HTML Design Pattern Study Notes
This week I mainly studied HTML design patterns. I will summarize my learning content as follows:
1. Learning the box model
There is a basic design model in CSS called the box model, which defines how elements are parsed as boxes. I mainly learned six types of box models, namely inline box model (inline box), inline block box model (inline-block box), block box model (block box), table box model (table box), Absolute box model (absolute box) and floating box model (floated box).
The box model design pattern is built into CSS and defines the relationship between the following properties: border, border, padding, and content. Each attribute includes four parts: top, right, bottom, left; these four parts can be set at the same time or separately; the border has size and color, which we can understand as the thickness of the box we see in life and the What color material the box is made of, the boundary is the distance between the box and other things, the content is the content of the box, and the material filling the empty space in the filling box.
1.1 Inline box model
The inline box model is parsed in inline order. They are sorted horizontally from left to right. When exceeding their nearest terminal block When the width of the ancestor is changed, it switches to a new line. width, height, and overflow don't work on inline elements because they always match the width and height of the content. Margin and line-height can be applied to inline elements in a special way. Horizontal margins change the position of inline elements in the collation order. A positive value for margin-left will move the element further away from the element in front of it, while a negative value will bring it closer. A positive value for margin-right will move the element further away from its next element, while a negative value will bring it closer. margin-top and margin-bottom have no effect on inline elements. Border sets a border for inline elements in a special way. The horizontal border will change the position of inline elements in the arrangement. The left border moves the element to the left, and the right border moves the next element to the right. The top and bottom borders will appear outside the padding, but will not extend to the line height or change the vertical position of the element. The template for this pattern can be represented as follows:
INLINE_SELECTOR{ display:inline; visibility:value; line-height:value; margin:value; padding:value; border: width style color; }
This design pattern can be applied to any inline element and any element that is displayed inline.
1.2 Inline block box model
Inline block elements are located in the inline sorting order, just like other inline boxes, except that it also contains some blocks Properties of the element: margins, borders, padding, width, and height. Inline block elements will not intersect other lines. Inline block elements add line height to accommodate their height, padding, borders, and margins. width and height set the height and width of the element. You can expand or shrink an alternative element, such as an image, by setting their width or height to a specific value. You can also use width:auto and height:auto to make the size of the replacement element match the actual size. Assuming a span with display:inline-block, you can adjust the size by setting their width and height. You can also use width:auto and height:auto to wrap inline block elements. You can use width:100% to stretch the inline block element, which is the same as the block element. The margin element will change the size of the element from the four directions of up, down, left and right. margin-top and margin-bottom will increase or decrease the line height. margin-left and margin-right will bring the element closer or expand it in the horizontal direction. The distance of the elements. Borders and padding can also be used to extend the outer dimensions of inline elements.
The typical pattern of the inline box model is as follows:
SELECTOR{ display:inline-block; line-height:value; overflow:value; visibility:value; width:value; height:value; margin:value; padding:value; border:width style color; }
This design pattern can be applied to all inline elements.
1.3 Block Box Model
In a block formatting environment, the block box model is arranged vertically from top to bottom, which is the normal arrangement of block elements. Block box models can contain other block box models, or they can terminate a block formatting environment and start an inline formatting environment containing inline box models. The terminal block element creates an inline formatting environment within its inner box, but its outer box must be in a block formatting environment at this time.
SELECTOR{ display:block; overflow:value; visibility:value; width:value; height:value; margin:value; padding:value; border:width style color; }
SELECTOR{ display:table; visibility:value; width:value; height:value; margin:value; border:width style color; border-collapse:value; table-layout:value; }
SELECTOR{ position:absolute_fixed; z-index:value; overflow:value; visibility:value; left:value; right:value; top:value; bottom:value; width:value; height:value; margin:value; padding:value; border:width style color; }
SELECTOR{ float:left_right; width:value; height:value; z-index:value; margin:value; padding:value; border:width style color; overflow:value; visibility:value; }
INLINE-SELECTOR{ position:static; line-height:value; margin-left:value; margin-right:value; }
BLOCK-SELECTOR{ position:static; width:value; height:value; margin:value; }
绝对元素令你能够相对它们的定位最近祖先元素精确控制它们的所在方位。绝对元素是在正常元素排列顺序上的定位层进行解析的,就好像一个独立的盒模型,不像浮动元素,绝对元素是不流动的。可以使用position:absolute把任何元素当作绝对盒模型解析。用width和height来设置它的大小。百分比是相对它的定位最近的盒模型,而不是父元素。可以为left、 right、bottom和top赋值,把它放在定位最近的祖先元素的某一侧。可用margin让元素的边相对定位最近祖先元素的某边进行偏移。用z-index控制元素的堆叠顺序,拥有大z-index值得元素会处于靠近用户的定位层。模式如下:
SELECTOR{ position:absolute; z-index:value; width:value; left:value; right:value; top:value; bottom:value; margin:value; }
SELECTOR{ position:fixed; z-index:value; width:value; height:value; margin:value; left:value; top:value; bottom:value; right:value; }
SELECTOR{ position:relative; z-index:value; left:auto; top:auto; }
在CSS2.1中,块级元素只能是矩形形状的。当我们需要计算一个块级元素的整体尺寸时,需要同时把内容区域(content area)的长宽,连同此元素的外边距,内边距,以及边框都计算在内。盒子模型可以分为标准W3C盒子模型和IE盒子模型。标准W3C盒子模型如下图:
该盒模型的范围包括margin、border、padding、content,并且content部分不包含其他部分。也就是说当我们在css中设计一个块级元素的width和height属性时比如.box{width :100px; height:100px}时,其中的width 和height仅仅是对content部分设置的,即定义上图中padding-top和padding-bottom之间区域的长(padding-left和padding-right之间区域的宽)。而不是内容,内边距,边框的总和。而IE盒子模型如下图:
该盒模型的范围包括margin、border、padding、content,和标准W3C盒子模型不同的是:IE盒子模型的content部分包含了border和padding。也就是说当我们在css中设计一个块级元素的width和height属性时比如.box{width :100px; height:100px}时,其中的width 和height是内容,内边距,边框的总和。
.test1{ height:200px; padding:20px; margin:30px; border:10px dotted grey; background:red; }
.test1{ height:200px; padding:20px; margin:30px; border:10px dotted grey; background:red; position:absolute; }
.box{ background:red; height:200px; width:100%; } .contain{ background:yellow; height:220px; width:300px; }
.box{ background:red; height:200px; width:100%; padding:10px; margin:10px; }
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