数组
 this.hasEqual = false;  // 判断是否按下了'='键
 this.lastRes = 0;   // 上一次计算的结果,即上一次按等号后计算出的值
 // 私有方法
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Add a click event (note the reference problem of this in the closure)

// 为td添加点击事件
Calculator.prototype.addTdClick = function () {
 var tds  = $tag("td");
 var that = this; // 需要注意保存this的引用
 // 为每个td添加点击事件
 for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) {
 tds[i].onclick = function (){
  // alert(this.innerText);
  var text = this.innerText;
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Calculator click event processing entrance

// 计算器按钮事件
Calculator.prototype.calculatorClickEvent = function (btnText) {
 // 上一个按键是&#39;=&#39;
 if (this.hasEqual) {
 this.hasEqual = false;
 // 结果显示在board-result里
 if (btnText != "AC" && btnText != "CE") {
 } else { // AC或CE清零
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Calculator click event handler

// 计算器的按键事件处理
Calculator.prototype.btnClickHanlder = function (btnText) {
 if ((btnText >= &#39;0&#39; && btnText <= &#39;9&#39;) || btnText == this.dot) { // 数字键处理
 // 如果上一个是操作符,则清空当前数字区
 if (this.isOperator(this.last)) {
  this.resSpan.innerText = &#39;&#39;;
  this.digit = &#39;&#39;;
 } else if ((btnText == this.dot) && (this.last == this.dot)) {
  // 如果上一个也是点,则对本次的点按钮不做响应
 this.digit += btnText;
 this.expression += btnText;
 } else if (this.isOperator(btnText)) { // 操作符处理
 // 如果当前表达式为&#39;0&#39;,按&#39;=&#39;,不给响应
 if ((btnText == this.equal) && (this.resDown.innerText == this.zero || this.resDown.innerText == "")) return;
 // 如果上一个是非&#39;=&#39;的操作符则不进行处理
 if (!this.isOperator(this.last) && btnText == this.equal) { // &#39;=&#39;处理
  this.showCurrRes(this.zero, this.expression + btnText); // 计算结果显示在表达式区域
 } else if (this.isOperator(this.last)) {
  // 上一个是操作符,此次的操作符不做记录
 } else {
  this.expression += btnText;
 this.showCurrRes(this.digit, this.expression);
 this.last = btnText;
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Processes the expression to be displayed and the current input Number

// 显示当前结果的触发方法
Calculator.prototype.showCurrRes = function (digit, expression) {
 if (!expression) return;
 this.showText(digit, expression);
 // 1. 没有&#39;=&#39;,表示还没有到计算结果的时候,直接退出
 if (expression.indexOf(this.equal) == -1) return;
 // 计算出了结果
 this.hasEqual = true;
 // 2. 处理只按了数字然后直接按了等号的情况,即:&#39;234=&#39;则直接返回234
 var tmpStr = this.delHeadZero(expression.substr(0, expression.length - 1)); // 去掉最后一个&#39;=&#39;
 if (!this.hasOperator(tmpStr)) {
 this.showText(tmpStr, expression + tmpStr);
 // 3. 处理表达式字符串,且计算出结果
 var start = 0;
 for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
 var c = expression[i];
 if (this.isOperator(c)) { // 操作符
  this.ops.push(c); // 保存操作符
  var numStr = expression.substr(start, i + 1); // 数字字符串
  var number = 0;
  // 浮点数和整型处理
  if (numStr.indexOf(this.dot)) {
  number = parseFloat(numStr);
  } else {
  number = parseInt(numStr);
  this.allDigits.push(number); // 保存数字
  start = i + 1; // 重设数字起始位置,即操作符的下一个字符开始
 // 用allDigits和ops去计算结果
 var res = this.calResult();
 // 保存此次计算结果,作为下一次计算用 [TODO]
 this.lastRes = res;
 // 将结果显示出来
 this.showText(res + &#39;&#39;, expression + res);
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Display the processing result to the screen display area

// 将表达式和计算结果显示到屏显区
Calculator.prototype.showText = function (digitStr, expression) {
 // 先删除开头的&#39;0&#39;
 var expStr = this.delHeadZero(expression);
 var digStr = this.delHeadZero(digitStr);
 // 然后再根据情况决定是否添加&#39;0&#39;
 var tmp = expression == this.zero ? expression : this.addZero(expStr);;
 var dig = digitStr == this.zero ? digitStr : this.addZero(digStr);
 this.resSpan.innerText = dig;
 // 如果表达式第一个是操作符,则表示之前按的是&#39;0&#39;,则给补上&#39;0&#39;,因为前面将开头的&#39;0&#39;都删掉了
 if (this.isOperator(tmp[0])) {
 tmp = this.zero + tmp;
 this.resDown.innerText = tmp;
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Calculation result Function

// 计算结果
Calculator.prototype.calResult = function () {
 var first = 0;
 var second = 0;
 var res = 0;
 for (var i = 0; i < this.ops.length; i++) {
 first = this.allDigits[i];
 second = this.allDigits[i + 1];
 switch (this.ops[i]) {
  case &#39;+&#39;:
  res = first + second;
  case &#39;-&#39;:
  res = first - second;
  case &#39;×&#39;:
  res = first * second;
  case &#39;÷&#39;:
  res = first / second;
 this.allDigits[i + 1] = res;
 return res;
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Clear data

// 计算完一次,清空所有数据,以备下次计算使用
Calculator.prototype.clearData = function () {
 this.allDigits = [];
 this.ops = [];
 this.expression = this.zero;
 this.digit = &#39;&#39;;
 this.resSpan.innerText = this.zero;
 this.resDown.innerText = this.zero;
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Auxiliary function

Processing The '0' problem at the beginning of the expression (the first button is the 0 key or the first is a floating point number less than 1, the expression needs to be filled with zeros;)

// 开头添加&#39;0&#39;,防止重复出现或者没有&#39;0&#39;情况
Calculator.prototype.addZero = function (expression) {
 if (!expression) return this.zero;
 if (expression[0] == this.dot) { // 浮点数
 return this.zero + expression;
 } else {
 return expression;
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Remove zero function at the beginning

// 去开头的零
Calculator.prototype.delHeadZero = function (str) {
 // 先把开头的‘0&#39;都删掉
 var tmp = "";
 tmp = str.replace(/^[0]+/gi, "");
 if (tmp[0] == this.dot) { // 浮点数重新补上&#39;0&#39;
 tmp = this.zero + tmp;
 return tmp;
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Determine whether the string contains an operator

// 判断表达式中是否含有操作符
Calculator.prototype.hasOperator = function (str) {
 if (!str) return;
 for (var i = 0; i < this.operator.length; i++) {
 if (str.indexOf(this.operator[i]) >= 0) {
  return true;
 return false;
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Other functions

// 获取输入的数字显示区对象
function getResSpan() {
 return $("result-up").getElementsByTagName("span")[0];
// 根据标签名获取DOM对象
function $tag(tagName) {
 return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
// 根据ID获取DOM对象
function $(id) {
 return document.getElementById(id);
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The bottom of the text is displayed: processed by setting the row height;

Through one-time When parsing an expression, you need to consider whether '0' needs to exist at the beginning of the expression;

Thank you for reading, I hope it can help everyone, thank you for your support of this site!

For more detailed explanations and example codes of JS calculator implementation (1), please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related articles!

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