var a = 20; var b = 'abc'; var c = true; var d = { m: 20 }
Because JavaScript has an automatic garbage collection mechanism, memory space is not a concept that is often mentioned for front-end development and is easily ignored by everyone. In particular, many friends who are not computer majors have a vague understanding of memory space after entering the front-end, and some even know nothing about it.
Of course including myself. For a long time, I thought that the concept of memory space was not that important in learning JS. But later, when I went back and reorganized the basics of JS, I found that due to my vague understanding of them, I did not understand many things. For example, what are the most basic reference data types and reference passing? For example, what is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy? There are also closures, prototypes, etc.
So later I gradually understood that if I want to have a deeper understanding of JS, I must have a clear understanding of the memory space.
##1. Stack and Heap
Note: The stack can also be called stack
Unlike C/C++, there is no strict distinction between stack memory and heap memory in JavaScript. Therefore, we can roughly understand that all data in JavaScript is stored in heap memory. But in some scenarios, we still need to process based on the stack data structure, such as JavaScript execution context (I will summarize the execution context in the next article). The execution context logically implements the stack. Therefore, it is still important to understand the principles and characteristics of the stack data structure. To simply understand the stack access method, we can analyze it by analogy with a table tennis box. As shown on the left side of the picture below.##2. Variable objects and basic data types
After the execution context of JavaScript is generated, a special object called a variable object will be created (the details will be summarized together with the execution context in the next article). The basic data types of JavaScript are often stored in variable objects.
Basic data types are simple data segments. There are 5 basic data types in JavaScript, namely Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, and String. Basic data types are accessed by value, because we can directly manipulate the actual value stored in the variable.
Unlike other languages, the size of JS's reference data types, such as array Array, is not fixed. Values of reference data types are objects stored in heap memory. JavaScript does not allow direct access to locations in heap memory, so we cannot directly manipulate the heap memory space of an object. When you manipulate an object, you are actually manipulating a reference to the object rather than the actual object. Therefore, values of reference types are accessed by reference. The reference here can be roughly understood as an address stored in the variable object, which is associated with the actual value of the heap memory.
var a1 = 0; // 变量对象 var a2 = 'this is string'; // 变量对象 var a3 = null; // 变量对象 var b = { m: 20 }; // 变量b存在于变量对象中,{m: 20} 作为对象存在于堆内存中 var c = [1, 2, 3]; // 变量c存在于变量对象中,[1, 2, 3] 作为对象存在于堆内存中
So when we want to access the reference data type in the heap memory, we actually first obtain the address reference (or address pointer) of the object from the variable object ), and then get the data we need from the heap memory.
// demo01.js var a = 20; var b = a; b = 30; // 这时a的值是多少?
// demo02.js var m = { a: 10, b: 20 } var n = m; n.a = 15; // 这时m.a的值是多少
在变量对象中的数据发生复制行为时,系统会自动为新的变量分配一个新值。var b = a执行之后,a与b虽然值都等于20,但是他们其实已经是相互独立互不影响的值了。具体如图。所以我们修改了b的值以后,a的值并不会发生变化。
在demo02中,我们通过var n = m执行一次复制引用类型的操作。引用类型的复制同样也会为新的变量自动分配一个新的值保存在栈内存中,但不同的是,这个新的值,仅仅只是引用类型的一个地址指针。当地址指针相同时,尽管他们相互独立,但是在变量对象中访问到的具体对象实际上是同一个。如图所示。
1. 分配你所需要的内存
2. 使用分配到的内存(读、写)
3. 不需要时将其释放、归还
var a = 20; // 在内存中给数值变量分配空间 alert(a + 100); // 使用内存 var a = null; // 使用完毕之后,释放内存空间
在JavaScript中,最常用的是通过标记清除的算法来找到哪些对象是不再继续使用的,因此a = null其实仅仅只是做了一个释放引用的操作,让 a 原本对应的值失去引用,脱离执行环境,这个值会在下一次垃圾收集器执行操作时被找到并释放。而在适当的时候解除引用,是为页面获得更好性能的一个重要方式。