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Understanding MySQL - Indexing and Optimization

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Written before: Indexes have a crucial impact on query speed, and understanding indexes is also the starting point for database performance tuning. Consider the following situation, assuming that a table in the database has 10^6 records, the page size of the DBMS is 4K, and 100 records are stored. If there is no index, the query will scan the entire table. In the worst case, if all data pages are not in memory, 10^4 pages need to be read. If these 10^4 pages are randomly distributed on the disk, it needs to be read. 10^4 I/O times, assuming that each disk I/O time is 10ms (ignoring data transfer time), it will take a total of 100s (but in fact it is much better). If you create a B-Tree index for it, you only need to read log100(10^6)=3 pages, which takes 30ms in the worst case. This is the effect of indexing. Many times, when your application performs SQL queries very slowly, you should think about whether you can build an index. Let’s get to the point:

Chapter 2, Indexing and Optimization

1. Select the data type of the index

MySQL supports many data types. Choosing the appropriate data type to store data will have a negative impact on performance. Have a great impact. Generally speaking, some guidelines can be followed:

(1) Smaller data types are usually better: Smaller data types usually require less space on disk, memory, and CPU cache. Processing is faster.
(2) Simple data types are better: Integer data has less processing overhead than characters, because the comparison of strings is more complex. In MySQL, you should use the built-in date and time data types instead of strings to store time; and use integer data types to store IP addresses.
(3) Try to avoid NULL: the column should be specified as NOT NULL, unless you want to store NULL. In MySQL, columns containing null values ​​are difficult to optimize queries because they complicate indexes, index statistics, and comparison operations. You should replace null values ​​with 0, a special value, or an empty string.

1.1. Select identifier
It is very important to choose the appropriate identifier. When choosing, you should not only consider the storage type, but also how MySQL performs operations and comparisons. Once a data type is selected, it should be ensured that all related tables use the same data type.
(1) Integer: Usually the best choice as an identifier, because it can be processed faster and can be set to AUTO_INCREMENT.

(2) String: Try to avoid using strings as identifiers, they consume more space and are slower to process. Also, in general, strings are random, so their position in the index is also random, which can lead to page splits, random access to disk, and clustered index splits (for storage engines using clustered indexes).

2. Introduction to Indexes
For any DBMS, indexes are the most important factor for optimization. For a small amount of data, the impact of not having a suitable index is not great, but as the amount of data increases, the performance will drop sharply.
If multiple columns are indexed (combined index), the order of the columns is very important. MySQL can only perform an effective search on the leftmost prefix of the index. For example:
Assume that there is a combined index it1c1c2(c1,c2), and the query statement select * from t1 where c1=1 and c2=2 can use this index. The query statement select * from t1 where c1=1 can also use this index. However, the query statement select * from t1 where c2=2 cannot use this index because there is no leading column of the combined index. That is, if you want to use the c2 column for search, c1 must be equal to a certain value.

2.1. Type of index
Index is implemented in the storage engine, not in the server layer. Therefore, the indexes of each storage engine are not necessarily exactly the same, and not all storage engines support all index types.
2.1.1, B-Tree Index
Suppose there is the following table:

   last_name varchar(50)    not null,
   first_name varchar(50)    not null,
   dob        date           not null,
   gender     enum('m', 'f') not null,
   key(last_name, first_name, dob)
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# # Its index contains the last_name, first_name and dob columns of each row in the table. Its structure is roughly as follows:

索引存储的值按索引列中的顺序排列。可以利用B-Tree索引进行全关键字、关键字范围和关键字前缀查询,当然,如果想使用索引,你必须保证按索引的最左边前缀(leftmost prefix of the index)来进行查询。
(1)匹配全值(Match the full value):对索引中的所有列都指定具体的值。例如,上图中索引可以帮助你查找出生于1960-01-01的Cuba Allen。
(2)匹配最左前缀(Match a leftmost prefix):你可以利用索引查找last name为Allen的人,仅仅使用索引中的第1列。
(3)匹配列前缀(Match a column prefix):例如,你可以利用索引查找last name以J开始的人,这仅仅使用索引中的第1列。
(4)匹配值的范围查询(Match a range of values):可以利用索引查找last name在Allen和Barrymore之间的人,仅仅使用索引中第1列。
(5)匹配部分精确而其它部分进行范围匹配(Match one part exactly and match a range on another part):可以利用索引查找last name为Allen,而first name以字母K开始的人。
(6)仅对索引进行查询(Index-only queries):如果查询的列都位于索引中,则不需要读取元组的值。
由于B-树中的节点都是顺序存储的,所以可以利用索引进行查找(找某些值),也可以对查询结果进行ORDER BY。当然,使用B-tree索引有以下一些限制:
(1) 查询必须从索引的最左边的列开始。关于这点已经提了很多遍了。例如你不能利用索引查找在某一天出生的人。
(2) 不能跳过某一索引列。例如,你不能利用索引查找last name为Smith且出生于某一天的人。
(3) 存储引擎不能使用索引中范围条件右边的列。例如,如果你的查询语句为WHERE last_name="Smith" AND first_name LIKE 'J%' AND dob='1976-12-23',则该查询只会使用索引中的前两列,因为LIKE是范围查询。

