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Summary of cakephp knowledge points

Release: 2023-03-06 07:04:01
1403 people have browsed it

The examples in this article summarize common knowledge points of cakephp. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

1. Call the template of other controllers and redirect

Method 1:

Call the hello.ctp template under /views/tasks/tasks here

$this -> viewPath = 'tasks';
$this -> render('hello');
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Method 2 (with parameters):

$this ->redirect(array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'welcome',urlencode($this->data['name'].'haha')));

2. Query

directly using sql:

$this->PostContent->query("select * from user");
$clue = $this->clue->find('all',
    'fields' =>array(
    'order' => 'id ASC',
    'conditions' => array('id' => '1'),
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find parameters, the first one can It is all, first, and count. The second parameter is an array. The key of the array can be: conditions, fields, order, limit, offset, and joins.


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3. When no public style is required

$this->layout = false;
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No need to render any view

$this->autoRender = false;
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4. Define public methods/classes

Method 1:

You can define public methods in /app/Controller/AppController.php


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Method 2:

Create UtillComponent.php in /app/controllers/components

  class UtillComponent extends Object
   function juanstr ($str) {
     return $str.&#39;+juanstr&#39;;
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var $components = array(&#39;Utill&#39;);
$digit1 = $this->Utill->juanstr($digit1);
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5. Define prompt message

$this->Session->setFlash(__(&#39;The user has been saved&#39;));

<p class="wrong"><?php echo $this->Session->flash();?></p>
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$this->Session->write(&#39;Message.auth&#39;,array(&#39;message&#39;=>__(&#39;The user has been saved.&#39;,true),&#39;element&#39;=>&#39;&#39;,&#39;params&#39;=>array()));

<p class="wrong"><?php echo $this->Session->flash(&#39;auth&#39;);?></p>
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6. Session settings

Please refer to: http://www.php.cn/

check(string $name);

Check whether there is a data item with $name as the key value in the Session.

del(string $name);<br/>delete(string $name);

Delete the Session variable specified by $name.

valid returns true when the Session is valid. It is best to use it before the read() operation to determine whether the session you want to access is indeed valid.

read(string $name) ;

Return $name variable value.


By creating a new seesion ID, deleting the original ID, and updating the information in the original Session to the new Session.

write(string $name, mixed $value);

Write the variables $name, $value into the session.


Returns the most recent error generated by Cake Session Component, often used for debugging.

7. Form

<?php echo $this->Form->create(&#39;Subject&#39;,array(
  &#39;type&#39; => &#39;post&#39;,
  &#39;onsubmit&#39;=>&#39;return validateCallback(this, dialogAjaxDone);&#39; //提交前验证
echo $this->Form->input(&#39;id&#39;,array(&#39;type&#39;=>&#39;hidden&#39;));
echo $this->Form->input(&#39;uid&#39;,array(&#39;type&#39;=>&#39;hidden&#39;));
<ul class="usr_info_basic">
  <p class="ti">下拉单选(编辑页面会自动判断选中)</p>
  <p class="ce">
<?php echo $this->Form->input(&#39;type&#39;,array(&#39;type&#39;=>&#39;select&#39; ,&#39;class&#39;=>&#39;ipt&#39;,&#39;options&#39; => array(0=>&#39;文章&#39;,1=>&#39;专题&#39;, 2=>&#39;图组&#39;)));?>
  <p class="ti">多选</p>
  <p class="ce">
  echo $this->Form->input(&#39;pushtype&#39;, array(&#39;type&#39;=>&#39;select&#39;,
    &#39;options&#39; => $pushtype,//所有选项
    &#39;selected&#39; => $pushtypes,//选中的项
<p class="btns_3">
  <button class="btn3" type="submit"><span>保存</span></button>
  <button class="btn3 btn3_1 close"><span>取消</span></button>
<?php echo $this->Form->end();?>
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##8. Log$this->log();

Call directly in the controller:

$this->log(&#39;Something brok2&#39;,LOG_DEBUG);
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or call in the view:

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The types of logs are roughly as follows:

$levels = array(
  LOG_WARNING=> &#39;warning&#39;,
  LOG_NOTICE=> &#39;notice&#39;,
  LOG_INFO=> &#39;info&#39;,
  LOG_DEBUG=> &#39;debug&#39;,
  LOG_ERR=> &#39;error&#39;,
  LOG_ERROR=> &#39;error&#39;
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Log files are saved in the /app/tmp/logs directory.

