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html5 cross-domain communication postMessage

Release: 2017-02-16 14:30:48
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How to use postMessage in html5 cross-domain communication

Documents under different domain names are not allowed to access each other's documents due to security issues, but some Sometimes it is necessary to do this. Therefore, we can generally use window.name, hash, or jsonp to achieve cross-domain access.

But since HTML5 came out, we can have one more way to implement postMessage. The following is the simplest example of message passing. The function we want to implement is to send the content in page1 to different Page2 page under the domain name, and then page2 will display the corresponding message content.

The following are several important event attributes:

  • source – message source, message sending window/iframe.

  • origin – URI of the message source (may include protocol, domain name and port), used to verify the data source.

  • data – Data sent by the sender to the receiver. <br>These three attributes are data that must be used in message transmission.

First we need two pages, and then they must be located under different domain names. Of course, this machine must have a web server. Next, we will modify the host to achieve different domain name access www.postmessage1.com127.0.0.1 www.postmessage2.com
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The homepage http://www.php.cn/ has an iframe nested inside it

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Html5 postMessage跨文档通信</title></head><body>
    <input type="text" id="text">
    <input type="button" id="send" value="发送">

    <iframe id="ifr" src="http://www.postmessage2.com/page2.html"></iframe>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = document.getElementById(&#39;text&#39;),
            send = document.getElementById(&#39;send&#39;),
            ifr = window.frames[0];            //ifr = document.getElementById(&#39;ifr&#39;).contentWindow;

        })    </script></body></html>
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The src address of the iframe is http://www.php.cn/

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            var p1 = document.getElementById(&#39;p1&#39;);            if(event.origin === &#39;http://www.postmessage1.com&#39;){
                p1.innerHTML += event.data +"<br>";

        })    </script><body>
    <p id="p1"></p></body></html>
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html5 cross-domain communication postMessage

Like many other web technologies, if you do not verify the legitimacy of the data source, then using this technology will become very dangerous; the security of your application requires you to It's responsible. window.postMessage is like PHP versus JavaScript technology. window.postMessage is cool, isn't it?

The two-way data transmission is the same:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Html5 postMessage跨文档通信</title></head><body>
    <input type="text" id="text">
    <input type="button" id="send" value="发送">

    <iframe id="ifr" src="http://www.postmessage2.com/postmessage/iframe01.html"></iframe>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = document.getElementById(&#39;text&#39;),
            send = document.getElementById(&#39;send&#39;),            // ifr = window.frames[0];
            ifr = document.getElementById(&#39;ifr&#39;).contentWindow;
        window.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;, function(ev){
            if(ev.origin === &#39;http://www.postmessage2.com&#39;){
                alert(&#39;从&#39;+ ev.origin + &#39;传过来的消息:&#39; + ev.data);

        })    </script></body></html>
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The code of the other page is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            var p1 = document.getElementById(&#39;p1&#39;);            if (event.origin === &#39;http://www.postmessage1.com&#39;) {
                p1.innerHTML += "来自窗口" + event.origin + event.data+"<br>"
            }            //像主页面回送消息
            event.source.postMessage("你好,这里是:" + this.location, event.origin);

        });    </script><body>
    <p id="p1"></p></body></html>
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html5 cross-domain communication postMessage

2. Channel communication

The message channel provides a direct, two-way communication method between browsing contexts. Like cross-document communication, the DOM is not directly exposed. Instead, each end of the pipe is a port, and data is sent from one port and received by the other.

Message channels are useful, especially for communication across multiple origins. Please consider the following situation:
Renren.com (http://www.php.cn/) embeds a third-party game page (through iframe, such as "Renren Restaurant"). At the same time, this third-party The game page (http://www.php.cn/) needs to obtain the user's communication information from another address book website (http://www.php.cn/). What to do?

That is to say, the address book site needs to send information to the game site. According to cross-document communication, we let the parent page serve as the proxy (that is, the Renren page here) (similar to the first demo). However, this approach means that address book sites need to have the same level of trust as Renren pages. Renren, a social networking site, needs to trust every request, or filter it for us (should refer to: specify one by one).

However, using channel communication, the address book site (http://www.php.cn/) and the game site (http://www.php.cn/) can directly communicate.

