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PHP array functions (merge, split, append, find, delete, etc.)

Release: 2023-03-05 12:14:02
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1. Merge arrays

The array_merge() function merges arrays together and returns a combined array. The resulting array starts with the first input array parameter, and is added sequentially in the order in which subsequent array parameters appear. Its form is:

array array_merge (array array1 array2…,arrayN)
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This function combines the cells of one or more arrays, and the values ​​in one array are appended to the previous array. Returns the resulting array.

If there is the same string key name in the input array, the value after the key name will overwrite the previous value. However, if the array contains numeric keys, the subsequent values ​​will not overwrite the original values ​​but will be appended to them.

If only an array is given and the array is numerically indexed, the key names are re-indexed in a consecutive manner.

$fruits = array("apple","banana","pear");  
$numbered = array("1","2","3");  
$cards = array_merge($fruits, $numbered);  
// output  
// Array ( [0] => apple [1] => banana [2] => pear [3] => 1 [4] => 2 [5] => 3 )  
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2. Append array

array_merge_recursive() function is the same as array_merge() , you can combine two or more arrays together to form a combined array. The difference between the two is that the function will handle it differently when a key in an input array already exists in the result array. array_merge() will overwrite the previously existing key/value pairs and replace them with the key/value pairs in the current input array, while array_merge_recursive() will merge the two values ​​together to form a new array with the original keys. as an array name. There is also a form of array merging, which is to recursively append arrays. Its form is:

array array_merge_recursive(array array1,array array2[…,array arrayN])
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The program example is as follows:

$fruit1 = array("apple" => "red", "banana" => "yellow");  
$fruit2 = array("pear" => "yellow", "apple" => "green");  
$result = array_merge_recursive($fruit1, $fruit2);  
// output  
// Array ( [apple] => Array ( [0] => red [1] => green ) [banana] => yellow [pear] => yellow )  
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Now the key apple points to an array, which consists of two colors An indexed array of values.

3. Connect arrays

array_combine() function will get a new array, which is composed of a group of submitted Composed of keys and corresponding values. Its form is:

array array_combine(array keys,array values)
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Note that the two input arrays must be the same size and cannot be empty. The example is as follows

$name = array("apple", "banana", "orange");  
$color = array("red", "yellow", "orange");  
$fruit = array_combine($name, $color);  
// output  
// Array ( [apple] => red [banana] => yellow [orange] => orange )  
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4. Split the array array_slice()

array_slice() function will return a part of the array, from It starts at key offset and ends at offset+length. Its form:

array array_slice (array array, int offset[,int length])
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When offset is a positive value, splitting will start from the offset position from the beginning of the array; if offset is a negative value, splitting will start from the end of the array Start at the offset position. If the optional length parameter is omitted, the split will start at offset and go to the last element of the array. If length is given and is positive, it ends at offset+length from the beginning of the array. Conversely, if length is given and is negative, it ends at count(input_array)-|length| from the beginning of the array. Consider an example:

$fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Grape", "Lemon", "Watermelon");  
$subset = array_slice($fruits, 3);  
// output  
// Array ( [0] => Pear [1] => Grape [2] => Lemon [3] => Watermelon )  
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Then we use the next negative length:

$fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Grape", "Lemon", "Watermelon");  
$subset = array_slice($fruits, 2, -2);  
// output  
// Array ( [0] => Orange [1] => Pear [2] => Grape )  
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5. Splice arrays array_splice()

array_splice() function will delete all elements from offset to offset+length in the array, and return the deleted elements in the form of an array. Its form is:

array array_splice ( array array , int offset[,length[,array replacement]])
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When offset is a positive value, the joining will start from the offset position from the beginning of the array. When offset is a negative value, the joining will start from the end of the array. Start at the offset position. If the optional length parameter is omitted, all elements starting at offset position and ending at the end of the array will be removed. If length is given and is positive, the join ends at offset + leng th from the beginning of the array. Conversely, if length is given and is negative, the union will end count(input_array)-length from the beginning of the array. Examples are as follows:

$fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Grape", "Lemon", "Watermelon");  
$subset = array_splice($fruits, 4);  
// output  
// Array ( [0] => Apple [1] => Banana [2] => Orange [3] => Pear )   
// Array ( [0] => Grape [1] => Lemon [2] => Watermelon )  
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You can use the optional parameter replacement to specify the array to replace the target part. The example is as follows:

$fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Grape", "Lemon", "Watermelon");  
$subset = array_splice($fruits, 2, -1, array("Green Apple", "Red Apple"));  
// output  
// Array ( [0] => Apple [1] => Banana [2] => Green Apple [3] => Red Apple [4] => Watermelon )   
// Array ( [0] => Orange [1] => Pear [2] => Grape [3] => Lemon )  
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You can clearly see how to use this function from the program.

6. Intersection of arrays array_intersect()

array_intersect() function returns an array that retains keys. This array consists only of the first consists of values ​​that appear in each array and appear in every other input array. Its form is as follows:

array array_intersect(array array1,array array2[,arrayN…])
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The following example will return all fruits that appear in the $fruit1 array and also appear in $fruit2 and $fruit3:

$fruit1 = array("Apple","Banana","Orange");  
$fruit2 = array("Pear","Apple","Grape");  
$fruit3 = array("Watermelon","Orange","Apple");  
$intersection = array_intersect($fruit1, $fruit2, $fruit3);  
// output  
// Array ( [0] => Apple )  
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The array_intersect() function will consider two elements to be the same only if they are equal and have the same data type.

