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WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

Release: 2017-03-01 09:19:18
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I am currently developing a WeChat interface, so I will summarize the development process of this interface by authorizing login with WeChat and obtaining user information.

1. First, your WeChat official account must obtain the corresponding AppID and AppSecret. After applying for WeChat login and passing the review, you can start the access process.

2. Authorization process

1. Process description

(1). The third party initiates a WeChat authorization login request, and after the WeChat user allows authorization of the third-party application, WeChat will launch the application or redirect to a third-party website, and bring the authorization temporary ticket code parameter;

(2). Add AppID and AppSecret, etc. through the code parameter, through the API In exchange for access_token;

(3). Make interface calls through access_token to obtain the user's basic data resources or help the user implement basic operations.

2. Obtain the access_token sequence diagram:

WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

3. Development (I use the CI framework, but in fact it is the same with any framework, MVC The mode will do)

1. Request CODE


    class weixinController extends CI_Controller {
        public $userInfo;
        public $wxId;

        public function __construct(){

            $this->userInfo = $this->getWxUserInfo();

         * 确保当前用户是在微信中打开,并且获取用户信息
         * @param string $url 获取到微信授权临时票据(code)回调页面的URL
        private function getWxUserInfo($url = &#39;&#39;) {
            $wxSign = $this->input->cookie(&#39;wxSign&#39;);
            if (!empty($wxSign)) {
                $userInfo = $this->model->redisCache->getData("weixin:sign_{$wxSign}");
                if (!empty($userInfo)) {
                    $this->wxId = $userInfo[&#39;openid&#39;];
                    $this->input->set_cookie(&#39;wxId&#39;, $this->wxId, 60*60*24*7);
                    return $userInfo;

            $code = $_GET[&#39;code&#39;];
            if (empty($code)) {
                if (empty($url)) {
                    $url = rtirm($_SERVER[&#39;QUERY_STRING&#39;], &#39;/&#39;);


Copy after login

Get the Controller code of code


    class WxModel extends ModelBase{
        public $appId;
        public $appSecret;
        public $token;

        public function __construct() {

            $this->appId = &#39;wx0000000000000000&#39;;
            $this->appSecret = &#39;00000000000000000000000000000&#39;;
            $this->token = &#39;00000000&#39;;

         * 获取微信授权url
         * @param string 授权后跳转的URL
         * @param bool 是否只获取openid,true时,不会弹出授权页面,但只能获取用户的openid,而false时,弹出授权页面,可以通过openid获取用户信息
       public function getOAuthUrl($redirectUrl, $openIdOnly, $state = &#39;&#39;) {
        $redirectUrl = urlencode($redirectUrl);
        $scope = $openIdOnly ? &#39;snsapi_base&#39; : &#39;snsapi_userinfo&#39;;
        $oAuthUrl = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid={$this->appId}&redirect_uri={$redirectUrl}&response_type=code&scope=$scope&state=$state";
        return $oAuthUrl;

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Get the Model code of code

Attached here are the request parameter description and return value description

Request parameter description:

WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

Response return value description:

WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

When the request is successful , will redirect to the value of redirect_uri in the request parameter. In fact, it will return to the line $this->userInfo = $this->getWxUserInfo(); in weixin.php, and then enter getWxUserInfo() again Method, at this time the

            $code = $_GET[&#39;code&#39;];
Copy after login

line can also get the value of the code. Then proceed to the second step.

2. Get access_token through code


userInfo = $this->getWxUserInfo();

         * 确保当前用户是在微信中打开,并且获取用户信息
         * @param string $url 获取到微信授权临时票据(code)回调页面的URL
        private function getWxUserInfo($url = '') {
            $wxSign = $this->input->cookie('wxSign');
            if (!empty($wxSign)) {
                $userInfo = $this->model->redisCache->getData("weixin:sign_{$wxSign}");
                if (!empty($userInfo)) {
                    $this->wxId = $userInfo['openid'];
                    $this->input->set_cookie('wxId', $this->wxId, 60*60*24*7);
                    return $userInfo;

            $code = $_GET[&#39;code&#39;];
            if (empty($code)) {
                if (empty($url)) {
                    $url = rtirm($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '/');
            $result = $this->model->wx->getOauthAccessToken($code);

            if (isset($result['errcode'])) {
                return array('msg'=>'授权失败,请联系客服','result'=>$result);

            $this->wxId = $result['openid'];
            $accessToken = $result['access_token'];
            $openId = $result['openid'];

            $this->input->set_cookie('wx_id', $this->wxId, 60*60*24*7);
            $this->input->set_cookie('access_token', $accessToken);

Copy after login

Get the controller code of access_token


    class WxModel extends ModelBase{
        public $appId;
        public $appSecret;
        public $token;

        public function __construct() {

            $this->appId = &#39;wx0000000000000000&#39;;
            $this->appSecret = &#39;00000000000000000000000000000&#39;;
            $this->token = &#39;00000000&#39;;

         * 获取微信授权url
         * @param string 授权后跳转的URL
         * @param bool 是否只获取openid,true时,不会弹出授权页面,但只能获取用户的openid,而false时,弹出授权页面,可以通过openid获取用户信息
        public function getOAuthUrl($redirectUrl, $openIdOnly, $state = &#39;&#39;) {
            $redirectUrl = urlencode($redirectUrl);
            $scope = $openIdOnly ? &#39;snsapi_base&#39; : &#39;snsapi_userinfo&#39;;
            $oAuthUrl = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid={$this->appId}&redirect_uri={$redirectUrl}&response_type=code&scope=$scope&state=$state#wechat_redirect";
            return $oAuthUrl;

        * 获取access_token
        public function getoAuthAccessToken($code) {
            return json_decode(file_get_contents("https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid={$this->AppId}&secret={$this->AppSecret}&code={$authCode}&grant_type=authorization_code",true);

Copy after login

Get the Model code of access_token

Attached here is the parameter description

Request parameter description:

WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

Response return value description:

WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

When an error is returned, it looks like this:

WeChat authorized login and obtain user information interface

3. Call the interface through access_token (obtain user information)
After obtaining the access_token, make the interface call with the following prerequisites:

  (1) access_tokec is valid and has not timed out;

  (2) The WeChat user has authorized the corresponding interface scope (scope) of the third-party application account.