There are log configuration options in the /app/config/core.php file:

define(&#39;LOG_ERROR&#39;, 2);
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9. Rendering path

echo APP . &#39;webroot&#39; . DS;
echo APP . &#39;webroot&#39; ;
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Attachment: 21 tips you must know about CakePHP

This article can be said to be a CakePHP tutorial The most classic among them. Although it is not a complete step-by-step series, the author summarized his experience in using CakePHP in 21 items, which are very useful especially for novices.

During the translation, some words unique to CakePHP were intentionally left untranslated, such as controller, model, etc. I believe that people who have learned CakePHP should be able to understand their meaning immediately.

In addition, CakePHP's wiki has expired and was replaced by a website called bakery. The links to the wiki cited in the original article have also been updated to the bakery.

Quickly create static pages

I want to create several pages that only contain static data, use the default layout, and do not require any model. Initially I tried to create a controller and define an action for each static page. But this method is clumsy and not suitable for quickly creating static pages.

In fact, you can do it by using the pages controller - as long as you create a view under the views/pages folder, you can access it through /pages. For example, I created /views/pages/matt.thtml, which can be accessed through http://www.php.cn/.

Change the title of the static page

If you want to change the page title when using the pages controller, just add the following code to the view:

<? $this->pageTitle = &#39;Title of your page.&#39;; ?>
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Send data to layout in a static page

If you need to pass data to layout (for example, indicating which part of the navigation bar should be highlighted variable), you can add the following code to the view:

<? $this->_viewVars[&#39;somedata&#39;] = array(&#39;some&#39;,&#39;data&#39;); ?>
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This array can be accessed through $somedata in the layout.

Quickly create background management

If you need to create a background management program and want all management actions to be located in a specific folder, then open config/core. php and remove the comment from the following line:

define(&#39;CAKE_ADMIN&#39;, &#39;admin&#39;);
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这样所有以"admin_"开头的action都可以通过 /admin/yourcontroller/youraction 来访问。例如,如果在posts controller中创建了名为"admin_add"的action,那么可以通过 www.example.com/admin/posts/add 访问这个action。这样就可以方便地为admin目录设置密码以避免他人随意访问。




#cakeSqlLog { display: none; }
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Bake是个命令行PHP脚本,可以根据数据库自动生成model、controller和view。在开发的最初阶段,我强烈推荐使用scaffolding让你的原型程序跑起来。但如果你清楚地知道scaffolding不合适,我推荐你使用bake。bake会生成所有的文件并保存到磁盘上,以便你随意修改。这样能节省创建关联、view、基本的CRUD crollder操作的重复工作。

(译者注:CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete,数据库应用的四种基本操作,即"增删查改"。)

bake很方便。你只需在数据库中建立一个表,然后到 /cake/scripts/ 目录下执行php bake.php 即可。







$this->log(&#39;Something broke&#39;);
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这样可以将错误记录到 /tmp/logs/ 中(我最初以为会记录到apache的错误日志中)。



class yourController extends AppController {
 var $uses = array(&#39;Post&#39;,&#39;User&#39;);
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这样controller就能访问Post和User model了。



var $useTable = false;
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var $useTable = &#39;some_table&#39;;
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对于有经验的人来说这应当是理所当然的事儿,调用 $this->redirect() 之后,剩下的代码如果不想运行要exit()。我也这样做,但以前曾经认为 $this->redirect() 会为我调用exit(实际上不会)。


翻翻API就能发现很多你不知道的非常有用的函数。我强烈推荐至少阅读一遍 Model 类的参考手册。下面是以前我没注意到的几个重要函数:

generateList() - 主要用于生成选择框(