parameterized types , that is to say, the data type being operated on is specified as a parameter. Before Java SE 1.5, without generics, the "arbitrary" parameters were implemented by referencing the type Object. The disadvantage of "arbitrary" was that explicit
mandatory Type conversion, and this conversion requires the developer to know the actual parameter type beforehand. In the case of forced type conversion errors, the compiler may not prompt an error , and the exception will only occur when runs . This is a security risk. The advantage of generics is that type safety is checked at compile time, and all casts are automatic and implicit to improve code reuse.
There is no error:
private transient Object[] elementData;
, using get() returns An Object object needs
forced conversion, but an Integer value is mixed in the middle, causing the forced conversion to fail. This error is caused by the arbitrary of Object. If you can find that the data type is wrong during the compilation stage, it will be very convenient.
Generics meets this requirement: I will modify this program. ArrayList uses generics: you will find that during the compilation stage An error was reported.
Do not use generics:
package com.chb.fanxing;public class NoGen { private Object ob; public NoGen(Object ob) { this.ob = ob; } getter setter... private void showType() { System.out.println("数据的实际类型是:" + ob.getClass().getName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { NoGen ngInt = new NoGen(88); ngInt.showType(); int i = (int)ngInt.getOb(); System.out.println("value = " + i); System.out.println("---------------"); NoGen ngStr = new NoGen("88"); ngStr.showType(); String str = (String)ngStr.getOb(); System.out.println("value = " + str); } }
Use Generics:
package com.chb.fanxing;public class Gen<T> { private T ob; public Gen(T ob) { this.ob = ob; } getter setter... private void showType() { System.out.println("T的实际类型:"+ob.getClass().getName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { //定义一个Integer版本 Gen<Integer> genInt = new Gen<Integer>(88); genInt.showType(); int i = genInt.getOb();//此处不用强制转换 System.out.println("value = " + i); System.out.println("----------------------"); Gen<String> genStr = new Gen<String>("88"); genStr.showType(); String str = genStr.getOb(); System.out.println("value = "+str); } }
are consistent
数据的实际类型是:java.lang.Integervalue = 88 ---------------数据的实际类型是:java.lang.String value = 88
int i = genInt.getOb();//此处不用强制转换
int i = (int)ngInt.getOb();
class StringDemo { private String s; public StringDemo (String s) { this.s = s; } setter geter.... } class DoubleDemo{ private Double d; public DoubleDemo(Double d) { this.d = d; } setter getter... }
generally used. The refactored code is as follows:
class ObjectDemo{ private Object ob; public ObjectDemo(Object ob){ this.ob = ob; } setter getter... }
public static void ObjectDemoTest(){ ObjectDemo strOD = new ObjectDemo("123"); ObjectDemo dOD = new ObjectDemo(new Double(23)); ObjectDemo od = new ObjectDemo(new Object()); System.out.println((String)strOD.getOb()); System.out.println((Double)dOD.getOb()); System.out.println(od.getOb()); }
Force conversion must be used in the above
ObjectDemoTest(), which is more troublesome. We must also know the data type to be converted in advance in order to perform the correct conversion , otherwise, an error will occur. There will be no problem when the business is compiled, but once it is run, a "classCastException" will appear. So we don't need to do the cast ourselves, which is especially important for generics.
class GenDemo<T>{ private T t; public GenDemo(T t) { this.t = t; } public void setT(T t) { this.t = t; } public T getT() { return t; } }
Eliminates manual cast
public static void GenTest() { GenDemo<String> strOD = new GenDemo<String>("123"); GenDemo<Double> dOD = new GenDemo<Double>(new Double(23)); GenDemo<Object> od = new GenDemo<Object>(new Object()); System.out.println(strOD.getT()); System.out.println(dOD.getT()); System.out.println(od.getT()); }
T is just a name, you can choose it at will.
class GenDemo, T does not impose any restrictions, and is actually equivalent to Object,
is equivalent to class GenDemo.