7. The intersection of associative arrays array_intersect_assoc()

The function array_intersect_assoc() is basically the same as array_intersect(), except that it The keys of the array are also taken into account in the comparison. Therefore, only key/value pairs that appear in the first array and also appear in all other input arrays are returned in the result array.

The form is as follows:

array array_intersect_assoc(array array1,array array2[,arrayN…])
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The following example returns all keys that appear in the $fruit1 array and also appear in $fruit2 and $fruit3 /Value pair:

$fruit1 = array("red"=>"Apple","yellow"=>"Banana","orange"=>"Orange");  
$fruit2 = array("yellow"=>"Pear","red"=>"Apple","purple"=>"Grape");  
$fruit3 = array("green"=>"Watermelon","orange"=>"Orange","red"=>"Apple");  
$intersection = array_intersect_assoc($fruit1, $fruit2, $fruit3);  
// output  
// Array ( [red] => Apple )  
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8. Array difference array_diff()

Function array_diff() returns the value that appears in the first array But the other values ​​are not in the input array. This function is the opposite of array_intersect().

array array_diff(array array1,array array2[,arrayN…])
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The example is as follows:

$fruit1 = array("Apple","Banana","Orange");  
$fruit2 = array("Pear","Apple","Grape");  
$fruit3 = array("Watermelon","Orange","Apple");  
$intersection = array_diff($fruit1, $fruit2, $fruit3);  
// output  
// Array ( [1] => Banana )  
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9. Difference set of associative array array_diff_assoc( )


array array_diff_assoc(array array1,array array2[,arrayN…])
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下面的例子只返回了[yellow] => Banana,因为这个特殊的键/值对出现在$fruit1中,而在$fruit2和$fruit3中都不存在。

$fruit1 = array("red"=>"Apple","yellow"=>"Banana","orange"=>"Orange");  
$fruit2 = array("yellow"=>"Pear","red"=>"Apple","purple"=>"Grape");  
$fruit3 = array("green"=>"Watermelon","orange"=>"Orange","red"=>"Apple");  
$intersection = array_diff_assoc($fruit1, $fruit2, $fruit3);  
// output  
// Array ( [yellow] => Banana )  
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10. 获取当前数组键 key()


mixed key(array array)
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$fruits = array("apple"=>"red", "banana"=>"yellow");  
while ($key = key($fruits)) {  
    printf("%s <br />", $key);  
// apple   
// banana
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11. 获取当前数组值 current()


mixed current(array array)
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$fruits = array("apple"=>"red", "banana"=>"yellow");  
while ($fruit = current($fruits)) {  
    printf("%s <br />", $fruit);  
// red   
// yellow
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12. 获取当前数组键和值 each()


array each(array array)
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$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "pear");  
print_r ( each($fruits) );  
// Array ( [1] => apple [value] => apple [0] => 0 [key] => 0 )
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each() 经常和 list() 结合使用来遍历数组。本例与上例类似,不过循环输出了整个数组:

$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "pear");  
while (list($key, $val) = each($fruits))  
        echo "$key => $val<br />";  
// 0 => apple  
// 1 => banana  
// 2 => orange  
// 3 => pear
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因为将一个数组赋值给另一个数组时会重置原来的数组指针,因此在上例中如果我们在循环内部将 $fruits 赋给了另一个变量的话将会导致无限循环。



13. in_array()函数


boolean in_array(mixed needle,array haystack[,boolean strict]);
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$fruit = "apple";   
$fruits = array("apple","banana","orange","pear");   
if( in_array($fruit,$fruits) )    
    echo "$fruit 已经在数组中";
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14. array_key_exists()函数


boolean array_key_exists(mixed key,array array);
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$fruit["apple"] = "red";  
$fruit["banana"] = "yellow";  
$fruit["pear"] = "green";  
if(array_key_exists("apple", $fruit)){  
    printf("apple&#39;s color is %s",$fruit["apple"]);  
//apple&#39;s color is red
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15. array_search()函数


mixed array_search(mixed needle,array haystack[,boolean strict])
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下面的例子在$fruits中搜索一个特定的日期(December 7),如果找到,则返回相应州的有关信息:

$fruits["apple"] = "red";  
$fruits["banana"] = "yellow";  
$founded = array_search("green", $fruits);  
    printf("%s was founded on %s.",$founded, $fruits[$founded]);  
//watermelon was founded on green.
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16. array_keys()函数


array array_keys(array array[,mixed search_value])
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$fruits["apple"] = "red";  
$fruits["banana"] = "yellow";  
$keys = array_keys($fruits);  
//Array ( [0] => apple [1] => banana [2] => watermelon )
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17. array_values()函数


array array_values(array array)
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$fruits["apple"] = "red";  
$fruits["banana"] = "yellow";  
$values = array_values($fruits);  
//Array ( [0] => red [1] => yellow [2] => green )
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18. 在数组头添加元素


int array_unshift(array array,mixed variable[,mixed variable])
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$fruits = array("apple","banana");  
// $fruits = array("orange","pear","apple","banana");
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19. 在数组尾添加元素


(array array,mixed variable [,mixed variable...])
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$fruits = array("apple","banana");  
//$fruits = array("apple","banana","orange","pear")
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20. 从数组头删除值


mixed array_shift(array array)
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$fruits = array("apple","banana","orange","pear");  
$fruit = array_shift($fruits);  
// $fruits = array("banana","orange","pear")  
// $fruit = "apple";
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21. 从数组尾删除元素


mixed array_pop(aray target_array);
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$fruits = array("apple","banana","orange","pear");  
$fruit = array_pop($fruits);  
//$fruits = array("apple","banana","orange");  
//$fruit = "pear";
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