MySQL中,只有Memory存储引擎显示支持hash索引,是Memory表的默认索引类型,尽管Memory表也可以使用B-Tree索引。Memory存储引擎支持非唯一hash索引,这在数据库领域是罕见的,如果多个值有相同的hash code,索引把它们的行指针用链表保存到同一个hash表项中。

CREATE TABLE testhash (
   fname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
   lname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
   KEY USING HASH(fname)
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假设索引使用hash函数f( ),如下:

CREATE TABLE layout_test (
   col1 int NOT NULL,
   col2 int NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(col1),
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mysql> SELECT lname FROM testhash WHERE fname='Peter';
MySQL会计算’Peter’的hash值,然后通过它来查询索引的行指针。因为f('Peter') = 8784,MySQL会在索引中查找8784,得到指向记录3的指针。

(1)由于索引仅包含hash code和记录指针,所以,MySQL不能通过使用索引避免读取记录。但是访问内存中的记录是非常迅速的,不会对性造成太大的影响。
(4)Hash索引只支持等值比较,例如使用=,IN( )和<=>。对于WHERE price>100并不能加速查询。

3.1、聚簇索引(Clustered Indexes)



CREATE TABLE layout_test (
   col1 int NOT NULL,
   col2 int NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(col1),
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假设主键的值位于1---10,000之间,且按随机顺序插入,然后用OPTIMIZE TABLE进行优化。col2随机赋予1---100之间的值,所以会存在许多重复的值。
(1) MyISAM的数据布局

注:左边为行号(row number),从0开始。因为元组的大小固定,所以MyISAM可以很容易的从表的开始位置找到某一字节的位置。
据些建立的primary key的索引结构大致如下:

注:MyISAM不支持聚簇索引,索引中每一个叶子节点仅仅包含行号(row number),且叶子节点按照col1的顺序存储。

实际上,在MyISAM中,primary key和其它索引没有什么区别。Primary key仅仅只是一个叫做PRIMARY的唯一,非空的索引而已。

(2) InnoDB的数据布局

注:聚簇索引中的每个叶子节点包含primary key的值,事务ID和回滚指针(rollback pointer)——用于事务和MVCC,和余下的列(如col2)。

相对于MyISAM,二级索引与聚簇索引有很大的不同。InnoDB的二级索引的叶子包含primary key的值,而不是行指针(row pointers),这减小了移动数据或者数据页面分裂时维护二级索引的开销,因为InnoDB不需要更新索引的行指针。其结构大致如下:


3.1.2、按primary key的顺序插入行(InnoDB)

如果你用InnoDB,而且不需要特殊的聚簇索引,一个好的做法就是使用代理主键(surrogate key)——独立于你的应用中的数据。最简单的做法就是使用一个AUTO_INCREMENT的列,这会保证记录按照顺序插入,而且能提高使用primary key进行连接的查询的性能。应该尽量避免随机的聚簇主键,例如,字符串主键就是一个不好的选择,它使得插入操作变得随机。