MessageChannel and MessagePort objects

When we create a MessageChannel object, we actually create two interconnected ports. One port remains open for the sending end. The other one is forwarded to other browsing contexts (sent by the parent page to another child page of the iframe element).

var mc = new MessageChannel();
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Each port is a MessagePort object, including 3 available methods:

  • postMessage() Send a message through the channel

  • start() Start dispatching received messages on the port

  • close() Close the port

The MessagePort object also has the onmessage event attribute, Can be used to define event handlers instead of event listeners.

I can’t understand the jargon-y stuff above, but it’s easier to explain with examples.

First create three websites, the main website is: http://www.php.cn/, and two other sub-websites http://www.php.cn/ and http://www. php.cn/. Now let’s simulate the communication process between two sub-websites:

Requirements: When sub-website 1 is loaded, send a message to sub-website 2: "(1) I can’t wait, are you okay? ? <br>", when sub-website 2 receives the message, it returns a message to sub-website 1, "(2) Don't worry, it will be there soon!" When sub-webpage 1 receives the message from sub-website 2, it returns the dialogue information to the main page.

Code of sub-page 1

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>通道通信子页面iframe01</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function(){
        var mc, portMessageHandler;
        mc = new MessageChannel();
        portMessageHandler = function(event){
        }        //向父页面发送消息以及端口port2
        window.parent.postMessage(&#39;(1)我已经等不及了,你好了吗?<br>&#39;, &#39;http://localhost/test1/main.html&#39;, [mc.port2]);        //定义本页面接收到消息后,应该做的处理
        mc.port1.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;, portMessageHandler, false);        //打开本页面的端口,开始监听。。。
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Code of main page:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>

    <iframe style="display: none;" src="http://localhost/test1/iframe01.html"></iframe>
    <iframe style="display: none;" src="http://localhost/test2/iframe02.html"></iframe>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function(){
            var iframes, messageHandle;
            iframes = window.frames;

            messageHandle = function(event){
                if (event.ports.length > 0) {                    //如果有接收端口,将接收的端口与消息转发给iframe02
                    iframes[1].postMessage(event.data,&#39;http://localhost/test2/iframe02.html&#39;, event.ports);
            }            //监听第一个页面
        }    </script></body></html>
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Code of subpage 2:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>通道通信子页面iframe02</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function(){
        var messageHandler = function(event){
            event.ports[0].postMessage(event.data + "(2)你别急呀,马上就好!");
        }        //子页面2接收到消息,并将新的消息转发给子页面1
        window.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;,messageHandler, false);
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Result image
html5 cross-domain communication postMessage

The above demo uses three pages: the main page and two iframe pages. Let’s talk about what each page does:

The first is the first iframe page: it has three tasks,

  • 一是创建MessageChannel通道对象;

  • 二是告诉主页面,我加载好了,并把端口传过去;

  • 三是显示发送信息。

//1.创建MessageChannel通道对象mc = new MessageChannel();//2.二是告诉主页面,我加载好了,并把端口传过去;window.parent.postMessage(&#39;(1)我已经等不及了,你好了吗?<br>&#39;, &#39;http://localhost/test1/main.html&#39;, [mc.port2]);//3.显示发送信息mc.port1.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;, portMessageHandler, false);
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// 将端口告诉其他文档iframes[1].postMessage(event.data,&#39;http://localhost/test2/iframe02.html&#39;, event.ports);
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// 1. 接到消息与端口window.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;,messageHandler, false);// 2. 与端口建立通道,post一个新的数据port.postMessage(message);
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不同域名下的文档因为安全问题,不允许相互之间文档的访问,但是有的时候却不得不需要这样的操作。因此我们一般可以采用 window.name,hash,或者jsonp来实现跨域访问。



  • source – 消息源,消息的发送窗口/iframe。

  • origin – 消息源的URI(可能包含协议、域名和端口),用来验证数据源。

  • data – 发送方发送给接收方的数据。

首先我们需要两个页面,然后必须分别位于不同的域名下,当然本机肯定要有一个web服务器,接下来就通过修改host来实现不同域名访问 www.postmessage1.com127.0.0.1 www.postmessage2.com
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主页http://www.php.cn/ 里面嵌套一个iframe框架

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Html5 postMessage跨文档通信</title></head><body>
    <input type="text" id="text">
    <input type="button" id="send" value="发送">

