WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

Release: 2017-02-15 16:09:38
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WeChat Marketing Training Course Contents

1. What is WeChat Marketing
2. Methods of WeChat Marketing
3. What products are best for WeChat Marketing? 4. How to gain the trust and favor of WeChat friends
5. How to build a WeChat business Brand, forming super high customer stickiness
6. How to perfectly transform the role of WeChat business and continue to double WeChat marketing profits
7. How to quickly increase the number of WeChat friends, and more importantly, how to increase precise customers
8. How to successfully become a The first step to a successful WeChat business
9. How to quickly recruit distributors

What is WeChat marketing

Most people don’t understand WeChat marketing. Let’s talk about the first topic first. What is WeChat marketing? WeChat marketing is a kind of online marketing, which is to move offline wholesale business to WeChat. To put it bluntly, it is to promote a certain product by posting various hard and soft advertisements in Moments to get your customers and friends to buy it. Such a single purchase process is because Tencent has spent two years building WeChat into a tool that everyone can’t live without. Many people can’t eat, sleep, or even go to the toilet without WeChat, right? Wherever there are people, there are business opportunities.

In real life, most people just use WeChat as a tool to show off their wealth, or to express their moods, show off their food, clothing, and travel places. They use WeChat purely as an entertainment tool to satisfy their humble vanity. Heart.

But have you noticed? When you have some foresight while enjoying various entertainment, people with business acumen are already selling things on WeChat, earning tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions. I believe that all the friends in your circle of friends today There must be a few people in there who post all kinds of clothes, bags or skin care products on WeChat every day, right? Don't underestimate them, they have made a lot of money.

There is a celebrity in our R team. She started doing WeChat marketing last year. In half a year, her money earned through WeChat marketing has reached seven figures, and it is still doubling! I believe this kind of business miracle would have been impossible fifteen years ago, five years ago, and ten years ago, but in the Internet age, everything is possible. The key is whether you are in line with the times and keeping up with the times?

I wonder if you have seen the news a few days ago, about a little boy who opened a micro store and earned 10,000 yuan in a month? I'll send you a picture.
(picture and news screenshot)

WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

The first one is what was reported on the TV news a few days ago about a young man opening a micro store. You can pay attention to the third picture. He used the most undesirable method, so he could only earn 10,000 yuan a month. This I will tell you later that it is actually quite easy to open a store on WeChat. As long as you know how to open and do it, adding 10,000 is quite simple, and it uses your spare time.

For example, I have 10,000 WeChat friends. Of course, I don’t have that many now. I currently only have more than 3,000. What is the concept of this? It is said that every time a WeChat advertisement is posted, 10,000 people will see it. Your local largest shopping mall, department store supermarket, Wal-Mart only has so many people every day. Everyone, I only need to use a mobile phone and WeChat to reach the foot traffic of Wal-Mart and create the annual income of a medium-sized enterprise. This ten thousand Every customer is my VIP customer. I continue to advertise every year and they will continue to create profits for me every year. Do you think it’s scary?

Let me tell you a classic case. After listening to it, you will know how charming WeChat marketing is?

A friend originally opened a clothing store in the suburbs of Shanghai. The location of the store was not very good. At the beginning, her clothing store was not profitable. Only dozens of people came into her store every day, and her monthly income was only three to four thousand. , she asked one day how to increase income? How can we increase the flow of people? Originally, their place was not big, so she gave some suggestions based on the basic situation she described: First of all, it was unrealistic to change the location of the store. The business location determines the flow of people. So I suggested that she use WeChat marketing to find a way to add all the customers who come into the store every day into her WeChat. Can she add nearly 3,000 people in a month? How to add it? It's very simple. You can use some small gifts to reward your customers at home, so that they will be very willing to add you on WeChat. When she adds 3,000 people, she can post photos of her clothes in the store. Every time she posts If a photo is seen by more than 3,000 people at one time, it is equivalent to the traffic of her store in a month.
Many customers only enter her store once in their lifetime, right? Even when we usually go shopping, we occasionally go to a store and never go there again. But since adding her WeChat account, this customer is visiting her clothing store every day. She has now added 10,000 people. , every time an advertisement is posted, 10,000 people will see it, which is equivalent to one hundred days of turnover and one hundred days of traffic in her store. Her current clothing store still maintains an income of three to four thousand a month, but her Relying on WeChat has helped her earn an additional hundreds of thousands. Everyone, this is the charm of WeChat marketing. Therefore, the number of your WeChat friends is very important, so after this class, you can add people when you meet them, and reach a certain number of WeChat friends. Everyone can see how many WeChat friends you have now.

I believe that in the near future, WeChat will launch a WeChat store. The number of your WeChat friends will directly determine how valuable you are to open a WeChat store and how much money you can make. And I only need one mobile phone and one person, plus at most one delivery person, and it can be done. In this business era of high investment and low returns, micro-marketing is a very powerful marketing model. There are no store fees, and the rent is so expensive now. It is very suitable for friends who want to start a business but have no funds. I gave WeChat marketing a very good name A distinctive name - a mobile phone company.

☆WeChat marketing methods☆

Do you understand the first topic? It’s just the WeChat circle of friends where you post all kinds of lonely, empty, cold, eating, drinking and shitting photos every day. It doesn’t make any sense and won’t let your customers pay the bill. However, if you change the sales of a certain product, you will achieve very high income. It will exceed your monthly salary, which is no problem at all. This is WeChat marketing. No problem, let’s move on to the second topic right away, which is how good is WeChat marketing?

