When I was writing a flash advertising code today, I found that the flash was always above the p layer, so I needed to make some settings. After searching, I found that there was no such content in Script Home. Here I will add for you
Today when I was writing a flash advertising code, because the links that come with flash can easily be regarded as pop-up ads, I made a p layer and put it on top of the flash, so that the links triggered by a will not be blocked, but I found that the flash always It is above the p layer. It turns out that flash needs to add a parameter.
How to place flash under the p layer, so that flash does not block floating layers or drop-down menus, and so that Flash does not block floating objects or key parameters of layers: wmode=opaque.
The method is as follows:
For IE, add the parameter
For FF, add the parameter wmode="opaque" in
Script House usage code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>22cn</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { position:relative; z-index:0; margin:0; padding:0 } body,td,th { color: #333333; } *{margin:0; padding:0} img{ border:0} #jb51{ position:relative; width:300px; height:250px} #p1 { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:300px; height:250px; z-index:-1 } #p2 { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:300px; height:250px; z-index:99999; } --> </style></head> <body> <p id="jb51"> <p id="p1"> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="300" height="250">'); document.write('<param name="movie" value="http://common.jb51.net/image/22cn_jb51net.swf" />'); document.write('<param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="opaque" />'); document.write('<embed src="http://common.jb51.net/image/22cn_jb51net.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="250" wmode="opaque"></embed>'); document.write('</object>'); </script> </p> <p id="p2"> <a href="http://i.am.cn/?s=jb51pic2" target="_blank"><img src="http://common.jb51.net/image/touming.png" width="300" height="250"/></a> </p> </p> </body> </html>
Standard Flash Insert
<!-- 标准的的Flash插入 设置高度与宽度: width="400" height="400" 设置路径: data="style/flash/001.swf" 与 value="style/flash/001.swf" 替代文本或替代图片: <a href="" title=""><img src="" alt="" /></a> 也可以不要这段 --> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="style/flash/001.swf" width="400" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="style/flash/001.swf" /> <a href="style/flash/001.swf"><img src="style/img/001.jpg" alt="Flash动画" /></a> </object>
Flash that does not obscure the layer
<!-- 不会遮住层的Flash 让Flash不档住浮动对象或层的关键属性: <param name="wmode" value="opaque" /> <embed wmode="opaque"></embed> --> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="style/flash/001.swf" width="400" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="style/flash/001.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="opaque" /> <embed wmode="opaque"></embed> <a href="style/flash/001.swf"><img src="style/img/001.jpg" alt="Flash动画" /></a> </object>
Transparent Flash
<!-- 透明的Flash 让Flash透明的关键属性: <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> --> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="style/flash/001.swf" width="400" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="style/flash/001.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <a href="style/flash/001.swf"><img src="style/img/001.jpg" alt="Flash动画" /></a> </object>
wmode attribute/parameter value Window | Opaque | Transparent
Template variable: $WM, (optional) allows the use of transparent Flash content, absolute positioning and hierarchical display functions in Internet Explorer 4.0 . This tag/property is only valid on Windows with the Flash Player ActiveX control.
"Window" uses the movie's own rectangular window to play the application on the Web page. "Window" indicates that this Flash application has no interaction with the HTML layer and is always on top.
"Opaque" causes the application to hide all content behind it on the page.
"Transparent" causes the background of the HTML page to show through any transparent parts of the application and may reduce animation performance.
"Opaque windowless" and "Transparent windowless" both interact with HTML layers, allowing the layer above the SWF file to obscure the application. The difference between the two options is that "Transparent" allows transparency, so if a part of the SWF file is transparent, the HTML layer underneath the SWF file will show through that part, while "opaque" will not show it. .
If this property is omitted, the default value is Window. Applies to object only.
For more related articles on Flash not blocking HTML div elements, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!