With the increasing popularity of web-based applications and the disappearance of some plug-ins (Flash, Siverlight, Java Applets, ... ), more and more developers find that they are using JavaScript to write complex applications.
Many developers are willing to use third-party frameworks with inheritance functions such as prototype. js and the like, so that you can program in the familiar way without having to implement an inheritance yourself. me too. However, I soon felt guilty for knowing so little about how it worked.
I originally wanted to write an article about JavaScript inheritance patterns. Soon I discovered that even a very simple object creation has many places that can be studied in depth.
I know you might say, create a javascript object? It couldn't be easier, like this:
var myObject = {};
Ordinary objects
JavaScript is a very simple language with only a few built-in types. In this section we will study in detail the object type, how it is created and the properties it inherits. Objects in JavaScript are just collections of properties. Properties consist of a (unique) name and a value of any type
Objects are dynamic. After the object is created, you can add and delete its properties. The following code creates an "empty" object and then adds several properties:
var shape = {}; shape.color = 'red'; shape.borderThickness = '2.0';
You can also implement the initialization of the object more simply as follows:
var shape = { color : 'red', borderThickness : '2.0' }
The above two The objects obtained in both forms are the same.
We also have a third way, which is to use the constructor of Object:
var shape = new Object();
This is also the same as the other two above. These methods are equivalent, but we have overlooked a problem!
What does the object we create look like? And what properties does it have? We can easily review it through the developer tools of Google Chrome (or IE, Safari, Firefox, etc.). Usually we can inspect an object by adding a watch or simply entering its name in the console.
Here is the shape object:
As you can see it has two properties, color and borderThickness, which are explicitly Additional. But what is this mysterious __proto__?
You might guess from the underscore it uses that it is a private property. However, as we all know, JavaScript only has public properties, and no one can prevent you from using them in your code (even if it is dangerous).
__proto__ This attribute points to the prototype of the object. After opening this object, you will find that it has many functions.
#This reveals that the real inheritance mechanism of JavaScript revolves around the prototype chain. If you try to access a property that is not in the object (whether the property is a value or a function), the JavaScript runtime checks to see if the object's prototype has the property. If there is, it returns this property, otherwise it searches all the way up the prototype chain.
you can try. In the console try to access the property toString (you can use dot method or index method), this property is a function and you can call it.
Although the result is not very interesting!
As you can see, the JavaScript object is very simple, just a "bag". A "hidden" prototype that holds properties and allows property inheritance.
The inherent dynamic nature of JavaScript makes creating objects very simple. However, most complex applications make use of types (defined as classes in C# and Java languages). Types describe the properties and methods of an object, allowing you to create multiple instances of the type.
In the next section, we will look at how to implement types in JavaScript.
One last point about terminology - JavaScript has functions, but functions on object properties are called methods.
In the previous section we briefly talked about the prototype chain and how objects inherit properties and methods. Once an object is created, you cannot change its prototype. How to add properties and methods to it?
The constructor solves the above problems. Before going deeper, we first add a function to the object to make the example more practical:
var shape = { color : 'red', borderThickness : '2.0', describe : function() { console.log("I am a " + this.color + " shape, with a border that is " + this.borderThickness + " thick"); } }
译者注:不知道原文作者的Chrome版本,我的机子上Chrome版本是 53.0.2785.113 m (64-bit)。通过构造器构造的对象的__proto__还是指向一个Object,即Shape函数的prototype属性,理论上也应该是Object。后文翻译还是以原作者的Chrome为准:构造函数实例的__proto__为Shape,初始化对象的__proto__为Object。
function Shape(color, borderThickness) { this.color = color; this.borderThickness = borderThickness; } Shape.prototype.describe = function() { console.log("I am a " + this.color + " shape, with a border that is " + this.borderThickness + " thick"); };
function createPerson(name, age){ var o = new Object(); = name; o.age = age; o.sayName = function(){ alert(; }; return o; } var p1 = createPerson("Jack", 32); var p2 = createPerson("Zhang", 30); p1.sayName(); //Jack p2.sayName(); //Zhang
alert(p1 instanceof Object); //true alert(p2 instanceof Object); //true
function Person(name, age){ = name; this.age = age; this.sayName = function(){ alert(; }; } var p1 = new Person("Jack", 32); //用new操作符来调用 var p2 = new Person("Zhang", 30); p1.sayName(); //Jack p2.sayName(); //Zhang alert(p1 instanceof Object); //true,显然创建的对象都既是Object,也是Person alert(p1 instanceof Person); //true alert(p2 instanceof Object); //true alert(p2 instanceof Person); //true alert(p1.constructor == Person); //true alert(p1.constructor == Dog); //false,这样就能区分对象究竟是Person还是Dog了
1.没有var o = new Object();创建对象,自然最后也没有return o;返回对象
var p = new Person("Jack", 32); p.sayName();//Jack
var p = Person("Jack", 32); p; //undefined; //Jack this.age; //32
alert(p1.sayName == p2.sayName); //false
function Person(name, age) { = name; //name和age没有放到原型对象中,而是仍旧留在构造函数内部 this.age = age; //表示不希望每个实例都共享这两个数 } Person.prototype.sayName = function(){ //将希望被所有对象共享的sayName方法放入原型对象中 alert(; } var p1 = new Person("Jack", 32); //用new操作符来调用 var p2 = new Person("Zhang", 30); p1.sayName(); //Jack p2.sayName(); //Zhang <pre name="code" class="javascript">alert(p1.sayName == p2.sayName); //true,sayName方法确实被共享了,而不是每个对象中都有一个独立的副本
1.在函数内部第一行加上use strict;启用严格模式,这样var p = Person("Jack", 32);创建将失败。缺点是你必须保证环境支持ES5,否则无法保证严格模式能起作用。
function Person(name, age) { if(!(this instanceof Person)){ return new Person(name, age); } = name; this.age= age; }
function Person(name, age) { var self = this instanceof Person? this : Object.create(Person.prototype); = name; self.age= age; return self; }
function Person(name, age) { = name; this.age= age; this.sayName = sayName; } function sayName() { alert(; } var p1 = new Person("Jack", 32); var p2 = new Person("Zhang", 30); alert(p1.sayName == p2.sayName); //true