CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS is a computer language used to express file styles such as HTML or XML. CSS can not only statically modify web pages, but can also cooperate with various scripting languages to dynamically format web page elements.
CSS can perform pixel-precise control of the layout of element positions in web pages, supports almost all font size styles, and has the ability to edit web page objects and model styles.
CSS size attribute (Dimension)
height sets the element height
width sets the element width
max-height sets the maximum height of the element
max-width Set the maximum width of the element
min-height Set the minimum height of the element
min-width Set the minimum width of the element
CSS background property (Background)
background Set all background properties in one statement
background-color Set the background color of the element
background-image Set the background image of the element
background-position Set the position of the background image
top Top
right Right
left Left
center Middle
background-repeat Set the background How to repeat pictures
repeat Repeat all
repeat-x Repeat horizontally
repeat-y Repeat vertically
no-repeat No repeat
background -attachment Whether the background image scrolls as the page scrolls
CSS border properties (Border and Outline)
border Set all border properties
border-bottom Set the bottom border
border-bottom-color Set the bottom border Color
border-botton-style Set the style of the lower border
border-botton-width Set the width of the lower border
border-color Set the color of the four borders
border-left Set the left border
border-left-color Set the color of the left border
border-left-style Set the style of the left border
border-left -width Set the width of the left border
border-right- Set the right border
border-right-color Set the color of the right border
border-right-style Set the right border Style
border-right-width Set the width of the right border
border-style Set the style of the four borders
solid The style is solid
double Double solid line (width is 1px, no effect is visible)
dottde Dotted line (appears as a solid line under IE6/7)
dashed Dotted line (appears as a solid line under IE6/7 )
border-top Set the top border
border-top-color Set the color of the top border
border-top-style Set the style of the top border
border-top-width Set the width of the top border
border-width Set the width of the four borders
outline Set all outline attributes
outline-color Set the color of the outline
outline-style Set the style of the outline
outline-width Set the width of the outline
border-bottom-left-radius Define the shape of the lower left corner of the border
border-bottom-right-radius Define the shape of the lower right corner of the border
border-top-left-radius Define the shape of the upper left corner of the border
border-top-right-radius Define the upper right corner of the border Shape
border-radius Shorthand property, set all four border-*-radius properties
border-image Shorthand property, set all border-image-* properties
border-image-outset Specifies the amount of the border image area beyond the border
border-image-repeat Whether the image should be repeated, rounded or stretched
border-image-slice Specifies the inward offset of the image border
border-image-width Specifies the width of the image border
border-image-source Specifies the image used as the border
box-shadow Add one or more shadows to the box
CSS Font attribute (Font)
font Set all font properties
font-family Set the font family of the text
font-size Set the font size of the text
font-size-adjust Specify the aspect value for the element
font-stretch Shrink or stretch the current font family
font-style Set the font style of the text
font-variant Set the opening method of text in Chinese and English
font-weight Set the text thickness
text-align Set the alignment of text
center Center left Left alignment right Right alignment
letter-spacing Set text spacing
text-decorationSet text decoration line
none Mainly used to remove the underline of a tag
underline Underline
overline overline
line-through strikethrough
Note: If a child element is placed inside another element (parent element), set text- to the parent element decoration will find that the text-decoration of the child element cannot be cleared
1. Use absolute positioning position: ansolute
2. Set float float
text-transform setting Case conversion
uppercase All words are in uppercase
lowercase All words are in lowercase
capitalize Capitalize the first letter
font-style Set text style
normal Normal
italic Italic
oblique Oblique text
font-variant Set the opening method of text in Chinese and English
nomal Normal
small-caos English programming is capitalized and displayed in small font size
CSS text attribute (Text)
##color Set the color of the text direction Specify the direction/writing direction of the text letter-spacing Set character spacing line-height Set line height text-align Specify the horizontal alignment of text vertical-align Specify the vertical alignment of text text-decoration Specifies the decorative effect added to the text text-indent Specifies the indentation of the first line of text tex-transform Controls the capitalization of text unicode-bidi Set the text direction white-space Specify how to handle the white space in the element word-spacing Set the word spacing 2. Determine whether the cells are merged vertically or horizontally 3. Determine how many cells need to be merged 4. Process the redundant cells
list-style 1. Type 2. Position 3. PictureClear default stylepadding: 0px;margin:0px; list-style:none;
padding-top Set the top padding of the element
padding-right Set the right padding of the element
padding-bottom Set the bottom padding of the element
padding-left Set the left inner margin of the element
CSS positioning attribute (Positioning)
##position specifies the positioning type of the element bottom sets the offset between the lower margin boundary of the positioned element and the lower boundary of its containing block right Set the offset between the right margin boundary of the positioned element and the right boundary of its containing block left Set the offset between the left margin boundary of the positioned element and the left boundary of its containing block top Setting The offset between the upper margin boundary of the positioned element and the upper boundary of its containing block overflow Specifies what happens when the content overflows the element box cursor Specifies the type of cursor to be displayedfloat Specifies whether the box should float display Specifies the type of box that the element should generate vertical-align Sets the vertical alignment of the element visibility Specifies whether the element is visible z-index Set the stacking order of elements
##CSS for the element (Pseudo elements)
:first-letter Add special to the first letter of the text Style
: first-line Add special style to the first line of text
: bofore Add content before the element
: after Add content after the element
Simplicity does not precede complexity, but comes after complexity
For more related articles on CSS (properties) in HTML, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!