## As a book about security, encryption is usually a topic that needs to be mentioned. The reason I ignore encryption in the main part of this book is that its use is narrow and developers should think about security in the bigger picture. Overreliance on encryption often obfuscates the source of the problem. Although encryption itself is effective, encrypting it does not magically make an application more secure.
A PHP developer should mainly be familiar with the following encryption methods:
##l Symmetrical Encryption
l Asymmetric encryption (public key)
l Hash function (information summary)
l Message verification code
This appendix mainly focuses on the symmetric encryption algorithm using the mcrypt extension. The information you need to refer to is as follows:
Applied Cryptography, by Bruce Schneier (Wiley)
C.1. Password storage
When you store passwords in a database, never store them in the clear. Instead, store the hash of the password and use the appended string:
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## When you need to confirm whether a password is correct, calculate it in the same way Get the hash value and compare the similarities and differences:
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## If the hash values are exactly the same, you have reason to think that the passwords are also the same.
If this trick is used, it is impossible to tell the user what their password is. When a user forgets his password, you can only ask him to enter a new password and recalculate the hash value and store it in the database. Of course, you need to be very careful about authenticating users - password reminders are a frequent target of attacks and a frequent source of security breaches.
C.2. Use mcrypt
PHP's standard encryption extension is mcrypt, which supports many different encryption algorithms. You can pass mcrypt_list_algorithms( ) function to view the list of supported algorithms on your platform:
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Encryption and decryption are performed by mcrypt_encrypt( ) and mcrypt_decrypt( ) function to implement. Both functions have 5 parameters. The first parameter is used to specify the algorithm used:
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The encryption key (the second parameter) is very sensitive data, so you want to make sure you store it in a safe place. Encryption keys can be protected using the methods for protecting database permissions in Chapter 8. If financial conditions permit, hardware encryption keys are the best choice, providing super strong security.
The function has multiple modes to choose from, you can use mcrypt_list_modes( ) to list all supported modes:
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The following sample class provides basic encryption and decryption methods:
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C.3. 信用卡号的保存
保存加密数据到数据的过程是,首先加密数据,然后通过初始向量与明文建立密文来保存到数据库。由于密文是二进制字符串,还需要通过base64_encode( )转换成普通文本字符串以保证二进制编码的安全存储。
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C.4. 加密会话数据
这个方案十分简单。实际上,在第八章中,已经说明了如何通过调用session_set_save_handler( )来执行你自己的会话机制。通过对保存和读取数据的函数的少量调整,你就能加密存入数据库的数据及在读取时解密数据:
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