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PS Web Design Tutorial I - Create Stylish and Colorful WordPress Layouts in Photoshop

Release: 2017-02-10 14:43:31
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As a coder, my art foundation is weak. We can refer to some mature web PS tutorials to improve our design capabilities. To paraphrase a sentence, "If you are familiar with three hundred Tang poems, you can recite them even if you don't know how to compose them."

The tutorials in this series come from online PS tutorials, all from abroad, and all in English. I try to translate these excellent tutorials. Due to limited translation capabilities, the details of the translation still need to be worked out. I hope that the majority of netizens will give me some advice.


1. The software used in this article is the Photoshop CS5 version

2. The screenshots of the original tutorial are in English. I re-screened them based on the re-production. Chinese version of Figure

3. Some operations in the original text do not give parameters. I measured some parameters through repeated testing, which are displayed in red text. For some wrong parameters, the correct parameters are displayed directly in red text

For example: (90, 22, 231, 77) , indicating that the coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle are (90, 22) , width 231, height 77

For example: (90,22), indicating that the coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle are (90,22), the other two parameters of the rectangle have been specified in the tutorial

4. My own experience will be attached at the end of the tutorial. Some are optimizations of some steps in the tutorial, etc.

Next, is the tutorial. Use sentence-by-sentence translation.

Hello and welcome to another tutorial here on trendyTUTS.com. For today I will create a trendy and colorful wordpress layout in Photoshop. If you're thinking to redesign your blog, you can follow this tutorial. I will try to explain step by step how you can create a similar wordpress layout in Photoshop.

Hi everyone, welcome to trendyTUTS.com to access this tutorial. Today I will use Photoshop to create a stylish and colorful WordPress layout. If you are thinking about redesigning your blog, you can follow this tutorial. I'll walk you through it step by step in Photoshop so you can create a similar WordPress layout.

Please note that in this tutorial I will explain only how to design this layout in Photoshop but I will not cover the conversion PSD to XHTML.

Please note that in this tutorial In the tutorial, I will only explain how to design this layout in Photoshop, but I will not explain how to convert this PSD to XHTML.

To create this tutorial I have used:

•The basic tools from Photoshop (Rectangle Tool – mostly)

•Some vector icons from our free pack

For this tutorial I used:

Basic tools of Photoshop (mostly the rectangle tool)

Some of our free vector icons

Let's start the tutorial. Open phootshop and create a new document. Dimensions: 1020 x 1710px

Let's start the tutorial. Open photoshop and create a new document. Size: 1020 x 1710px


Select paint Bucket Tool and fill your document with #d9cb9e. #d9cb9e Populate your document.

#Step1 – Creating the top area

Select rectangle tool create this 2 rectangles. For the rectangle on the back I have used this color: #d9b94c and for the top one I have used this color: #fed95d, then with Type Tool I will write “trendyTUTS” and I will apply this layer styles:

Step 1 - Create the top area

Select the Rectangle Tool Create 2 rectangles. The rear rectangle

(90, 22, 231, 77)

, color: #d9b94c; the front rectangle (74, 38, 231, 77) , color: #fed95d. Use the text tool to write "trendyTUTS" and then apply the following layer style:


Here's my result for logo:

This is The logo I made looks like:


Next on the right side I will create the search bar. Select Rectangle Tool and create 2 similar shapes. Dimensions 324x24px. For the back one I have used this color: #455352 and for the top one, this color: #738483.

Next I will create the search bar on the right. Select the Rectangle Tool and create 2 rectangles. Dimensions 324x34px. The rear rectangle (530, 54) , color: #455352; the front rectangle (526, 60) , color: #738483.

Having Rectangle Tool selected I will create again 2 more shapes . Dimensions: 51x34px. For the back shape I have used this color: #962418 and for the top one, this color: # dc3522. With type tool I will add some text, and here is my result for the search bar

Then use the rectangle tool to create 2 rectangles, size: 51x34px. The rear rectangle (862, 54) , color: #962418; the front rectangle (856, 60) , color: #dc3522. Use the type tool to add some text. Here is what the search bar I made looks like


Step 2 – Creating the navigation

First I select Rectangle Tool and I will create this 2 shapes. Dimensions: 949x54px. For the back shape I have used this color: #738483 and for the top one: #374140. For the top one I will apply this layer styles:

Step 2 - Create Navigation

First I select the Rectangle Tool and create 2 rectangles. Dimensions: 949x54px. The back rectangle (43, 155), color: #738483; the front rectangle (36, 162), color: #374140. Apply the following layer style to the front rectangle: Color in the image: #858585 .


