As early as when I first learned JavaScript, I was "indoctrinated" with this idea
JavaScript is single-threaded
But as I continued to During the learning process
I learned the asynchronous loading of timers and ajax
It once made me doubt this sentence
Since JavaScript is single-threaded, why does it still have asynchronous loading?
Later I learned that there is not only a js thread in the browser, but it together with other threads - Browser UI multi-threading
I have long wanted to write an article like this I just feel like I don’t understand enough, and I’m afraid that what I wrote may mislead everyone
After reading all the blog posts written by everyone online, I felt even more confused
But in the end I mustered up the courage and decided to talk about it ╮(╯_╰)╭
Let’s put aside the issue of JavaScript threads now, let’s first take a look at what is a browser UI thread
First Come to the previous picture
Generally, browsers have at least three resident threads
GUI rendering thread(Rendering page)
JS engine thread(Processing script)
Event trigger thread (Control interaction)
Including browsers sometimes open new threads, such as Http request threads (Ajax) that are thrown away after use, and other threads
They are composed together The UI thread of the browser
These threads work in an orderly manner under the control of the UI thread
There are inconsistent opinions on this resident thread on the Internet, and the implementation of each browser may be different, so I will not go into it here.
Although I put the js engine thread in the lower right corner, it is the main thread of the browser
And it is incompatible with the GUI rendering thread and cannot work at the same time
The reason is simple , because they all have to operate the DOM. If the js thread wants a certain DOM style, the rendering engine must stop working (the overbearing president asks you to stand there and don't move)
Why JavaScript is single-threaded
Single-threaded means that it can only do one thing at the same time
So is multi-threading in JavaScript bad? How efficient is it?
Not good
js is designed to interact with users. Processing DOM
If JavaScript is multi-threaded, then it must deal with the problem of multi-thread synchronization (I vaguely remember the horror of being dominated by C++ thread synchronization)
If js is multi-threaded, and one thread wants to modify the DOM at the same time, When another thread wants to delete the DOM
, the problem becomes much more complicated. The browser doesn't know who to listen to. If a "lock" mechanism is introduced, it will be very troublesome (then I won't learn the front-end ( ̄_,  ̄ ))
So there is no need for a scripting language like ours to be so complicated, so JavaScript has been single-threaded since its birth
Although H5 proposed Web Worker, it cannot operate the DOM, so it still needs to be Entrust a big brother js main thread to solve the problem
I don’t know much about this Web Worker, so I won’t say more here
These sub-threads are completely controlled by the main thread big brother, so they do not change the single-threaded nature of JavaScript
Let’s first take a look at what is the execution stack
The stack is a first-in-last-out (FILO) data structure
The execution stack stores the tasks being executed, each task Called "frame"
For example
function foo(c){ var a = 1; bar(200); }function bar(d){ var b = 2; } foo(100);
Let's take a look at how the execution stack has changed
At the beginning, when the code is not executed, the execution The stack is empty.
#When the foo function is executed, a frame is created. This frame contains formal parameters and local variables (precompilation process), and then this frame is pushed onto the stack. In
then execute the code in the foo function, execute the bar function
to create a new frame, which also has formal parameters and local variables, and is pushed onto the stack
The bar function is executed and the stack is popped
The foo function is executed and the stack is popped
The execution stack is empty
The execution stack is actually equivalent to the js main thread
The queue is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure
There is also a task queue in the js thread
The task queue contains a series of tasks to be processed
Single thread means that all tasks need to be executed one after another. If a task takes too long to execute, Then you have to wait for the subsequent tasks
It's like a nurse giving an injection to the children in line. If the child at the front keeps rolling the needle, it will keep getting injected, and the children behind will have to wait (this metaphor seems inappropriate)
But if the child at the front faints from the needle
then the nurse aunt cannot sit there. When he wakes up, he must give the child at the back the needle first
This is equivalent to "hanging up" the child "Start" (asynchronous)
So, tasks can be divided into two types
Synchronous tasks
Asynchronous tasks
主线程从执行队列不断地获取任务,这个过程是循环不断地,叫做“Event Loop”事件循环
定时器分为两种 setTimeout() 和 setInterval()
setTimeout(function(){ console.log('timer'); },1000);console.log(1);console.log(2);console.log(3);
这个没什么问题,浏览器打印的是 1 2 3 timer
setTimeout(function(){ console.log('timer'); },0);//0延时console.log(1); console.log(2); console.log(3);
浏览器打印依然打印的是 1 2 3 timer
setTimeout(function(){ console.log('timer'); },0);var a = +new Date();for(var i = 0; i < 1e5; i++){ console.log(1); }var b = +new Date(); console.log(b - a);
这就证明了我前面说的话: 同步任务总是会在异步任务之前执行
demo.onclick = function(){ console.log('click'); }function foo(a){ var b = 1; bar(200); }function bar(c){ var d = 2; click//伪代码 此时触发了click事件(这里我假装程序运行到这里手动点击了demo) setTimeout(function(){ console.log('timer'); }, 0); } foo(100);
不过这只是我自己的想法有待考证,不过这不是重点,重点是我们理解这个过程,请大家不要吐槽我╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭
这里从任务队列里不断取任务的过程就是Event Loop
以上就是Browser UI multi-threading and understanding of JavaScript single-threaded underlying operating mechanism及对JavaScript单线程底层运行机制的理解的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(!