Do you have such people in your circle of friends? I call this method of posting all kinds of clothes for purchase every day a kind of swipe sales. Now I will send you a picture and a case to look at. I believe that after I finish posting, many of you will say, oh, this is too much! Many of my friends are like this.

(pictures of ordinary purchasing agents)

WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

What he posts is swipe sales. What he does is post all kinds of photos like crazy every day, and post non-stop every day. I think this is the stupidest kind of sales. So annoying! He himself is annoyed to death, not to mention his WeChat friends? There are only two consequences of doing this: the first is that your friends will be blocked and blocked, and the number of friends will become less and less. The second is that your good friends will be embarrassed to block you, but will just skip it whenever you send something. If you don’t watch it, I will scold you in my heart for wasting my traffic! Everyone, this is the most undesirable marketing method, but 90% of people in the market are currently using this method. This is the most undesirable method, because if you keep swiping, your friends will hate it very much. Slowly, no one will pay attention to you. If you post a lot every day, you will find that it is just throwing stones, which has no effect. Doing this is a way to die!

The second marketing method is called soft implant sharing sales. I will send it to you for your review.

(Put pictures and girls share examples)

WeChat marketing tutorial, friends who are new to WeChat business do not know how to operate

When you see this WeChat message, do you feel that it is an advertisement for selling goods? She is a girl in her 90s who is still studying. She used the deep hydrating mask by chance a few months ago. She accidentally posted this picture on WeChat. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen people came to her directly the next day. After consulting to buy this product, she earned more than 800 yuan just by sharing this article on WeChat, which is equivalent to one month's living expenses for a student studying in school. She really just shared the look casually, but she didn't expect it would bring such a high return. Can you imagine what a surprise it was for her? And where did these sales come from? She just used WeChat and shared original information to immediately attract a group of customers who needed hydration. Isn’t it incredible that it is precisely because of the effectiveness of the facial mask that it can bring about outstanding results in the future? So we have to admire the charm of WeChat marketing.

But I looked back and thought, if she used a brushing method to tell others that I am a product merchant, her classmates would definitely not buy it, but through the sharing method, all her classmates came. People may ask why others will not have the desire to buy if they use the swipe-screen sales method. Why use the sharing method? At this time we need to study people’s psychology, especially women’s psychology.

Most of your WeChat messages are your friends, your classmates, your colleagues, your besties. In today’s society, most people don’t want others to be better than themselves, they don’t want to see their friends making their own money, and they don’t want to see other people’s husbands or wives. You are more capable and prettier than yourself, and you won’t see anyone wearing a famous brand or carrying an LV. So when you directly tell others that you are selling something, no one will pay attention to you. Your friends will definitely think: Oh, you want to make money from me again. money! Even if he is very excited, he would rather let others earn his money than let you earn his money. This is the human mentality.

But women also have such a mentality, that is, they are very jealous. They don’t want to see their friends have better skin than themselves, they don’t want to see their friends carrying an LV bag that is prettier than themselves, and they don’t want to see their friends wearing it. Her clothes are better than hers, and she doesn’t want to see other people’s husbands work better than hers, so when she sees in your WeChat that your skin has become very good through a certain product, she will definitely be envious and jealous, and she will not be able to sleep at night. Try every means to get the product, so comparison and jealousy are women, including men, who have this mentality.

☆What is the best product to choose when doing WeChat business☆

When all the friends in our group do WeChat business, they must use the sharing method and not the brushing method. No problem, let’s talk about the third point first. What is the best product to choose for WeChat marketing?

Currently, many friends are selling cups of milk powder, etc. on WeChat, but I personally think it is very undesirable and quite a failure. Not all products are suitable for making on WeChat, and the marketing methods on Weibo are not suitable for copying to WeChat. . Let’s take home textiles as an example. Is it true that no one will buy textiles during the holidays? Moreover, home textiles are not a consumable item. Will buying a set last for several years? If you don’t have many WeChat friends and you don’t make repeated purchases, you will be very tired. So you can only make money by constantly adding WeChat friends? Therefore, if there is a problem with the product you choose, it will make your WeChat marketing very tiring.

Now I will send you a paragraph. Read it carefully and tell me when you have finished. I will continue talking. Come on, let me send you a paragraph first.
3. What is the best product to sell?
Selecting products for WeChat marketing is very important. Careless selection will make your WeChat account useless. Be sure to choose consumable products that can be purchased sustainably. Skin care products are the best choice. There are many friends in my WeChat circle of friends who sell clothes, cups, milk powder, and purchase on behalf of others. Basically, they only earn enough in a month to cover their living expenses, which is difficult to do. Big, because these things are not necessities. Many people only buy them once and end it. You don’t have many WeChat friends, so how can you make money if you can’t make recurring purchases? Skin care products are an indispensable thing in a woman's life. After using them once, she will become dependent on them, and they can also introduce other customers to them.
Be sure not to be too complicated when choosing products on WeChat. The simpler the better, so that everyone can remember you. Bawang Shampoo is the best example. Back then, Bawang chose Jackie Chan as its spokesperson and only made a traditional Chinese medicine shampoo, which achieved sales in one year. 2 billion. Later, I couldn't bear the loneliness and made Bawang herbal tea, skin care products, etc., but consumers couldn't remember the many things they made. Now Bawang has basically disappeared. Wong Lo Kat is the same, insisting on making only herbal tea. In this way, when people buy herbal tea, they can’t think of anyone other than Wong Lao Kat. That’s why Wong Lao Kat’s sales exceeded that of Coca-Cola that year. The same goes for our WeChat. I suggest you only make a simple product and let your WeChat friends buy facial masks. I will be the first to think of you. If you keep things simple and don’t make things too complicated, you will be successful