Next I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this red shape: #dc3522

Next I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this red shape: , create a red rectangle (86, 170, 136, 68) , color: #dc3522.

Then I will select Pen Tool and I will create this triangle (in order to create a nice 3d effect for our red shape). Color use for this triangle: #962418

Then, select the Pen Tool and create a right triangle with the color: #962418 (so that our red rectangle has a nice 3d effect).

As shown below:


With type tool I will add the links for navigation. Here is my final result:

Use the text tool to add the text of the navigation link. The picture below is the final result:


Step 3 - Creating the featured area

First I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this 2 shapes. The first one (the bluish one) it will be used for Featured Area and the second one (white one) will be used later for the content area.

Step 3-Create Featured Area

First I will select the Rectangle Tool, which will create 2 rectangles. The first one (the light blue (#3e5662) one) will be used for the featured area (60, 260, 925, 328) , and the second one (the white ( #dfdccd) that) will be used later for the content area (60, 588, 925, 973) .

Next on the top of our bluish shape I will create another one. Dimensions 925×328, color: #567989, I will apply this layer styles, also:

Next, on top of the light blue rectangle, I’m going to create another rectangle (37,283) with dimensions of 925×328 and color: #567989 and I’m going to add the following layer blending style



You should have something like this:

You should have something like this:


##Next on the left side I will add an image and with Ellipse Tool I will create 3 circles at the bottom. Basically we will integrate a jquery slideshow when we will code this template in XHTML. I remember you that you can download this template and you will be able to acces the PSD to XHTML tutorial only if you will become a premium member.

Next add the image on the left and use the ellipse tool to create 3 at the bottom lock up. Basically, when we encode this template to XHTML, we will use jquery to make the slideshow. I allow you to download this template, and when you become a premium member, you will have access to a tutorial on converting this PSD template to XHTML.


Because this will be a wordpress blog, we will need to create a sidebar also. We will create them as usual, on the right side. Select Rectangle Tool and create a similar shape. Dimensions: 275x400px, color: # b1ac2a, then apply this layer styles:

Since this is a wordpress blog, we need to create a sidebar. We'll create them as usual on the right side. Select the Rectangle Tool and create a rectangle (665, 226), size: 275x400px, color: #b1ac2a. Then apply this layer style, the color in the image: #e4e041 .


My result so far:

The result so far:


Next with Pen Tool I will create a triangle to have a nice 3d look. I have used this color: # 726f1b

Next with Pen Tool I will create a triangle to have a nice 3d look. Nice 3d look. Color: #726f1b


#I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create a yellow rectangle. Color: # fed95d

I use Rectangle tool, create a yellow rectangle

(650, 244, 283, 45)

, color: # fed95d


And again with Pen Tool I will make a triangle to create a nice 3d look. Color used: # 9d873e

and again with Pen Tool I will make a triangle to create a nice 3d look. Use color: # 9d873e


##With Type Tool I will add the text and some banner ads (because this area is for advertising)

My final result for featured area:

Use the text tool to add text and some banner ads (because this area is for ads)

The final featured area is as follows:


Step 4 – Creating the content area

First I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this shape. Dimensions: 925X417px, color: #ece9df

Step 4 – Create content area

First I will select the Rectangle Tool and create a rectangle (37,626). Dimensions: 606x45px, color: #dc3522

Dimensions: 606x45px, color: #dc3522

PS网页设计教程I——在Photoshop中创建时尚多彩的wordpress布局 Use the Rectangle Tool to create a red rectangle (17, 654). Size: 606x45px, Color: # dc3522

##As usual, I will select Pen Tool and I will create again a nice 3d look. Color used for this shape: # 9a291c, then with Type Tool I will add the title:

Like before, I use the Pen Tool again to create a nice 3d look. Color: # 9a291c and then use the text tool to add a title: PS网页设计教程I——在Photoshop中创建时尚多彩的wordpress布局

With Rectangle Tool I will create another one rectangle over the red shape. Dimension: 178x39px , color: # 374140

Use the rectangle tool to create another rectangle PS网页设计教程I——在Photoshop中创建时尚多彩的wordpress布局 (426,669)

in front of the red rectangle. Dimensions: 178x39px, Color: #374140.