3.2、覆盖索引(Covering Indexes)
对于索引覆盖查询(index-covered query),使用EXPLAIN时,可以在Extra一列中看到“Using index”。例如,在sakila的inventory表中,有一个组合索引(store_id,film_id),对于只需要访问这两列的查询,MySQL就可以使用索引,如下:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT store_id, film_id FROM sakila.inventory\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
        table: inventory
         type: index
possible_keys: NULL
          key: idx_store_id_film_id
      key_len: 3
          ref: NULL
         rows: 5007
        Extra: Using index
1 row in set (0.17 sec)
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在大多数引擎中,只有当查询语句所访问的列是索引的一部分时,索引才会覆盖。但是,InnoDB不限于此,InnoDB的二级索引在叶子节点中存储了primary key的值。因此,sakila.actor表使用InnoDB,而且对于是last_name上有索引,所以,索引能覆盖那些访问actor_id的查询,如:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT actor_id, last_name
    -> FROM sakila.actor WHERE last_name = &#39;HOPPER&#39;\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
        table: actor
         type: ref
possible_keys: idx_actor_last_name
          key: idx_actor_last_name
      key_len: 137
          ref: const
         rows: 2
        Extra: Using where; Using index
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MySQL中,有两种方式生成有序结果集:一是使用filesort,二是按索引顺序扫描。利用索引进行排序操作是非常快的,而且可以利用同一索引同时进行查找和排序操作。当索引的顺序与ORDER BY中的列顺序相同且所有的列是同一方向(全部升序或者全部降序)时,可以使用索引来排序。如果查询是连接多个表,仅当ORDER BY中的所有列都是第一个表的列时才会使用索引。其它情况都会使用filesort。

create table actor(
actor_id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
name      varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
password        varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
PRIMARY KEY(actor_id),
 KEY     (name)
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;cat01&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;cat02&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;ddddd&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;aaaaa&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
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mysql> explain select actor_id from actor order by actor_id \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
        table: actor
         type: index
possible_keys: NULL
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 4
          ref: NULL
         rows: 4
        Extra: Using index
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> explain select actor_id from actor order by password \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
        table: actor
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 4
        Extra: Using filesort
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> explain select actor_id from actor order by name \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
        table: actor
         type: index
possible_keys: NULL
          key: name
      key_len: 18
          ref: NULL
         rows: 4
        Extra: Using index
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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当MySQL不能使用索引进行排序时,就会利用自己的排序算法(快速排序算法)在内存(sort buffer)中对数据进行排序,如果内存装载不下,它会将磁盘上的数据进行分块,再对各个数据块进行排序,然后将各个块合并成有序的结果集(实际上就是外排序)。对于filesort,MySQL有两种排序算法。
(1)两遍扫描算法(Two passes)
(3) 一次扫描算法(single pass)
注:从 MySQL 4.1 版本开始使用该算法。它减少了I/O的次数,效率较高,但是内存开销也较大。如果我们将并不需要的Columns也取出来,就会极大地浪费排序过程所需要的内存。在 MySQL 4.1 之后的版本中,可以通过设置 max_length_for_sort_data 参数来控制 MySQL 选择第一种排序算法还是第二种。当取出的所有大字段总大小大于 max_length_for_sort_data 的设置时,MySQL 就会选择使用第一种排序算法,反之,则会选择第二种。为了尽可能地提高排序性能,我们自然更希望使用第二种排序算法,所以在 Query 中仅仅取出需要的 Columns 是非常有必要的。

当对连接操作进行排序时,如果ORDER BY仅仅引用第一个表的列,MySQL对该表进行filesort操作,然后进行连接处理,此时,EXPLAIN输出“Using filesort”;否则,MySQL必须将查询的结果集生成一个临时表,在连接完成之后进行filesort操作,此时,EXPLAIN输出“Using temporary;Using filesort”。

索引对于InnoDB非常重要,因为它可以让查询锁更少的元组。这点十分重要,因为MySQL 5.0中,InnoDB直到事务提交时才会解锁。有两个方面的原因:首先,即使InnoDB行级锁的开销非常高效,内存开销也较小,但不管怎么样,还是存在开销。其次,对不需要的元组的加锁,会增加锁的开销,降低并发性。

create table actor(
actor_id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
name      varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
password        varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
PRIMARY KEY(actor_id),
 KEY     (name)
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;cat01&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;cat02&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;ddddd&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
insert into actor(name,password) values(&#39;aaaaa&#39;,&#39;1234567&#39;);
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SELECT actor_id FROM actor WHERE actor_id < 4
AND actor_id <> 1 FOR UPDATE;
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    -> WHERE actor_id < 4 AND actor_id <> 1 FOR UPDATE \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
        table: actor
         type: index
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 4
          ref: NULL
         rows: 4
        Extra: Using where; Using index
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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为了证明row 1已经被锁住,我们另外建一个连接,执行如下操作:

SELECT actor_id FROM actor WHERE actor_id = 1 FOR UPDATE;
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 该查询会被挂起,直到第一个连接的事务提交释放锁时,才会执行(这种行为对于基于语句的复制(statement-based replication)是必要的)。



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