A friend who was doing WeChat marketing asked me before, why are some people able to earn tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands a month if they are also doing marketing on WeChat? And I only have an income of three to four thousand a month? I asked him what product are you working on? He said that what I was making was children's clothing, and I told him that if you make children's clothing, there's something wrong with your choice first. Suppose you have a hundred WeChat friends. If you make children's clothing, 90 people will have no demand for your product because they are either not married yet or their children have grown up. You have blocked 90% of the customers, and there are only ten left. Children are different in height, fat and thin. In order to make their children more comfortable, some parents choose to buy them in children's clothing stores. Only in this way can they try on them. Ensure that the clothes fit well, and the remaining 10% of the purchase demand will basically disappear. In addition, your children's clothing is not a consumable product. Many people will not buy it again after wearing it once or twice. Your product cannot How can you make money by effectively targeting all of your customers?

Some friends have asked, which product is the best? There are no more than two points in selecting products for WeChat marketing. I think there are two: first, consumables can be purchased repeatedly, and second, the unit price of luxury goods is relatively high and the profit is relatively high. It is not recommended to sell high imitations as it will cause many customers to block you and think you are a liar. Unless you have genuine purchase channels, if you do not continue to buy the goods for sale, no matter how much you earn at one time, your money will be cut off. Luxury goods Unless you have a very high-end friend customer group or a large number of friends, and only have a few rich friends, it is not recommended that you do luxury goods. You must make money continuously through WeChat, not temporarily.

Why should I choose a facial mask? Because the facial mask itself is a consumable product and a minimum consumption for women! This is a necessity for everyone. No matter how poor a woman is, she will use a few facial masks, not to mention a popular facial mask that celebrities are vying to use? Believe me, women’s pursuit of beauty is endless. The closer they are to 30, the less willing they are to watch their skin become sagging day by day. In particular, glue in a SPA machine is a highly efficient and consumable product. As long as customers feel that it is safe and effective, the key is that skin care products can make the skin truly firmer without injections and plastic surgery, thus forming a cycle of repeated purchases. So when you do a job and develop once, it is equivalent to doing a job for a lifetime. This person can buy your products continuously for life, and the income is doubled.

Many people are doing very complicated things in their WeChat. This morning they were selling LV bags and Cucci big brands, so-called Thai artifacts, or selling clothes, jewelry, and quilt covers. If you sell everything, it will be too complicated. Got it! You can make whatever money you want, but then you won't be able to impress others, and your friends will be confused. People who want to help you don't know what to buy. You are too greedy! Remember, we must be a specialty store with an image, not a large grocery store. If you want to sell everything, I definitely recommend that you open several more WeChat accounts instead of just one WeChat account like a hardware store kiosk. , do you understand what I mean?

Someone may ask me this by drawing inferences, eh? Can I sell sanitary napkins? Can people over fifty use it? Can people under 20 years old use it? Can boys use it? So when you choose a product, you must consider whether it is suitable for a wide range of people? There are also some products that are sold in Moments. Does that make you look low-end?

A friend also asked me, if all my friends are men, isn’t this resource a waste? Actually no, if you think about it, there are only two kinds of people among us right now: men and women. Can you still find a third kind of person? alien? Anyway, I haven't seen it. And now many men know how to take care of themselves, and they also use facial masks. Singer-songwriter Li Meng and advertising expert Chai Jin are all using our facial masks. Even if men don’t use it, there are N number of women behind every man! If you have a mother, wife, sister, confidante and lover, don’t say he doesn’t need it. The key is how you find the demand and guide consumption.

To sum up, there are nothing more than two points in selecting products for micro marketing. First, consumables. Two, singularity. As long as you do these two things, you will be a very successful micro-business.

As long as you can share with your heart, there is no thing that cannot be sold, no market that cannot be conquered, and no one that cannot be persuaded. You must know that true feelings are good articles. Once you invest your emotions in operating a product, there will definitely be people who will share it. Support you and someone will definitely buy your product.

To summarize, there are nothing more than two points when choosing products for micro marketing. First, consumables. Two, singularity. As long as you do these two things, you will be a very successful micro-business.

How to gain the trust and favor of WeChat friends

Okay everyone, this is the third topic. If there is no problem, we will move on to the fourth topic. How to gain the trust and favor of WeChat friends? I want to ask everyone? How do you usually gain the trust of WeChat friends? Especially those trusted by strangers?

Many friends reported that after adding a new friend, that person deleted themselves within a few days. I will give you a method, that is, after adding a WeChat friend, go to her WeChat circle to like it as soon as possible. Everyone It's vanity. After you keep liking and commenting a few times, she will like and comment on your WeChat circle after a few times. will become friends.
Also note that the content you usually post must be tasteful or unique, and don’t let others see that you are low-end and a loser at once. For example, I saw many little girls post a photo of them taking a photo in the bathroom mirror, even though their face is The photoshop was the same as Fan Bingbing's, but when you look at the floor, you can tell it's a low-rent house from the 1980s, and you know this is a poor guy.

Some people will say that chatting is suitable for us because we are already good friends, but as a stranger, your friends are not willing to chat with you because you have not established the necessary trust.