    <iframe id="ifr" src="http://www.postmessage2.com/page2.html"></iframe>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = document.getElementById(&#39;text&#39;),
            send = document.getElementById(&#39;send&#39;),
            ifr = window.frames[0];            //ifr = document.getElementById(&#39;ifr&#39;).contentWindow;

        })    </script></body></html>
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            var p1 = document.getElementById(&#39;p1&#39;);            if(event.origin === &#39;http://www.postmessage1.com&#39;){
                p1.innerHTML += event.data +"<br>";

        })    </script><body>
    <p id="p1"></p></body></html>
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html5 cross-domain communication postMessage



<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Html5 postMessage跨文档通信</title></head><body>
    <input type="text" id="text">
    <input type="button" id="send" value="发送">

    <iframe id="ifr" src="http://www.postmessage2.com/postmessage/iframe01.html"></iframe>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = document.getElementById(&#39;text&#39;),
            send = document.getElementById(&#39;send&#39;),            // ifr = window.frames[0];
            ifr = document.getElementById(&#39;ifr&#39;).contentWindow;
        window.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;, function(ev){
            if(ev.origin === &#39;http://www.postmessage2.com&#39;){
                alert(&#39;从&#39;+ ev.origin + &#39;传过来的消息:&#39; + ev.data);

        })    </script></body></html>
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            var p1 = document.getElementById(&#39;p1&#39;);            if (event.origin === &#39;http://www.postmessage1.com&#39;) {
                p1.innerHTML += "来自窗口" + event.origin + event.data+"<br>"
            }            //像主页面回送消息
            event.source.postMessage("你好,这里是:" + this.location, event.origin);

        });    </script><body>
    <p id="p1"></p></body></html>
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html5 cross-domain communication postMessage








var mc = new MessageChannel();
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  • postMessage() 通过通道发送消息

  • start() 开始在端口上分派接受的信息

  • close() 关闭端口




需求:当子网站1被加载完成后,向子网站2发送消息:“(1)我已经等不及了,你好了吗?<br>”,当子网站2接收到消息后,向子网站1返回消息,“(2)你别急呀,马上就好!”。当子网页1接收到子网站2 的消息后,返回给主页面页面对话信息.


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>通道通信子页面iframe01</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function(){
        var mc, portMessageHandler;
        mc = new MessageChannel();
        portMessageHandler = function(event){
        }        //向父页面发送消息以及端口port2
        window.parent.postMessage(&#39;(1)我已经等不及了,你好了吗?<br>&#39;, &#39;http://localhost/test1/main.html&#39;, [mc.port2]);        //定义本页面接收到消息后,应该做的处理
        mc.port1.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;, portMessageHandler, false);        //打开本页面的端口,开始监听。。。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>

    <iframe style="display: none;" src="http://localhost/test1/iframe01.html"></iframe>
    <iframe style="display: none;" src="http://localhost/test2/iframe02.html"></iframe>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function(){
            var iframes, messageHandle;
            iframes = window.frames;

            messageHandle = function(event){
                if (event.ports.length > 0) {                    //如果有接收端口,将接收的端口与消息转发给iframe02
                    iframes[1].postMessage(event.data,&#39;http://localhost/test2/iframe02.html&#39;, event.ports);
            }            //监听第一个页面
        }    </script></body></html>
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>通道通信子页面iframe02</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function(){
        var messageHandler = function(event){
            event.ports[0].postMessage(event.data + "(2)你别急呀,马上就好!");
        }        //子页面2接收到消息,并将新的消息转发给子页面1
        window.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;,messageHandler, false);
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html5 cross-domain communication postMessage



  • 一是创建MessageChannel通道对象;

  • 二是告诉主页面,我加载好了,并把端口传过去;

  • 三是显示发送信息。

//1.创建MessageChannel通道对象mc = new MessageChannel();//2.二是告诉主页面,我加载好了,并把端口传过去;window.parent.postMessage(&#39;(1)我已经等不及了,你好了吗?<br>&#39;, &#39;http://localhost/test1/main.html&#39;, [mc.port2]);//3.显示发送信息mc.port1.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;, portMessageHandler, false);
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// 将端口告诉其他文档iframes[1].postMessage(event.data,&#39;http://localhost/test2/iframe02.html&#39;, event.ports);
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// 1. 接到消息与端口window.addEventListener(&#39;message&#39;,messageHandler, false);// 2. 与端口建立通道,post一个新的数据port.postMessage(message);
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