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[Translation] [php extension development and embedded] Chapter 1 - PHP life cycle

Release: 2023-03-05 16:06:01
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php life cycle

In a common webserver environment, you cannot start the php interpreter directly; usually apache or other webservers are started, and they load the scripts that php needs to process (requested .php documents).

Everything It all starts with sapi

Although it looks different, the CLI actually behaves the same way as the web. Typing the php command at the command line will launch the "command line sapi", which is actually like a service order The requested mini version of the webserver. When the script is finished running, this mini php-webserver terminates and returns control to the shell.

Startup and Termination

The startup and termination process here is divided into two independent startup phases and two independent The termination phase. One cycle is used for the initial settings of the structures and values ​​required for the overall execution of the PHP interpreter, which persist during the sapi life cycle. The other cycle only serves single page requests, and the life cycle is shorter.

Initialization startup Before all requests occur, PHP calls the MINIT (module initialization) method of each extension. Here, the extension may define constants, define classes, register resources, streams, filter processors, etc., all resources that will be used by the requested script. One feature that all of these have is that they are designed to exist across all requests, which can also be called "persistent".

Common MINIT methods are as follows:

/* 初始化myextension模块 
 * 这在sapi启动后将立即发生 
    /* 全局: 第12章 */  
#ifdef ZTS  
        (ts_allocate_ctor) myextension_globals_ctor,  
        (ts_allocate_dtor) myextension_globals_dtor);  
    myextension_globals_ctor(&myextension_globals TSRMLS_CC);  
    /* REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES() 指向一个全局的结构, 我们将在第13章"INI设置"中学习 */  
    /* 等价于define('MYEXT_MEANING', 42); */  
    /* 等价于define('MYEXT_FOO', 'bar'); */  
    /* 资源: 第9章 */  
    le_myresource = zend_register_list_destructors_ex(  
                    php_myext_myresource_dtor, NULL,  
                    "My Resource Type", module_number);  
    le_myresource_persist = zend_register_list_destructors_ex(  
                    NULL, php_myext_myresource_dtor,  
                    "My Resource Type", module_number);  
    /* 流过滤器: 第16章 */  
    if (FAILURE == php_stream_filter_register_factory("myfilter",  
                   &php_myextension_filter_factory TSRMLS_CC)) {  
        return FAILURE;  
    /* 流包装器: 第15章 */  
    if (FAILURE == php_register_url_stream_wrapper ("myproto",  
                   &php_myextension_stream_wrapper TSRMLS_CC)) {  
        return FAILURE;  
    /* 自动全局变量: 第12章 */  
#ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2  
    if (zend_register_auto_global("_MYEXTENSION", sizeof("_MYEXTENSION") - 1,  
                                                NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {  
        return FAILURE;  
    zend_auto_global_disable_jit ("_MYEXTENSION", sizeof("_MYEXTENSION") - 1  
    if (zend_register_auto_global("_MYEXTENSION", sizeof("_MYEXTENSION") - 1  
                                                     TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {  
        return FAILURE;  
    return SUCCESS;  
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When a request arrives, php will install an operating environment that Contains a symbol table (variable storage), and will synchronize the configuration values ​​​​of each directory. PHP then iterates through all extensions, this time calling the RINIT (request initialization) method of each extension. Here, the extension may recharge global variables to default values, Prepend variables into the script's symbol table, or perform other tasks such as logging page requests to a file. RINIT works like the auto_prepend_file directive for all script requests. The

RINIT method is written as follows:

/* 每个页面请求开始之前执行 
    zval *myext_autoglobal;  
    /* 初始化MINIT函数中定义的自动全局变量为空数组. 这等价于$_MYEXTENSION = array(); */  
    zend_hash_add(&EG(symbol_table), "_MYEXTENSION", sizeof("_MYEXTENSION") - 1,  
                                (void**)&myext_autoglobal, sizeof(zval*), NULL);  
    return SUCCESS;  
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After a request has completed processing After reaching the end of the script file or calling the die()/exit() statement, PHP starts the cleanup process by calling RSHUTDOWN (request termination) for each extension. Just like RINIT corresponds to auto_prepend_file, RSHUTDOWN can be analogized to the auto_append_file directive. In RSHUTDOWN The most important difference between auto_append_file and auto_append_file is: RSHUTDOWN will always be executed no matter what, while the die()/exit() call of the user space script will skip all auto_append_file.

before the symbol table and other resources are released The last thing that needs to be done is RSHUTDOWN. After all RSHUTDOWN methods are completed, all variables in the symbol table will be unset() immediately,

In the meantime, all non-persistent resources and object destructors will be called to release resources gracefully.