Let’s take a look at this paragraph first. Many people have asked me, it seems that you can make money by following your WeChat classes. What kind of person is most likely to succeed? I say the people who are most likely to succeed are those who have never listened to WeChat marketing courses and have not done anything at all. People who still don’t understand anything are the most likely to succeed. The people who are most afraid of it are those who are already doing it and are not doing it at all. It’s hard for people who are neither above nor below to turn back, so congratulations to those of you who don’t understand it at all. Although you realize it later, congratulations to you. You can take the right path. You have done it earlier than those who did it. People with screens are more likely to succeed.

The first way to gain the trust of WeChat friends is to like it. I believe that friends in the group, if your friend hasn’t liked your WeChat message once in three months, you will definitely feel that he doesn’t care. If he doesn't care about you anymore and doesn't treat you as a friend, you will silently block him in your heart. On the contrary, if a stranger adds you as a friend on WeChat and likes everything you post, you will pay close attention to him. If you also like the things he posts, you will become good friends and you will develop trust. Likes are the only way to quickly and effectively gain the trust of your friends.

I believe that many friends always have a few WeChat friends who posted a photo of themselves taking a diabetic injection in the hospital. In a few minutes, she will definitely write something like this in her comment, "People are sick and you still come to like it. What's your mentality?" Don't be afraid, she's not angry, she's acting coquettishly, and the subtext in her heart is this: I'll wipe it off if I'm short, so many people pay attention to me, so many people care about me and give me likes. This is human vanity!

A friend once came to ask me. He said that a friend of mine sent a WeChat message like this: I took my girlfriend to the hospital for an abortion today, and the abortion was gone. Then this friend went over and liked it, and he said, wasn’t it wrong for me to like it like that? Will he be angry? I said he would definitely not be angry, because the subtext of what he said is: He is very capable, and he has successfully made a woman's belly bigger. If you go over and give a like, he is thanking you for eight generations of ancestors. If you don't like it, Praising him makes me feel disappointed. Do you remember what I said? The things he dares to post must be for the purpose of showing off, asking for comfort, attention and likes, so you can’t go wrong by giving likes in the past.

Of course when we like it, we still have to look at the messages posted by others. For example, some friends will post about the death of their loved ones. In this case, I can’t go and like it because it is a very sad thing. Don’t be too blind. The point is to respect others, you can send a hug or leave a comforting message.

There is another way to win the trust of friends. In our circle of friends, we must post some high-end, classy, ​​positive and positive WeChat messages. Never post boring jokes about loneliness, emptiness, and coldness.

For example, two days ago I saw a WeChat message from one of my WeChat friends: I fell in love with a man I shouldn’t love, what should I do? When I saw this post on WeChat, I wanted to block her immediately. She posts such sexy stuff every day, and I can't bear to tolerate you for more than a day or two.

There are also many girls who start to complain and stay awake in the early hours of the night. Let me describe it to you. They sent a WeChat message like this: Ah! Loneliness makes me more beautiful. Tonight, I am sitting on the balcony, looking at the enchanting moon outside and hoping in my heart, Where are you, the one I love? My love, when will you return? As soon as I saw her WeChat, I was so disgusted because I couldn't sleep every night. I opened WeChat to find some positive energy. When I saw something like this, I quickly blocked her. Her pretentiousness was so annoying. Very disgusting.

We must maintain our WeChat and never destroy it. People are easily depressed and depressed. Eighty percent of them need attention and encouragement every day. You must maintain a positive and positive energy, and never express such lonely, empty and cold things. remember! Be sure to keep your account high-end. In this way, they can easily be infected by you and trust you. Make others willing to read and like your WeChat. When they can't help but want to check your WeChat every day, they will feel uncomfortable if they don't open your WeChat and don't look at it even once or twice every day. Is there anything I haven't done yet, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't see your WeChat messages or see you sending WeChat messages for a day? If you do this, congratulations, you are successful, and your WeChat account is very valuable.
Every time we send a WeChat message, we have to think carefully about what kind of soft text to write and what kind of pictures to match. For example, I have a friend who sells clothing and sells top brand clothing purchased from Korea, but she often writes in her WeChat In it, he showed his electric car and put a paragraph: My sister's BMW broke down again, and I will drive the BMW home today. Then she assigned a second-hand electric car below. Everyone! She is running a suicidal business. She wants her WeChat friends to think that she is a witty and humorous person, but she did not expect that since she is in the luxury business, her WeChat friends will definitely think that she is someone who lives at the bottom of society. Yes, a female diaosi rides a second-hand electric bicycle. How can others trust a female diaosi’s aesthetics and buy your clothes? If you are like this, how good can the things you sell be? Never send WeChat messages casually. Before sending, you must think carefully whether sending this WeChat message will give you points or subtract points. This is very important!

If you put a BMW car in your circle of friends, others will definitely think that this idiot is showing off again. But if you are sitting in your passenger seat, your BMW logo is vaguely revealed with a paragraph in front: This road is really congested! Your WeChat friends will definitely think that you are low-key and high-profile. The same thing is expressed in different ways and the results are different. So the so-called low-key is just a high-profile with a low profile. If you don’t have 10% of your friends to like your WeChat messages and think about the past, your account is useless and you haven’t taken care of it well.

How to build a micro-business brand and form ultra-high customer stickiness

Okay, everyone has no problem moving on to the next topic, how to build a micro-business brand? The previous topic is about making customers trust and favor you. The next one is how to build a brand. If you are ready, please give me a response.

