一 eval function problem
The eval function in JavaScript is one of the controversial issues among developers. The main problem lies in the insecurity it may cause. I won’t go into details about this issue here, and readers may easily browse many introductory articles.
However, the advantages of the eval function are also obvious. For example, use JS to write a calculator program. When encountering a string like "2+1-3*5", you can easily calculate it using eval, similar to:
var s="2+1-3*5";
##(2) new Function() solution No way!
After preliminary network exploration, I had no choice but to use an alternative to the eval() function, similar to the following:
//计算表达式的值 function eval(fn) { var Fn = Function; //一个变量指向Function,防止有些前端编译工具报错 return new Fn('return ' + fn)(); }
The result was again When encountering a failure prompt, it is similar to the following:
can not create Function
Three helpless actions
Searching for WeChat mini programs After searching several forums and comprehensively searching the Internet, we can only achieve the development of seemingly simple calculator programs with the help of the most primitive methods. To sum up, there are three main methods, namely
conversion function, forced type conversion and weak type conversion using js variables.
(1) Conversion function
js provides two conversion functions, parseInt() and parseFloat(). The former converts the value into an integer, and the latter converts the value into a floating point number. Only by calling these methods on the String type can these two functions run correctly; for other types, NaN (Not a Number) is returned.
Some examples are as follows:
parseInt("1234blue"); //returns 1234
parseInt("0xA"); //returns 10parseInt("22.5") ; //returns 22
parseInt("blue"); //returns NaN
parseInt() method also has a base mode, which can convert binary, Convert octal, hexadecimal or any other base string to an integer. The base is specified by the second parameter of the parseInt() method. The example is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
parseInt("10", 2); //returns 2
parseInt("10", 8); //returns 8
parseInt("10" , 10); //returns 10
If the decimal number contains leading 0s, it is best to use base 10 so that you do not accidentally get an octal value . For example:
##The code is as follows:
parseInt("010"); //returns 8
parseInt("010", 8 ); //returns 8parseInt("010", 10); //returns 10
Another difference in using the parseFloat() method is that the string must represent a floating point number in decimal form, and parseFloat() has no base mode.
parseFloat("0xA"); //returns NaN
parseFloat("22.5"); //returns 22.5parseFloat("22.34.5"); //returns 22.34
parseFloat("0908"); //returns 908
parseFloat("blue"); //returns NaN
You can also use type casting to process the type of the converted value. Use a cast to access a specific value, even if it is of another type.
The three forced type conversions available in ECMAScript are as follows:
Number(value) - Convert the given value into a number (can be an integer or floating point number);
String(value) - Convert the given value into a string.
Converting a value using one of these three functions will create a new value that stores the value directly converted from the original value. This can have unintended consequences.
The Boolean() function returns true when the value to be converted is a string, non-zero number, or object with at least one character (this will be discussed in the next section). If the value is an empty string, the number 0, undefined, or null, it will return false.
Boolean("hi"); / /true – non-empty string
Boolean(100); //true – non-zero numberBoolean(null); //false – null
Boolean(0); //false – zero
Boolean(new Object()); //true – object
用 法 结 果
Number(false) 0
Number(true) 1
Number(undefined) NaN
Number(null) 0
Number( "5.5 ") 5.5
Number( "56 ") 56
Number( "5.6.7 ") NaN
Number(new Object()) NaN
Number(100) 100
var str= '012.345 '; var x = str-0; x = x*1;