/* 每个页面请求结束后调用 */  
    zval **myext_autoglobal;  
    if (zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_MYEXTENSION", sizeof("_MYEXTENSION"),  
                                         (void**)&myext_autoglobal) == SUCCESS) {  
        /* 做一些对$_MYEXTENSION数组的值有意义的处理 */  
        php_myextension_handle_values(myext_autoglobal TSRMLS_CC);  
    return SUCCESS;  
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Finally, when all requests are satisfied (processed), the webserver or other sapi begins to prepare for termination, and PHP loops to execute the MSHUTDOWN (module termination) method of each extension . This is the last opportunity during the MINIT cycle for scaling to unload the processor and release persistently allocated memory.

/* 这个模块正在被卸载, 常量和函数将被自动的卸载, 持久化资源, 类, 流处理器必须手动的卸载. */  
    php_unregister_url_stream_wrapper ("myproto" TSRMLS_CC);  
    php_stream_filter_unregister_factory ("myfilter" TSRMLS_CC);  
    return SUCCESS;  
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Life Cycle

Each PHP instance, whether started from an init script or from the command line, follows The series of request/module initialization/termination events mentioned in the previous section, as well as the execution of the script itself. How many times will each startup and termination phase be executed? At what frequency? It all depends on the sapi used. Discussed below The 4 most common sapis: cli/cgi, multi-process module, multi-thread module, embedded.

cli life cycle

cli (and cgi) sapi is quite special in its single request life cycle, because at this time the entire There is only one request in the life cycle of php. However, although Sparrow is small and well-equipped, all the stages mentioned above will still be executed. The following figure shows the process of calling the php interpreter from the command line to process the test.php script:

[Translation] [php extension development and embedded] Chapter 1 - PHP life cycle

The most common usage of php is to build php as apache 1 or use the apxs module of pre-fork MPM's apache 2 to embed php into a webserver. There are some other webservers that also fall into this category, and they will be collectively referred to later in this book. They are called "multi-process modules".

We call them multi-process modules because when apache starts, it will immediately fork out some child processes, each of which has its own independent process space and is independent of each other. In a In the child process, the life cycle of the php instance looks like the picture below. The only change here is that multiple requests are sandwiched in a single MINIT/MSHUTDOWN pair:

[Translation] [php extension development and embedded] Chapter 1 - PHP life cycle

This mode does not allow arbitrary child processes Knows the data owned by other child processes, but it allows the child process to die and be replaced without affecting the stability of other child processes. The following figure shows multiple processes in an apache instance and their effects on MINIT, RINIT, RSHUTDOWN, MSHUTDOWN Method invocation.

[Translation] [php extension development and embedded] Chapter 1 - PHP life cycle

Multi-threaded life cycle

随着发展, php逐渐的被一些webserver以多线程方式使用, 比如IIS的isapi接口, apapche 2的worker mpm. 在多线程webserver中永远都只有一个进程在运行, 但是在进程空间中有多个线程同时执行. 这样做能降低一些负载, 包括避免了MINIT/MSHUTDOWN的重复调用, 真正的全局数据只被分配和初始化一次, 潜在的打开了多个请求的信息共享之门. 下图展示了apache 2这样的多线程webserver上运行php时的进程状态:

[Translation] [php extension development and embedded] Chapter 1 - PHP life cycle


回顾前面, 嵌入式sapi只是sapi的另外一种实现, 它还是遵循和cli, apxs, isapi接口一致的规则, 因此很容易猜到请求的生命周期遵循相同的基本路径: 模块初始化 => 请求初始化 => 请求 => 请求终止 => 模块终止. 实际上, 嵌入式sapi和它的同族一样遵循着这些步骤.

让嵌入式sapi变得特殊的是它可能被当做一个整个请求的一部分被潜入到多个脚本片段中. 多数情况下控制会在php和调用应用之间多次来回的传递.

虽然一个嵌入请求可能由一个或多个代码元素组成, 但嵌入式应用还是受和webserver一样的请求隔离影响. 为了处理两个或多个并行的嵌入环境, 你的应用要么像apache 1去fork, 要么旧像apache 2线程化. 尝试在单个非线程进程空间中处理两个独立的请求环境将产生不可预料的结果, 这肯定是你不期望的.


当php还在幼儿期的时候, 它作为一个单进程cgi运行, 并没有线程安全的概念, 因为没有比单个请求存活更久的进程空间. 内部变量可以在全局作用域中定义, 访问, 修改, 只要初始化没有问题就不会产生严重后果. 任何没有被正确清理的资源都会在cgi进程终止时被释放.

后来, php嵌入了多进程webserver, 比如apache. 给定的内部变量仍然可以定义在全局并且可以通过在每个请求启动时正确的初始化, 终止时去做适当的清理工作来做到安全访问, 因为在一个进程空间中同时只会有一个请求. 这个时候, 增加了每个请求的内存管理, 以放置资源泄露的增长失去控制.

单进程多线程webserver出现后, 就需要一种对全局数据处理的新的方法. 最后这作为新的一层TSRM(线程安全资源管理)


在一个简单的非线程应用中, 你可能很喜欢定义全局变量, 将它们放在你的源代码的顶部. 编译器会在你的程序的数据段分配内存块保存信息.