How to choose a good avatar? Everyone follows one principle: when others see your small avatar, they can’t help but click on your big avatar to see. Your avatar is a good one.

Wechat business brand is your avatar and WeChat name. Your WeChat and avatar name are very important. The avatar is your product logo, and the name is your product trademark. Big brands like Coca-Cola, Wanglaoji, L'Oreal, Lancôme, etc. Brands will not change their logos at will. Every time they change, they will die. Choose a suitable avatar and name, and don’t change it easily. Don’t change it in your life. Every time you change your avatar, all your previous efforts and effort will be zero and gone, just like changing your mobile phone number twice a year. , I feel very unreliable towards such people, and I don’t even want to have deep friendship with such people. A friend of mine had to change his mobile phone number very tediously before. Currently, there are eight of his mobile phone numbers in my phone address book. Whenever I call him, I don’t know which one to call. Later, I simply broke up with him. He got in touch.

When I was giving a lecture some time ago, a girl sent a profile picture and asked me to give her an evaluation. When you see this profile picture, please tell me your own feelings.

This is a pretty failed avatar. Will your friends still want to know her when you use this avatar? I said you used this avatar and the mottled wallpaper behind it has deeply betrayed your image of a girl. You must be a fool to use this avatar as a micro-business brand, because once people see your avatar, they will definitely have no idea. It feels so cool!

So everyone, your avatar and name are very important. They are your brand image. You must be careful not to let others see your avatar as if you are a person living at the bottom of society. It is recommended that your avatar must be your most beautiful and beautiful one. As soon as others see your small avatar, they want to click on your big avatar to see it. Your avatar is successful. Men, find a high-end and elegant sofa to sit on and take a selfie, expose your LV belt, put a Cucci bag next to it, then lower your head and play with your wealthy gold mobile phone, so that others will see that you are rich and handsome.

If you are a girl, you can find a luxury car, sit on your passenger seat, take a selfie, and vaguely reveal your Porsche logo to make people feel that you are a rich and beautiful person with a luxury car. This will make others think of you. You gain instant trust. Women must not use photos of their children or wedding photos as their profile pictures. This will 100% deter men from adding you. Many men add people nearby just to hook up. Men who are married or have children will be deterred. Lose half your customers.

You can’t give up money or your life, remember! A beautiful avatar is not only liked by men but also by women. Therefore, you must use a high-end and classy avatar as your micro-business brand. Don’t make it look like the quilts are stacked, which is disgusting and low-end. .

The avatar is simple. I have a WeChat dealer friend who is a man. He used a photo of a very beautiful third-rate model and put it on his WeChat as the avatar. Every day, 30 to 40 men come to him. After hooking up, men will habitually ask, "Beauty, what are you doing?" She said that I was delivering goods to the male god. Then the question will continue to ask, what goods will be sent? What kind of male god? Then she said, I think anyone who buys a facial mask from me and gives it to his girlfriend or wife is a male god. This kind of man is really a good man. It would be great if my boyfriend was as considerate as him. Then the hooker didn't give up and asked, "Can you send me over to make a deal in person?" Okay, okay, tell me the address, and then the matter is actually delivery. When I arrived, I said that I was a delivery person. Our boss sent me to deliver the goods. I made 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month in this way. Do you have Not aware of the importance of avatars? This case is just to tell you the importance of avatars. Girls must not imitate it, because if a man goes to deliver goods, his anus will be covered with bruises at most, and if a girl goes there, she will be illegally violated.

Of course, if you are very ugly, there is no possibility of Photoshop. You can use cartoon shape. Cartoon is also a very flattering way. Many people see your cartoon avatar and want to see if you are like this cartoon. It is not recommended to use your real name, especially if it is Zhang Cuihua and Li Cuihua. Using your real name will make others think that you are an old antique with no new ideas or creativity.

Everyone, look at your avatar and name. How many points can you give? This topic ends here. You can master it yourself. I am just giving you some ideas. We will not discuss your avatar here. When you go back, you can examine it yourself and change your avatar and name.

How to perfectly transform micro-business roles and continuously double WeChat marketing profits

Let’s move on to the next topic, which is also our second key topic today, how to perfectly transform micro-business roles and continuously double WeChat marketing profits? This topic is very important, second only to point 7. Point 7 teaches you how to quickly add dozens of WeChat friends every day.

This little friend posted a share after attending the class and earned 2,000 yuan. The so-called sharing requires time, location, and storyline. This is a 100-point WeChat, you all can learn from it. .

This is a very important point, everyone must listen carefully. Some friends asked me, would it be too fake to always share? When you share it when you go back, friends will definitely come to you to buy this product. But if you share it for the second time, others will think it is fake, right? So we are going to carry out a gorgeous transformation. After you send one or two WeChat messages, you must carry out the transformation. How to do it? Just like sending this WeChat message to transform.

Because they don’t want you to make their money, but when you use the sharing method and they buy it, if you transform in time, not only will it not make people disgusted, but it will make your friends accept it happily. They don't feel at all that you are making money from them. Instead, they feel that it is more convenient for you to get the facial mask agent from them, and there is a price advantage.

