1. represents keywords and product names
Explanation: The actual function of the element is to make it bold. From a semantic point of view, it means marking a piece of text, but not particularly emphasizing its importance.
Explanation : The actual function of the element is the same as , which is to make it bold. From a semantic point of view, it means emphasizing an important text.
Force newline
Explanation: The actual function of the element is to tilt. From a semantic point of view, it means to distinguish the surrounding content, which is not particularly emphasized or important.
#5, < ;em>To emphasize
Explanation: < The actual function of the ;s> element is to strike through. From a semantic point of view, it means inaccurate deletion
##7. means deletion of text
HTML5 Element
Explanation: The actual function of the element is the same as , which is a strikethrough. From a semantic point of view, it means to delete text
##9. Add a piece of textHTML5
Explanation: The element has the same function as . Adding an underline means adding a paragraph of text from a semantic point of view, which plays a role of emphasis.
##11, Add subscriptAdd superscript
5 sub>
Explanation: The actual functions of the and elements are subscripts and superscripts in mathematics
12. Indicates input and output
HTML5> ;
represents a computer code fragment, represents a variable in a coding language. <samp> represents the output of a program or computer: <kdb> represents the user's input. Since this is in the English category, lang='en' must be used to reflect the effect<p></p>
<p></p> <p>13. <abbr> represents an abbreviation </abbr></p>
<abbr>HTML5</abbr><p></p>Explanation: The <abbr> element has no practical effect, from a semantic point of view It is the abbreviation of a piece of text <p><br></p>
<p><br>14. <dfn> indicates the definition term</dfn></p>
<p></p> <dfn>HTML5</dfn> <p> </p>Explanation: The <dfn> element is a general slant. From a semantic point of view, it means a piece of text that explains a word or phrase.<p><br></p>
<p><br>##15. <q>Quoting content from elsewhere</q></p>
<p> <q>HTML5</q> </p>
<p>Explanation: The actual function of the <q> element is to add a pair of double quotes, from the semantics Seen above, it means quoting content from other parties. <br></q></p>
<p></p>##16. <cite>Citing titles of other works<p></p>
<cite>HTML5</cite> <p></p>Explanation: The actual function of the <cite> element is to make it bold. From a semantic point of view, it indicates the title of citing other works <p><br></p>
<p>##17, <ruby elements></ruby></p>
<p> 饕<rp>(</rp><rt>tao</rt>)</p>
<p> 餮<rp>(</rp>> ;<rt>tie</rt>)</p>
<p></p></ruby><p>Explanation: <ruby> is used for non-Western languages provide support. <rp><rt>It is used to help readers master the correct pronunciation of ideographic language characters, for example: </rt></rp></ruby></p>
<p> Hanyu Pinyin is above the text, but Muqiao FireFox does not support <br></p>
<p>18. <bdo>Set text direction</bdo></p>
<p><bdo dir="rt1">HTML5</bdo> </p>
<p>Explanation: <bdo> You must use the attribute dir to set it. There are two values in total, rtl from left to right, and ltr (from left to left). The general setting is ltr, and there is also a <bdi> element that also handles direction. Since it is a special effect in a special language and is not supported by mainstream browsers, ignore</bdi></bdo></p>
<p>19 and <mark>highlight text</mark></p>
<p>Explanation: The actual function of <mark> is to add a yellow background and black words. From a semantic point of view, it is context-related and prominent text. Used for notation </mark></p>
<p>20, <time> represents date and time<br></time></p>
<p><time>207-2-12</time> <br></p>
<p>Explanation: The <time> element has no practical effect and semantically represents date and time. </time></p>
<p>21, <span> represents General text<br></span></p>
<p>Explanation: has no practical effect, semantically represents a piece of text, and is often used to set CSS and other operations</p>
<p>Example: </p><div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class='brush:php;toolbar:false;'><!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=&#39;en&#39;>
<meta charset=&#39;utf-8&#39;>
wbr元素,这里填充一下:Thisisaasdfsdddddddddddddddddd<wbr>dddddddf<wbr>asdfasd is apple<br>
<ruby style="font-size: 50px;"> 饕<rp>(</rp><rt>tao</rt><rp>)</rp>餮<rp>(</rp><rt>tie</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby><br>
bdo元素,这是<bdo dir=&#39;rtl&#39;>HTML5</bdo>教程<br>
</html></pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div><p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn//upload/image/923/270/519/1487058506806656.png" class="lazy" title="HTML5 text element parsing" alt="HTML5 text element parsing" style="max-width:90%" style="max-width:90%"></p>
<p>For more articles related to HTML5 text element analysis, please pay attention to PHP Chinese net! </p></cite></cite></dfn></abbr></kdb></samp>