What is a network?
A network is composed of nodes and connections, representing many objects and their interconnections. In mathematics, a network is a kind of graph, which is generally considered to refer specifically to weighted graphs. In addition to mathematical definitions, networks also have specific physical meanings, that is, networks are models abstracted from a certain type of practical problem. In the computer field, the network is a virtual platform for information transmission, reception, and sharing. It connects information from various points, surfaces, and bodies together, thereby realizing the sharing of these resources. The Internet is the most important invention in the history of human development, improving the development of science and technology and human society.
Three elements of network communication
IP address
is used to represent an independent host
Special IP address or localhost (indicating local loopback address, reserved address, etc.), can be used for local testing
Port number
To send data to the application specified by the other party, in order to identify these applications, these network applications are identified with numbers. For the convenience of naming these numbers, these numbers are called ports
Transmission Protocol
TCP Protocol: Transmission Control Protocol
Connection-oriented: a connection needs to be established before transmission
A large amount of data is transmitted during the connection process
Connected through a three-way handshake, which is a safe and reliable connection
The transmission rate is slow and the efficiency is low
UDP protocol: User transmission protocol
For connectionless: the transmission process does not require the establishment of a connection to transmit
The size of each data transmission is limited to 64K
The transmission process is unreliable
Fast transmission rate and high efficiency
SOCKET network programming
Simple implementation of a WEB applet
import socket def handle_request(client): buf = client.recv(1024) client.send(bytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n",'utf8')) client.send(bytes("Hello, World",'utf8')) def main(): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(('localhost', 8080)) sock.listen(5) while True: connection, address = sock.accept() handle_request(connection) connection.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Python provides two levels of access network services:
The low-level network service supports basic Sockets, which provides the standard BSD Sockets API, which can All methods to access the underlying operating system Socket interface.
High-level network service module SocketServer, which provides server center classes that can simplify the development of network servers.
What is a socket?
Socket is also called "socket". Applications usually send requests to or respond to the network through "sockets" Requests enable communication between hosts or between processes on a computer.
Socket() function:
socket.socket([family[, type[, proto]]])
family: The socket family can be AF_UNIX or AF_INET
type: The socket type can be divided into SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM according to whether it is connection-oriented or non-connection.
protocol: Generally left unfilled, the default is 0 .
Communication process
#######server端########## import socket sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8000) sk.bind(address) sk.listen(3) while True: conn, addr = sk.accept() while True: try: data = conn.recv(1024) print(str(data, 'utf8')) if not data: break inp = input(">>>") conn.send(bytes(inp, 'utf8')) except Exception: break conn.close() ##########Client端########### import socket sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8000) sk.connect(address) while True: inp = input(">>>") if inp == "exit": break sk.send(bytes(inp, 'utf8')) data = sk.recv(1024) print(str(data, 'utf8')) sk.close()
Socket built-in method
s.bind() 绑定地址(host,port)到套接字, 在AF_INET下,以元组(host,port)的形式表示地址。