Dear friends, I recently helped you purchase this product. You have used it very well. I also like to serve you. In order to better serve you, I spent a lot of money to obtain the operating rights. You will be lucky in the future. Use this The product will be more convenient and the price will definitely be cheaper than before. Everyone, through such a WeChat message, have you transformed from a sharer to a dealer? If you were still selling secretly before, now you can sell things openly. Because you have announced to the public that you have established a company, don’t just say that the sales are very, very good and no one will buy it.

☆The importance of recruiting distributors☆

Let’s continue to talk about the next step of transformation. The second step of transformation is very critical, which is to recruit dealers.
How about telling you how to recruit dealers quickly? I will teach you a method that will allow you to add 5 to 6 or more than a dozen dealers in one day.

Let me give you an example! I have a dealer friend who is a designer at Guangzhou Huamei Plastic Surgery Hospital. Their company has more than 40 designers. At the beginning, he used a sharing method. More than 20 of his friends have used his products. It was very good, and then I asked him if we could sell this thing in our circle of friends? Then he said yes! Then there are more than 20 people in their company selling this product. Everyone, they are all working for one boss, but at the same time, these twenty employees are also working for this dealer, right? Each of these twenty people is helping him make money, so now he no longer needs to do retail. He only needs to manage these twenty colleagues and twenty employees. Will he make money again? It is equivalent to a company with twenty employees.

The most awesome way to recruit distributors is just one sentence: show off your wealth in your WeChat circle, and make friends who see your WeChat kneel down and beg you to let you teach them. You still have to play hard to get and say this is a business secret. . . .

You want the people around you to be your dealers! Never just say to someone, "Oh, this is so profitable. You should do it too!" The result of everyone doing this is that he is thinking that this guy wants to make money from me again. Let me give you an example! I moved house once, and my neighbor came over to do all sorts of things and bring fruits. I thought she must be profitable. In the end, it turned out that he was an insurance seller and wanted me to buy his insurance. What comes to your door is not a sale, so don't be too proactive. Being too proactive will definitely make others think you are profitable.

Teach you how to add people

Okay everyone, this topic is over. Let’s move on to the next topic. This is a key topic, which is to teach you how to add people.

This little friend posted this WeChat message in his WeChat Moments: I accidentally listened to a class and made more money in a month than my salary. Remember, after she sends such a WeChat message, all the classmates, colleagues, and friends who see it will be envious, jealous, and will have insomnia at night. They will definitely try their best to ask you what is so profitable? Can you tell me? He still half-heartedly said that this is a business secret. I want to ask our boss if he can tell you. Remember, you must let them beg you, never beg them. This is the Chinese concept. What comes to your door must be a scam, it must not be a good thing, people are too cheap! We must remember that the so-called marketing is just to influence other people's psychology.

No matter how good the business model is, no matter how good the product is, if you don’t have the number of WeChat friends, then everything is equal to zero! ? Next, I will tell you a practical method of adding people that is only available in our course in China.

Be the first to add people. First, import all your mobile phone address book and QQ into your WeChat. After importing, your WeChat friends will not be less than three to five hundred, and everyone will live twenty or thirty years. Years have passed, and if you don’t have 200 QQ friends and 100 phone address books, your life really needs to be rethought. First, import this first batch of people into your WeChat. These people will become your first batch of customers, because these people will more or less trust you, so the first step is to import this.

The second is people nearby, one is people nearby in real life, and the other is searching for people nearby through Momo and WeChat.

Because when we go out, we chat with the people around us to make more friends and explore each other’s needs. These are also precise customers. If you enter ten clothing stores every day, each clothing store can add two or three clothing store owners or employees. Does this mean that there are thirty potential owners or employees added in one day? Did you add thirty potential customers or dealers in one day? Can I add a few to a coffee shop? Add a WeChat ID when you buy something yourself, and slowly train them to become your customers? Don't proactively ask others if they want to be my agent.

The reason why you complain every day that you don’t have any friends to add is because you haven’t thought carefully about how to add people. The second one is that you care too much about face and are too embarrassed to join others. Let us do business while shopping. The key is whether we have found a way, whether we have found a method, and whether we work hard or not. This is the most important thing. When you go out to buy vegetables, you can sell it to the vegetable seller; when you go out to sing, you can sell it to the KTV lady; when you go out to eat barbecue, you can sell it to the shop owner; when you go out to buy clothes, you can sell it to the clerk of the clothing store. In this way, I can sell 200 boxes of facial masks a month and successfully earn 20,000 yuan a month by selling six boxes a day. Is this a business opportunity for you guys? Will these people use it very well and buy it again? right? So don’t ignore the business opportunities of everyone around you.

The second one is people near Momo WeChat. Add WeChat camouflage address software and locate people all over the country in places with high traffic.

When you go into a clothing store, don't just ask the boss or employee for a WeChat ID. You can say that your style is very good and I like it very much! I rarely go out. Can I add you on WeChat? If there is a new model, you can update it on it. If I like it, you can express it directly. After adding the other person on WeChat, you have to wait for him to take the initiative to come to you after looking at your circle of friends, instead of saying that my product is very good and you should buy it as soon as you go up! In other words, my stuff is very easy to sell. Come over and be my agent! You must remember that you are asking him to take the initiative to come to you when he can't hold it in any longer. You must not take the initiative to go to them.

There is also a search WeChat mutual like group, which is also a very fast way to add people, and it is also a good way of publicity. Currently, there are many like groups around major forums. You can like them constantly and add one. The group can be added to ninety-nine people, at least fifty or sixty. If you join two people a day, can you add hundreds of people? These people are your potential customers. These people are very good promoters, and they are free. Because if they want to like and win gifts, they need to add a lot of people. You can do activities such as likes and facial masks. , if they forward it, many people will add your WeChat. The advantage of this is that you can add people quickly.

