Softmax regression function is used to normalize the classification results. But it is different from the general normalization method according to proportion. It normalizes through logarithmic transformation, so that larger values gain more during the normalization process.
Softmax formula
import numpy as np def softmax(x): """Compute softmax values for each sets of scores in x.""" pass # TODO: Compute and return softmax(x) x = np.array(x) x = np.exp(x) x.astype('float32') if x.ndim == 1: sumcol = sum(x) for i in range(x.size): x[i] = x[i]/float(sumcol) if x.ndim > 1: sumcol = x.sum(axis = 0) for row in x: for i in range(row.size): row[i] = row[i]/float(sumcol[i]) return x #测试结果 scores = [3.0,1.0, 0.2] print softmax(scores)
[ 0.8360188 0.11314284 0.05083836]
import numpy as np def softmax(x): return np.exp(x)/np.sum(np.exp(x),axis=0) #测试结果 scores = [3.0,1.0, 0.2] print softmax(scores)