contenteditable attribute
If any element uses the contenteditable attribute, it means that the element is an editable area. Users can change the content of elements as well as action tags. For example:
<p contenteditable="true">这是一段可编辑的段落。请试着编辑该文本。</p>
This attribute has three optional values: true, false and null character. The null character represents true.
The frame page can be implemented through JS program code: editor.document.designMode="on".
contextmenu attribute
The contextmenu attribute is used to point to a context directory provided by the author, for example:
<form name="npc" action=""> <label>Character name: <input type=text contextmenu=namemenu required></label> <menu type=context id=namemenu> <command label="Pick random name" onclick="document.forms.npc.elements.char.value = getRandomName()"> <command label="Prefill other fields based on name" onclick="prefillFields(document.forms.npc.elements.char.value)"> </menu> </form>
Developers can define any attribute they want on any element as long as they prefix it with data- to avoid conflicts with For future HTML version conflicts, jQuery validation under MVC will use this method, for example: data-val="true".
draggable and dropzone properties
The draggable and dropzone properties can be used with the new drag and drop API. Draggable indicates whether drag and drop is allowed, and dropzone represents the area to which drag and drop can be made.
<p draggable="true" dropzone="div1">test</p>
hidden attribute
Do not display elements with the hidden attribute defined. But unlike the presentation layer, such as tab switching hidden layers, hidden elements are targeted at all displays, such as screen readers. Similar to the hidden field in the form.
role and aria-* attributes
HTML5 treats WAI-ARIA as a legal language addition for auxiliary purposes.
spellcheck attribute
The spellcheck attribute specifies whether to perform spell check on the element content. For example:
<p contenteditable="true" spellcheck="true">这是可编辑的段落。请试着编辑文本。</p>