The disadvantage of this is that it is easy to waste data by swiping the screen.

There are business opportunities everywhere, and everyone around us has business opportunities, but we have not grasped them, so remember that the people around us must help them grasp them. Then many girls came to me and asked me, saying that many people nearby were looking for me to have sex. Everyone, please remember, the men who hook up are all losers, losers who are short of money! They also want to make money, you can add them, why not add them? So don't miss any business opportunity. Okay everyone, if there is no problem, let’s talk about the third method of adding people. I can add dozens of them a day.

(The kind where you post pictures and talk to yourself

The third way to add people is through QQ groups, because there are currently a lot of QQ groups in China, and there are tens of millions of girls who are inexhaustible. Inexhaustible, so we have to make good use of it, open your QQ group search, such as breast enlargement, whitening, fitness groups, gender relations, postpartum mother groups, various groups, as long as there are women in the group, then use your Add your Aqq number and Bqq number to this group, referred to as the AB number method

After entering number A, be more active and introduce yourself immediately: Hello everyone, I am new here, and I am very happy to meet you. Many of the current groups are very cold and silent. At this time, your number B will jump out to cooperate, hello, hello, welcome to this group, and then your number A will immediately say that I am an obstetrician and gynecologist in Hangzhou, very I am happy to join this group and hope to become friends with you. Then your number B immediately said excitedly, dear, answer me a question quickly. I am going to have a baby recently and asked you what kind of delivery method is not painful, and then your number A gave a perfect answer.

Then your number B asks another question, why do I always get acne on my chin? Then your A number will give the perfect answer. Everyone, if nothing happens, within three minutes, your number A will quickly become a celebrity in this group. When you become a celebrity in this group, quit decisively and leave a sentence, I'm sorry everyone, I'm about to have a rash. If you have any questions, you can add me on WeChat. I rarely go online. If you have any questions in the future, You can ask me via WeChat. At this time, you should immediately exit this group, enter the next group, and copy the above process. You will find that when you leave this group, there will be dozens of girls adding you, and they are all precise customers, and they will have all kinds of admiration for you, and there will be a steady stream of people adding you. You can join this group like crazy All the women will be brought under your command.

And these girls who come to join you all have all kinds of admiration for you. They all think you are a doctor and admire you. I have tried countless professions, including a university teacher, a travel agency tour guide, a television director, and even As a matchmaker for Jiayuan, I found that they liked me the most when I was a doctor, and the frequency of adding me on WeChat was the highest, so I solemnly recommend everyone to become an obstetrician and gynecologist. You can all go Become a doctor. What should I do if I don’t understand medical knowledge? At this time, you can open the omnipotent Baidu and become any expert. The second person said that after adding my WeChat, they saw that I was selling facial masks, so did they reveal their secrets? I said don’t make excuses or create obstacles. No one stipulates that obstetricians and gynecologists can’t sell facial masks, right?

The fourth perverted method of adding people is that you go to Wuba Tongcheng and Ganji.com to post a request for a rental, and within ten minutes dozens of agents will come to add you. If you call the insurance company and say that your BMW needs to be repaired, many people from the insurance company will come to help you. They have a lot of resources at their disposal, and they also need a good face to meet their clients, so as long as you are done with insurance, then just wait and count the money!

When you go to any WeChat marketing courses, no one tells you how to add people? So the most important thing about our course is this. This is a method for adding people. You can all try it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be just QQ groups, forums, hot mom gangs, etc., they are all available. I will have a high-end joining course in two days, and I will teach it to those who have joined our team and the elites of our team. If there are no questions, take a few minutes to talk about the life values ​​of our team.

The happiest thing for a person is to have a dream and have a stage to realize it. Therefore, I will use my chicken-blooded positive energy to infect every inert peer who comes into contact with me. Let us have such a kind of life: Whenever we look back at the way we came, those sweat-soaked youths make us proud to say: You may still be the original you, but I have already surpassed myself.

Dear friends, we currently have VitaMeal programs all over the world. I very much hope that you can join our team of forces for good. I very much hope that all of you here, whether you have the ability to help others or not, you will find that when you help these people, the joy you feel cannot be bought with money, and your life will be very fulfilling. Everyone, we must be a person full of positive energy.

There is a beautiful woman in our team who is a housewife. She is also in our circle now. Her husband runs a KTV and there is no shortage of women around her. And then she is a housewife with no income. She asks for a month Her husband asked for an allowance of 2,000 yuan, and the most difficult and painful time was when he asked her husband for living expenses every month. Her husband would despise her and make her feel chilled. She was very disappointed. One time she accidentally listened to our After taking the WeChat marketing course, she woke up and started doing it like crazy, earning 14,000 yuan a month. Later she said it and thanked us very much. Her husband respected her like never before in today's society. Men are the most unreliable.

If you are not financially equal, there will definitely be a gap, because men want to see their wives have an independent career and an independent character, instead of relying on them every day. Once a woman puts her If all happiness is added to one man, you must be very miserable. Don’t think that if you find a rich man, you will have everything? There are so many young girls in the world that it doesn’t matter if you drink Coke on the counter or not? A woman must have her own independent career and fight for it. There is a dealer in our circle who is now the queen at home and relies on her husband to wash her feet.