Compared with Object, classes defined using generics can use
< Double> dOD = new GenDemo
Restricted generics
Multiple interface restrictions
Wildcard generics
泛型是Java SE 1.5的新特性,泛型的本质是参数化类型,也就是说所操作的数据类型被指定为一个参数。
在Java SE 1.5之前,没有泛型的情况的下,通过对类型Object的引用来实现参数的“任意化”,“任意化”带来的缺点是要做显式的强制类型转换,而这种转换是要求开发者对实际参数类型可以预知的情况下进行的。对于强制类型转换错误的情况,编译器可能不提示错误,在运行的时候才出现异常,这是一个安全隐患。
因为ArrayList中维护的是一个Object数组, private transient Object[] elementData;
, 使用get()返回的是一个Object对象, 需要强制转换,但是中间混杂一个Integer数值, 导致强制转换失败。这个错误就是由于Object的任意化导致的。
如果能在编译阶段就发现数据类型有错, 那么就很方便,泛型就满足了这个要求:我将这个程序修改一下,ArrayList使用泛型:会发现编译阶段就报错了.
package com.chb.fanxing;public class NoGen { private Object ob; public NoGen(Object ob) { this.ob = ob; } getter setter... private void showType() { System.out.println("数据的实际类型是:" + ob.getClass().getName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { NoGen ngInt = new NoGen(88); ngInt.showType(); int i = (int)ngInt.getOb(); System.out.println("value = " + i); System.out.println("---------------"); NoGen ngStr = new NoGen("88"); ngStr.showType(); String str = (String)ngStr.getOb(); System.out.println("value = " + str); } }
package com.chb.fanxing;public class Gen<T> { private T ob; public Gen(T ob) { this.ob = ob; } getter setter... private void showType() { System.out.println("T的实际类型:"+ob.getClass().getName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { //定义一个Integer版本 Gen<Integer> genInt = new Gen<Integer>(88); genInt.showType(); int i = genInt.getOb();//此处不用强制转换 System.out.println("value = " + i); System.out.println("----------------------"); Gen<String> genStr = new Gen<String>("88"); genStr.showType(); String str = genStr.getOb(); System.out.println("value = "+str); } }
数据的实际类型是:java.lang.Integervalue = 88 ---------------数据的实际类型是:java.lang.String value = 88
int i = genInt.getOb();//此处不用强制转换
int i = (int)ngInt.getOb();
class StringDemo { private String s; public StringDemo (String s) { this.s = s; } setter geter.... } class DoubleDemo{ private Double d; public DoubleDemo(Double d) { this.d = d; } setter getter... }
class ObjectDemo{ private Object ob; public ObjectDemo(Object ob){ this.ob = ob; } setter getter... }
public static void ObjectDemoTest(){ ObjectDemo strOD = new ObjectDemo("123"); ObjectDemo dOD = new ObjectDemo(new Double(23)); ObjectDemo od = new ObjectDemo(new Object()); System.out.println((String)strOD.getOb()); System.out.println((Double)dOD.getOb()); System.out.println(od.getOb()); }
中必须要使用强制转换,这比较麻烦,我们还必须事先知道要转换的数据类型,才能进行正确的转换,否则,会出现错误, 业务编译时没有问题,但是一运行,会出现”classCastException”。所以我们需要不用自己进行强制转换,这是泛型就尤为重要。
class GenDemo<T>{ private T t; public GenDemo(T t) { this.t = t; } public void setT(T t) { this.t = t; } public T getT() { return t; } }
public static void GenTest() { GenDemo<String> strOD = new GenDemo<String>("123"); GenDemo<Double> dOD = new GenDemo<Double>(new Double(23)); GenDemo<Object> od = new GenDemo<Object>(new Object()); System.out.println(strOD.getT()); System.out.println(dOD.getT()); System.out.println(od.getT()); }
使用表示一个类型持有者名称, 相当于一个形参,数据的类型是有实际传入的数据的类型决定,然后T作为成员、参数、方法的返回值的类型。
class GenDemo , T没有进行任何限制, 实际相当于 Object,
等同于 class GenDemo。