The history object saves the history of the user's Internet access, starting from the moment the window is opened. Due to security considerations, developers cannot get the URL of the user's browser, but with the list of pages the user has visited, they can go back and forward without knowing the actual URL. This article will introduce in detail the history object in the BOM
The history.length property stores the number of URLs in the history record. Initially, this value is 1. If the current window has visited three URLs, the history.length property is equal to 3
Since the IE10+ browser returns 2 initially, there is a compatibility issue, so this value is not commonly used
history.length // 初始时,该值为1history.length // 访问三个网址后,该值为3
The history object provides a series of methods that allow moving between browsing history, including go(), back( ) and forward()
Use the go() method to jump arbitrarily in the user's history. This method receives a parameter, an integer value representing the number of pages to jump backward or forward. Negative numbers represent jumping backward (similar to the back button), positive numbers represent jumping forward (similar to the forward button)
go() method None Parameter, equivalent to history.go(0), you can refresh the current page
back() method Used to imitate the browser's back button, equivalent to history.go(-1)
The forward() method is used to imitate the browser's forward button, equivalent to history.go(1)
If the moved position exceeds the boundary of the access history, the above three methods will not report an error, but will fail silently
[Note] When using history records, the page is usually loaded from the browser cache instead of re-asking the server to send a new web page
HTML5 adds two new methods to the history object, history.pushState() and history.replaceState(), which are used to add and modify records in the browsing history. The state attribute is used to save the record object, and the popstate event is used to monitor changes in the history object
[Note] IE9-browser does not support
The history.pushState() method adds a state to the browser history. The pushState() method takes three parameters: a state object, a title (now ignored), and an optional URL address
history.pushState(state, title, url);
state object —— 状态对象是一个由pushState()方法创建的、与历史纪录相关的javascript对象。 当用户定向到一个新的状态时,会触发popstate事件。事件的state属性包含了历史纪录的state对象。如果不需要这个对象,此处可以填null title —— 新页面的标题,但是所有浏览器目前都忽略这个值,因此这里可以填null URL —— 这个参数提供了新历史纪录的地址。新URL必须和当前URL在同一个域,否则,pushState()将丢出异常。这个参数可选,如果它没有被特别标注,会被设置为文档的当前URL
var stateObj = { foo: 'bar' }; history.pushState(stateObj, 'page 2', '2.html');
// 报错history.pushState(null, null, '');
history.pushState({page: 1}, 'title 1', '?page=1'); history.pushState({page: 2}, 'title 2', '?page=2'); history.replaceState({page: 3}, 'title 3', '?page=3'); history.back()// url显示为 url显示为 url显示为
history.pushState({page: 1}, 'title 1', '?page=1'); history.state// { page: 1 }
window.onpopstate = function (event) { console.log('location: ' + document.location); console.log('state: ' + JSON.stringify(event.state)); };
var currentState = history.state;
浏览器有一个特性叫“往返缓存”(back-forward cache或bfcache),可以在用户使用浏览器的“后退”和“前进”按钮时加快页面的转换速度。这个缓存中不仅保存着页面数据,还保存了DOM和javascript的状态;实际上是将整个页面都保存在了内存里。如果页面位于bfcache中,那么再次打开该页面时就不会触发load事件
(function(){ var showCount = 0; window.onload = function(){ console.log('loaded'); } window.onpageshow = function(e){ e = e || event; showCount ++; console.log(e.persisted,showCount + 'times'); } })();
window.onpagehide = function(e){ e = e || event; console.log(e.persisted); }