WeChat public platform development tutorial (4) Getting started with examples: robots

Release: 2017-02-16 16:20:50
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1. Function introduction

Realize the online customer service robot function through the WeChat public platform. The main functions include: simple conversation, weather query and other services.

Here we only provide relatively simple functions, focusing on using this example to illustrate the specific development process of the public platform. It's just a simple DEMO and can be expanded on this basis if necessary.

Of course, we will also introduce more complex application examples in the future.

2. Specific implementation

1. Provide access interface

I won’t go into details here. Refer to the previous chapter, WeChat public account development tutorial (2) Basic framework construction

2. Signature authentication and distribution request

I won’t go into details here. Refer to the previous chapter, WeChat public account development tutorial (2) Basic framework construction

3. Process the request and respond

1) Follow

When WeChat users follow public accounts, they can be given appropriate prompts. It can be a welcome message or a help tip.

Directly enter the code:

    class EventHandler : IHandler
    {        /// <summary>
        /// 请求的xml        /// </summary>
        private string RequestXml { get; set; }        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestXml"></param>
        public EventHandler(string requestXml)
        {            this.RequestXml = requestXml;
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 处理请求        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string HandleRequest()
        {            string response = string.Empty;
            EventMessage em = EventMessage.LoadFromXml(RequestXml);            if (em.Event.Equals("subscribe",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            {                //回复欢迎消息
                TextMessage tm = new TextMessage();
                tm.ToUserName = em.FromUserName;
                tm.FromUserName = em.ToUserName;
                tm.CreateTime = Common.GetNowTime();
                tm.Content = "欢迎您关注***,我是大哥大,有事就问我,呵呵!\n\n";
                response = tm.GenerateContent();
            }            return response;
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2) Greetings

Simple communication greetings, such as hello, help, etc. , just like we use WeChat to chat, but the response is responded by our program. Specific functions can be added according to your own needs.
WeChat is originally a platform for communication. This case can be used for online service robots, similar to Taobao’s customer service robots, but ours is the WeChat version. Haha
Actually, it’s very simple, get the request message and match the response based on the keywords. Of course, there may be a lot of work to be done here, such as how to support intelligent matching, how to support fuzzy matching, etc.

The code is as follows:

    /// <summary>
    /// 文本信息处理类    /// </summary>
    public class TextHandler : IHandler
    {        /// <summary>
        /// 请求的XML        /// </summary>
        private string RequestXml { get; set; }        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestXml">请求的xml</param>
        public TextHandler(string requestXml)
        {            this.RequestXml = requestXml;
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 处理请求        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string HandleRequest()
        {            string response = string.Empty;
            TextMessage tm = TextMessage.LoadFromXml(RequestXml);            string content = tm.Content.Trim();            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                response = "您什么都没输入,没法帮您啊,%>_<%。";
            }            else
            {                if (content.StartsWith("tq", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                {                    string cityName = content.Substring(2).Trim();
                    response = WeatherHelper.GetWeather(cityName);
                }                else
                    response = HandleOther(content);
            tm.Content = response;            //进行发送者、接收者转换
            string temp = tm.ToUserName;
            tm.ToUserName = tm.FromUserName;
            tm.FromUserName = temp;
            response = tm.GenerateContent();            return response;
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 处理其他消息        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string HandleOther(string requestContent)
        {            string response = string.Empty;            if (requestContent.Contains("你好") || requestContent.Contains("您好"))
                response = "您也好~";
            }            else if (requestContent.Contains("傻"))
                response = "我不傻!哼~ ";
            }            else if (requestContent.Contains("逼") || requestContent.Contains("操"))
                response = "哼,你说脏话! ";
            }            else if (requestContent.Contains("是谁"))
                response = "我是大哥大,有什么能帮您的吗?~";
            }            else if (requestContent.Contains("再见"))
                response = "再见!";
            }            else if (requestContent.Contains("bye"))
                response = "Bye!";
            }            else if (requestContent.Contains("谢谢"))
                response = "不客气!嘿嘿";
            }            else if (requestContent == "h" || requestContent == "H" || requestContent.Contains("帮助"))
                response = @"查询天气,输入tq 城市名称\拼音\首字母";
            }            else
                response = "您说的,可惜,我没明白啊,试试其他关键字吧。";
            }            return response;
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3) Query the weather

This function requires a request for real-time query , request the official weather release website, then parse its return value, organize the weather information according to the format we need, and finally send it to WeChat customers.
Using text message processing.
User request, just enter: tq city name/pinyin/initial letter to get the message.