and add the corresponding text


Then I will add an image and with type tool I will add some text

Then I will add an image and with type tool I will add some text Tool to add textPS网页设计教程I——在Photoshop中创建时尚多彩的wordpress布局

At the bottom of the article with Rectangle Tool I will create a shape and with Pen Tool I will create again a nice 3d look . Over this button with Type Tool I will write “See more”

In the bottom of the area, create a rectangle PS网页设计教程I——在Photoshop中创建时尚多彩的wordpress布局 (530, 988, 78, 37), color: # dc3523

, and use the pen tool to draw the shadow,

Color: #9a231b

, to achieve a good 3d look. On this button, use the text tool to write "See more"

On the right side I will create a sidebar again. I will use the same steps used to create the sidebar on featured area. I will use again Rectangle Tool (to create the horizontal and vertical rectangles) and with Pen Tool I will create again a nice 3d look.

on the right will recreate a Sidebar. You will use the same steps as creating the sidebar on the featured area. Use the Rectangle Tool again (to create a vertical rectangle PS网页设计教程I——在Photoshop中创建时尚多彩的wordpress布局 (665, 626, 275, 440), color: #d9b94c, stroke: #e4e041

; and a horizontal rectangle

(650, 654, 283, 45 ), color: #918d22

. ) and use the pen tool to create a nice 3d look,

color: #5e5a1a



With some image and Type Tool I will add the content for the sidebar.

Some images and text will be added to the side of the content area Sidebar.


In the same way I will create another post on our wordpress layout and at the bottom I will create a pagination

Here is my final result for the content area:

Create another content area on the layout in the same way and create a pagination at the bottom (pagination color: #d9b94c, #374140). Add a triangle shadow to the left of the right sidebar, color: #737029.

Here is the final result of my content area:


Step 4 – Creating the footer

Well to create the footer it's quite easy. First I will add the logo (I have duplicated it) then on the right side, using Rectangle Tool I will create 2 shapes and using some icons from the free pack I will add a twitter and an rss icon.

Here is my final result for Footer

Step 4 – Create a Footer

Creating a footer is easy. First I will add the logo (the logo I made above), use the rectangle tool on the right to create 2 rectangles (directly copy the two rectangles in the logo area, then move them to the appropriate position on the right, and change the width to Original 250%, back rectangle color: #3e5662; front rectangle color: #557989.)And using some icons from the free pack, I added a twitter and rss icon.

Here is my final footer


The final layout is as follows:



1. Accurately adjust the size and position of the rectangle in PS.

This is a confusing place. It seems that the size of the rectangle cannot be adjusted accurately in PS. In the free transformation tool, the width and height adjustments appear in the form of percentages. In fact, this is to fool it. Just enter the exact values ​​directly into the width and height text boxes, but you need to bring the unit px. If there are only numbers and no units, and the default unit is percentage, this would be a tragedy.

For example: If I want to adjust the rectangle accurately (40, 40, 120, 50), just adjust it as shown below.


2. Simplified production of the logo of this tutorial

In this tutorial, the production of the logo is two rectangles (in There are two similar rectangles in several places in this tutorial). In fact, just a rectangle and adding a drop shadow can achieve the same effect.

a. Use the rectangle tool to add a rectangle, (74, 38, 231, 77), color: #fed95d

b. Add the following style and projection color to the rectangle: #d9b94c


The finished product is as follows: after adding the text, does it match the logo in the tutorial? Exactly the same.


3. Making triangle shadows

In the tutorial, it is mentioned many times to make triangle shadows to achieve a good 3D effect. In the tutorial, the pen tool is basically used to create triangle shadows. This is a matter of benevolence and wisdom. Some people are very proficient in using the pen tool and do not find it difficult at all. Some people (including me) cannot use the pen tool well, so they try to create a more convenient triangle shadow by themselves.

a. As shown below, first use the rectangle tool to create two rectangles


b. Click on the red layer in front, CTRL+J, copy This layer

c. Freely transform the copied layer, as shown in the following figure:


d. Move the transformed layer to Take the black layer behind and change it to dark red. As shown in the picture below:


# It’s almost the same as the shadow effect in the tutorial.

For more PS web design tutorials I - Create stylish and colorful wordpress layouts in Photoshop. For related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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