When your family criticizes you for being useless, no one will pity you; when your parents are sick and have no money for medical treatment, no one will pity you; when you are defeated by your competitors, No one will pity you; when your beloved other half abandons you, no one will pity you; when you are thirty or forty years old and have not achieved anything, people will only think you are useless. Everything in the world will either grow or perish. Why do many people fail? Let me tell you in a set of dialogues:

I often hear many people thinking about those days, thinking about those days. I want to be a painter, thinking about those days. I want to be a writer, I want to be an inventor, I want to be an inventor, I want to be your sister? You are always dreaming, and then you are curious, why does it not come true? People are getting old! Reality doesn’t allow it! My brain is frozen! So what is it that defeats you? Is it time? What's wrong with me? Qi Baishi didn't start learning painting until he was 27 years old. Is it reality? Reality, what do you want me to do? Think about Gou Jian, King of Yue! We make this excuse and blame that reason because we refuse to admit it. In fact, you have never really worked hard for it.

Of course, how to give this is particular. My friend A bought a SPA machine and wanted to give it to ten people around him to try it. His method is to tell people it works very well, do you want it? ? Do you want to use it? I'll give it to you for free. Everyone, you give it to him and she scolds you, oh, she wants to make money from me again, it’s not a good thing at all, and then none of the ten people around her will come to buy it. Remember, the Chinese people's concept is that anything delivered to their door is not a transaction, anything they get for free is garbage, and anything they get without a price is not a good thing. You must have a purpose in giving it to me, so he Those ten people will be ineffective by doing this, and they won't actively buy.

My friend B used this method. He posted such a post in his WeChat circle. He heard that there was a SPA machine in the celebrity circle and entertainment circle that attracted special attention recently, and he was very interested in joining it. Yes, the effect is really good, great! Is my skin better than before? It's detailed and firm. By the way, if you want to use it, you can like it. If you like it, I will consider letting you try it once, only for the top ten. After he posted this post, many people in his circle of friends went to like it, and he selected ten more from them. He also told him that you are not in the top ten, so I will give you the experience because I feel that I have a good relationship with you. Don't tell others, their friends will be very moved and find it very difficult! It takes ten likes to get this opportunity. I cherish the experience you gave her for free. As long as I have experienced the power of ageloc and feel that the effect is good, I will usually come back to you to buy it. Remember to pay attention to the method when giving it to someone. Don't do that kind of thing where you give other people things and get scolded by them.

Thirty years ago, speculation did not drive you away. The first people who started it all made a lot of money, but when you wanted to do it, the country banned it. Twenty years ago, you made money by speculating in the stock market, but by the time you realized it, the stock price had already started to fall. Years ago when Taobao was born in China, those who were the first to do it made a lot of money. But when you want to do it, you find that e-commerce is developing so fast that you can no longer make money on Taobao. Now WeChat marketing is just starting to take off. If you still have no choice, I believe A few years later, you will still be annoyed. Micro-e-commerce WeChat marketing must be the most popular online method in 2014.

Many people want to change the status quo but can’t find a way. They want to start a business but don’t have the funds or courage. WeChat marketing is really the best way, because if you do it well, you can increase it by 5,000 to 10,000 a month. It’s so easy. I hope you will think carefully after listening to this class. Many people say why you can make money after taking the WeChat marketing class? Are these people capable? I said no, because this is a business opportunity. Just like Taobao ten years ago, even a fool with 250 yuan can succeed. Why? Because the business opportunity of Taobao forces you to succeed, it is difficult even if you want to succeed.

The same goes for WeChat marketing today, not because they have the ability, but because this is a business opportunity. Remember, it is impossible to make money when a business opportunity cannot be called a business opportunity. Just like Taobao, would you try to open Taobao again?
If you don’t divert traffic, don’t do through trains, or don’t promote your Taobao, it will be too difficult to make money! Because the business opportunity has passed.

Of course, although WeChat marketing is a business opportunity, doing it well does not happen overnight. When many people do anything, they immediately want to get something in return as soon as they put in a little effort. They find it difficult to give up immediately when they find it is not working. Many people want to give up when they start doing business without achieving any results. Giving up is a habit, a typical loser's habit. So you have to have a vision and look further. Vision is used to see the future. For those who have the habit of giving up in life, here is what I say to you: Those who succeed never give up, and those who give up never succeed.

Many people who fail to succeed have one thing in common, that is, they are unwilling to change themselves. If you want to succeed, you have to change your way of thinking and behavior, and you have to change your bad habits. In fact, between people There is not much difference in ability. The difference lies in the way of thinking. When something happens, if you ask the winners and losers, their answers will be different or even contradictory. Our failure today is because our way of thinking is not successful, and we may have many bad habits, such as watching TV, playing mahjong, drinking and clubbing! They know that this habit is not good, but why is he unwilling to change? Because many people would rather endure those bad lifestyles than endure the pain of change.

Remember, listen to this lesson. Regardless of whether you operate WeChat marketing or not, I hope you can put aside your laziness. You must grow, and growth is the most important thing.

So friends, no matter how far you are from your dreams, please don’t give up. If you persist, you will see the dawn of victory. The biggest fear is that if you don’t do it for a week or two, people will think that if you don’t do it, your sales must not be good. If they see that you keep doing it, they won’t be able to bear asking you questions. People are inert. Successful people maintain continuous passion, while failures are all about three minutes of enthusiasm.

For more WeChat marketing tutorials, if you are new to WeChat business and don’t know how to operate, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related articles!

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