Reply message: (Take Beijing as an example)

2013年11月6日 星期三
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Let’s take a look at the source code:

    class WeatherHelper
    {        /// <summary>
        /// 城市集合字段        /// </summary>
        private static Dictionary<string, City> mCities;        /// <summary>
        /// 城市集合        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary<string, City> Cities
        {            get
            {                if (mCities == null)
                }                return mCities;
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 加载城市        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadCities()
            mCities = new Dictionary<string, City>();
            mCities.Add("101010100", new City() { Code = "101010100", Name = "北京", PinYin = "beijing", FristLetter = "bj" });
            mCities.Add("101020100", new City() { Code = "101020100", Name = "上海", PinYin = "shanghai", FristLetter = "sh" });
            mCities.Add("101200101", new City() { Code = "101200101", Name = "武汉", PinYin = "wuhai", FristLetter = "wh" });
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 获取城市的天气        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">城市名称、拼音或首字母</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetWeather(string name)
        {            string result = string.Empty;            string cityCode = string.Empty;            //获取城市编码
            IEnumerable<string> codes = from item in Cities                                        where item.Value != null
                                              && (item.Value.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                                                    || item.Value.PinYin.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 
                                                    || item.Value.FristLetter.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))                                        select item.Value.Code;            if (codes != null && codes.Count() > 0)
                cityCode = codes.First<string>();
            }            //http请求,获取天气
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityCode))
            {                string url = "http://www.php.cn/{0}.html";
                url = string.Format(url, cityCode);
                WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url);                //超时时间为:2秒
                request.Timeout = 2000;
                request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);                string weahterInfo = reader.ReadToEnd();                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weahterInfo))
                    result = "暂时没有取到天气数据,请稍后再试";
                }                else
                    XmlDocument doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(weahterInfo);                    if (doc != null)
                        XmlNode node = doc.DocumentElement;                        if (node != null)
                            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                            builder.Append(node["date_y"].InnerText).Append(" ").Append(node["week"].InnerText).Append("\n");
                            result = builder.ToString();
                    }                    #region 天气json数据格式                    /*
   "weatherinfo": {
       "city": "北京", 
       "city_en": "beijing", 
       "date_y": "2013年11月4日", 
       "date": "", 
       "week": "星期一", 
       "fchh": "11", 
       "cityid": "101010100", 
       "temp1": "17℃~5℃", 
       "temp2": "16℃~5℃", 
       "temp3": "18℃~4℃", 
       "temp4": "17℃~5℃", 
       "temp5": "14℃~6℃", 
       "temp6": "14℃~2℃", 
       "tempF1": "62.6℉~41℉", 
       "tempF2": "60.8℉~41℉", 
       "tempF3": "64.4℉~39.2℉", 
       "tempF4": "62.6℉~41℉", 
       "tempF5": "57.2℉~42.8℉", 
       "tempF6": "57.2℉~35.6℉", 
       "weather1": "晴转多云", 
       "weather2": "多云", 
       "weather3": "多云转晴", 
       "weather4": "晴转多云", 
       "weather5": "多云转阴", 
       "weather6": "阴转晴", 
       "img1": "0", 
       "img2": "1", 
       "img3": "1", 
       "img4": "99", 
       "img5": "1", 
       "img6": "0", 
       "img7": "0", 
       "img8": "1", 
       "img9": "1", 
       "img10": "2", 
       "img11": "2", 
       "img12": "0", 
       "img_single": "0", 
       "img_title1": "晴", 
       "img_title2": "多云", 
       "img_title3": "多云", 
       "img_title4": "多云", 
       "img_title5": "多云", 
       "img_title6": "晴", 
       "img_title7": "晴", 
       "img_title8": "多云", 
       "img_title9": "多云", 
       "img_title10": "阴", 
       "img_title11": "阴", 
       "img_title12": "晴", 
       "img_title_single": "晴", 
       "wind1": "微风", 
       "wind2": "微风", 
       "wind3": "微风", 
       "wind4": "微风", 
       "wind5": "微风", 
       "wind6": "北风4-5级", 
       "fx1": "微风", 
       "fx2": "微风", 
       "fl1": "小于3级", 
       "fl2": "小于3级", 
       "fl3": "小于3级", 
       "fl4": "小于3级", 
       "fl5": "小于3级", 
       "fl6": "4-5级", 
       "index": "较冷", 
       "index_d": "建议着大衣、呢外套加毛衣、卫衣等服装。体弱者宜着厚外套、厚毛衣。因昼夜温差较大,注意增减衣服。", 
       "index48": "冷", 
       "index48_d": "天气冷,建议着棉服、羽绒服、皮夹克加羊毛衫等冬季服装。年老体弱者宜着厚棉衣、冬大衣或厚羽绒服。", 
       "index_uv": "中等", 
       "index48_uv": "弱", 
       "index_xc": "适宜", 
       "index_tr": "适宜", 
       "index_co": "舒适", 
       "st1": "17", 
       "st2": "5", 
       "st3": "17", 
       "st4": "5", 
       "st5": "18", 
       "st6": "6", 
       "index_cl": "适宜", 
       "index_ls": "适宜", 
       "index_ag": "极不易发"
}                */

            }            else
                result = "没有获取到该城市的天气,请确定输入了正确的城市名称,如\'北京\'或者\'beijing\'或者\'bj\'";
            }            //返回
            return result;
        }        /// <summary>
        /// 内部类:城市        /// </summary>
        internal class City
        {            /// <summary>
            /// 编码            /// </summary>
            public string Code { get; set; }            /// <summary>
            /// 名称            /// </summary>
            public string Name { get; set; }            /// <summary>
            /// 拼音            /// </summary>
            public string PinYin { get; set; }            /// <summary>
            /// 拼音首字母            /// </summary>
            public string FristLetter { get; set; }
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More WeChat public platform development tutorials (4) Getting started with examples: For robot-related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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