s.listen() 开始TCP监听。backlog指定在拒绝连接之前,操作系统可以挂起的最大连接数量。该值至少为1,大部分应用程序设为5就可以了。
s.accept() 被动接受TCP客户端连接,(阻塞式)等待连接的到来
s.connect() 主动初始化TCP服务器连接,。一般address的格式为元组(hostname,port),如果连接出错,返回socket.error错误。
s.connect_ex() connect()函数的扩展版本,出错时返回出错码,而不是抛出异常
s.recv() 接收TCP数据,数据以字符串形式返回,bufsize指定要接收的最大数据量。flag提供有关消息的其他信息,通常可以忽略。
s.send() 发送TCP数据,将string中的数据发送到连接的套接字。返回值是要发送的字节数量,该数量可能小于string的字节大小。
s.sendall() 完整发送TCP数据,完整发送TCP数据。将string中的数据发送到连接的套接字,但在返回之前会尝试发送所有数据。成功返回None,失败则抛出异常。
s.recvform() 接收UDP数据,与recv()类似,但返回值是(data,address)。其中data是包含接收数据的字符串,address是发送数据的套接字地址。
s.sendto() 发送UDP数据,将数据发送到套接字,address是形式为(ipaddr,port)的元组,指定远程地址。返回值是发送的字节数。
s.close() 关闭套接字
s.getpeername() 返回连接套接字的远程地址。返回值通常是元组(ipaddr,port)。
s.getsockname() 返回套接字自己的地址。通常是一个元组(ipaddr,port)
s.setsockopt(level,optname,value) 设置给定套接字选项的值。
s.getsockopt(level,optname[.buflen]) 返回套接字选项的值。
s.settimeout(timeout) 设置套接字操作的超时期,timeout是一个浮点数,单位是秒。值为None表示没有超时期。一般,超时期应该在刚创建套接字时设置,因为它们可能用于连接的操作(如connect())
s.gettimeout() 返回当前超时期的值,单位是秒,如果没有设置超时期,则返回None。
s.fileno() 返回套接字的文件描述符。
s.setblocking(flag) 如果flag为0,则将套接字设为非阻塞模式,否则将套接字设为阻塞模式(默认值)。非阻塞模式下,如果调用recv()没有发现任何数据,或send()调用无法立即发送数据,那么将引起socket.error异常。
s.makefile() 创建一个与该套接字相关连的文件
#########Server端########## import socket import subprocess sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8000) sk.bind(address) sk.listen(3) while True: conn, addr = sk.accept() while True: try: data = conn.recv(1024) except Exception: break if not data: break # print(str(data, 'utf8')) # data = str(data, 'utf8')#解码同decode obj = subprocess.Popen(data.decode('utf8'), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ssh_result = obj.stdout.read() result_len = bytes(str(len(ssh_result)),'utf8') conn.send(result_len) conn.send(ssh_result) conn.close() #########Client######### import socket sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8000) sk.connect(address) while True: inp = input(">>>") if inp == "exit": break sk.send(bytes(inp, 'utf8')) result_len = int(str(sk.recv(1024), 'utf8')) print(result_len) data = bytes() while len(data) != result_len: recv = sk.recv(1024) data += recv print(str(data, 'gbk')) sk.close()
import socket import os sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8000) sk.bind(address) sk.listen(3) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) while True: conn, addr = sk.accept() while True: data = conn.recv(1024) cmd, file_name, file_size = str(data, 'utf8').split('|') path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'model', file_name) file_size = int(file_size) f = open(path, 'ab') has_recv = 0 while has_recv != file_size: data = conn.recv(1024) f.write(data) has_recv += len(data) f.close()
import socket import os sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8000) sk.connect(address) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) while True: inp = input(">>>>").strip() path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, inp) file_name = os.path.basename(path) file_size = os.stat(path).st_size file_info = 'post|%s|%s' % (file_name, file_size) sk.sendall(bytes(file_info, 'utf8')) f = open(path, 'rb') has_sent = 0 while has_sent != file_size: data = f.read(1024) sk.sendall(data) has_sent += len(data) f.close() print("上传成功")
import socketserver class MyServer(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): print("服务端启动") while True: conn = self.request while True: data = conn.recv(1024) print(str(data, 'utf8')) inp = input(">>>>>") conn.sendall(bytes(inp, 'utf8')) conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': server = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', 8080), MyServer) server.serve_forever() server
import socket sk = socket.socket() address = ('', 8080) sk.connect(address) print("客户端启动") while True: inp = input(">>>>>") sk.sendall(bytes(inp, 'utf8')) if inp == "q": break data = sk.recv(1024) print(str(data, 'utf8')) sk.close()
There are five classes in an inheritance diagram, four of which represent
synchronous servers of four types:
更多Socket network programming in python相关文章请关注PHP中文网!