在多线程应用中, 每个线程需要它自己的数据元素, 需要为每个线程分配独立的内存块. 一个给定线程在它需要访问自己的数据时需要能够正确的访问到自己的这个内存块.


在一个扩展的MINIT阶段, 扩展可以调用ts_allocate_id()一次或多次告诉TSRM层它需要多少数据空间, TSRM接收到通知后, 将总的运行数据空间增大请求的字节数, 并返回一个新的唯一的标识, 标记线程数据池的数据段部分.

typedef struct {  
    int sampleint;  
    char *samplestring;  
} php_sample_globals;  
int sample_globals_id;  
        (ts_allocate_ctor) php_sample_globals_ctor,  
        (ts_allocate_dtor) php_sample_globals_dtor);  
    return SUCCESS;  
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换句话说,在代码流中,你可能会在前面所说的MINIT语句中碰到SAMPLE_G(sampleint) = 5;这样的语句。在线程安全的构建下,这个语句通过一些宏扩展如下:

(((php_sample_globals*)(*((void ***)tsrm_ls))[sample_globals_id-1])->sampleint = 5;
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typedef struct {  
    int sampleint;  
    char *samplestring;  
} php_sample_globals;  
php_sample_globals sample_globals;  
    php_sample_globals_ctor(&sample_globals TSRMLS_CC);  
    return SUCCESS;  
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首先注意到的是这里并没有定义一个int型的标识去引用全局的结构定义,只是简单的在进程的全局空间定义了一个结构体。也就是说SAMPLE_G(sampleint) = 5;展开后就是sample_globals.sampleint = 5; 简单,快速,高效。



在创建一个扩展时,你并不知道它最终的运行环境是否是线程安全的。幸运的是,你要使用的标准包含文件集合中已经包含了条件定义的ZTS预处理标记。当PHP因为SAPI需要或通过enable-maintainer-zts选项安装等原因以线程安全方式构建时,这个值会被自动的定义,并可以用一组#ifdef ZTS这样的指令集去测试它的值。


在本章前面PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(myextension)的例子中,你可以看到#ifdef ZTS被用作条件调用正确的全局初始代码。对于ZTS模式它使用ts_allocate_id()弹出myextension_globals_id变量,而非ZTS模式只是直接调用myextension_globals的初始化方法。这两个变量已经在你的扩展源文件中使用Zend宏:DECLARE_MODULE_GLOBALS(myextension)声明,它将自动的处理对ZTS的测试并依赖构建的ZTS模式选择正确的方式声明。







#define TSRMLS_D     void ***tsrm_ls  
#define TSRMLS_DC     , void ***tsrm_ls  
#define TSRMLS_C     tsrm_ls  
#define TSRMLS_CC     , tsrm_ls
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非ZTS构建对下面的代码看到的是两个参数:int, char *。在ZTS构建下,原型则包含三个参数:int, char *, void ***。当你的程序调用这个函数时,只有在ZTS启用时才需要传递第三个参数。下面代码的第二行展示了宏的展开:

int php_myext_action(int action_id, char *message TSRMLS_DC);  
php_myext_action(42, "The meaning of life" TSRMLS_CC);
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现在考虑,你在一个新的扩展上工作,并且有下面的函数,它可以在你本地使用CLI SAPI的构建上正常工作,并且即便使用apache 1的apxs SAPI编译也可以正常工作:

static int php_myext_isset(char *varname, int varname_len)  
    zval **dummy;  
    if (zend_hash_find(EG(active_symbol_table),  
        varname, varname_len + 1,  
        (void**)&dummy) == SUCCESS) {  
        /* Variable exists */  
        return 1;  
    } else {  
        /* Undefined variable */  
        return 0;  
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事实上它们使用了Apache 2.0的线程模式,因此它们的php构建启用了ZTS。当编译期碰到你使用的EG()宏函数时,它尝试在本地空间查找tsrm_ls没有找到,因为你并没有定义它并且没有在你的函数中传递。






void php_myext_event_callback(int eventtype, char *message)  
    zval *event;  
    /* $event = array('event'=>$eventtype, 
                    'message'=>$message) */  
    add_assoc_long(event, "type", eventtype);  
    add_assoc_string(event, "message", message, 1);  
    /* $eventlog[] = $event; */  
    add_next_index_zval(EXT_G(eventlog), event);  
    /* The eventlib_loopme() function, 
     * exported by an external library, 
     * waits for an event to happen, 
     * then dispatches it to the 
     * callback handler specified. 
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本章中主要是对后续章节将要解释的各种概念的一个概览. 你还应该对整件事建立了基础的认识, 它不只是要构建扩展, 还有幕后的Zend引擎和TSRM层, 它们将使你在将php嵌入到你的应用时获利.

以上就是 [翻译][php扩展开发和嵌入式]第1章-php的生命周期的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!

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