The following is the code to obtain user information


userInfo = $this->getWxUserInfo();

         * 确保当前用户是在微信中打开,并且获取用户信息
         * @param string $url 获取到微信授权临时票据(code)回调页面的URL
        private function getWxUserInfo($url = '') {
            $wxSign = $this->input->cookie('wxSign');
            if (!empty($wxSign)) {
                $userInfo = $this->model->redisCache->getData("weixin:sign_{$wxSign}");
                if (!empty($userInfo)) {
                    $this->wxId = $userInfo['openid'];
                    $this->input->set_cookie('wxId', $this->wxId, 60*60*24*7);
                    return $userInfo;

            $code = $_GET[&#39;code&#39;];
            if (empty($code)) {
                if (empty($url)) {
                    $url = rtirm($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '/');
            $result = $this->model->wx->getOauthAccessToken($code);

            if (isset($result['errcode'])) {
                return array('msg'=>'授权失败,请联系客服','result'=>$result);

            $this->wxId = $result['openid'];
            $accessToken = $result['access_token'];
            $openId = $result['openid'];

            $this->input->set_cookie('wx_id', $this->wxId, 60*60*24*7);
            $this->input->set_cookie('access_token', $accessToken);

            $this->userInfo = $this->model->wx->getUserInfo($openId, $accessToken);

            $wxSign =substr(md5($this->wxId.'k2a5dd'), 8, 16);
            $this->input->set_cookie('wxSign', $wxSign, 60*60*24*7);
            $this->library->redisCache->set("weixin:sign_{$wxSign}", $userInfo, 60*60*24*7);
            return $userInfo;


Copy after login

Controller to obtain user information


    class WxModel extends ModelBase{
        public $appId;
        public $appSecret;
        public $token;

        public function __construct() {

            $this->appId = &#39;wx0000000000000000&#39;;
            $this->appSecret = &#39;00000000000000000000000000000&#39;;
            $this->token = &#39;00000000&#39;;

         * 获取微信授权url
         * @param string 授权后跳转的URL
         * @param bool 是否只获取openid,true时,不会弹出授权页面,但只能获取用户的openid,而false时,弹出授权页面,可以通过openid获取用户信息
        public function getOAuthUrl($redirectUrl, $openIdOnly, $state = &#39;&#39;) {
            $redirectUrl = urlencode($redirectUrl);
            $scope = $openIdOnly ? &#39;snsapi_base&#39; : &#39;snsapi_userinfo&#39;;
            $oAuthUrl = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid={$this->appId}&redirect_uri={$redirectUrl}&response_type=code&scope=$scope&state=$state#wechat_redirect";
            return $oAuthUrl;

        * 获取access_token
        public function getoAuthAccessToken($code) {
            return json_decode(file_get_contents("https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid={$this->AppId}&secret={$this->AppSecret}&code={$authCode}&grant_type=authorization_code",true);

        * 获取用户信息  
        public function getUserInfo($openId, $accessToken) {
            $url = &#39;https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo&#39;;
            $userInfo = $this->callApi("$url?access_token=$accessToken&openid=$openId&lang=zh-CN");

            if ($userInfo[&#39;errcode&#39;]) {
                return array(&#39;msg&#39;=>&#39;获取用户信息失败,请联系客服&#39;, $userInfo);

            $userInfo[&#39;wx_id&#39;] = $openId;

            return $userInfo;

         * 发起Api请求,并获取返回结果
         * @param string 请求URL
         * @param mixed 请求参数 (array|string)
         * @param string 请求类型 (GET|POST)
         * @return array        
        public function callApi($apiUrl, $param = array(), $method = &#39;GET&#39;) {
            $result = curl_request_json($error, $apiUrl, $params, $method);
            if (!empty($result[&#39;errcode&#39;])) {
                $errorCode = $result[&#39;errcode&#39;];
                $errorMsg = $result[&#39;errmsg&#39;];
            } else if ($error != false) {
                $errorCode = $error[&#39;errorCode&#39;];
                $errorMsg = $error[&#39;errorMessage&#39;];

            if (isset($errorCode)) {
                file_put_contents("/data/error.log", "callApi:url=$apiUrl,error=[$errorCode]$errorMsg");

                if ($errorCode === 40001) {
                    try {
                        $pos = strpos(strtolower($url), &#39;access_token=&#39;);
                        if ($pos !==false ) {
                            $pos += strlen(&#39;access_token=&#39;);
                            $pos2 = strpos($apiUrl, &#39;&&#39; ,$pos);
                            $accessTokened = substr($apiUrl, $pos, $pos2 === false ? null : ($pos2 - $pos));
                            return $this->callApi(str_replace($accessTokened, $this->_getApiToken(true), $apiUrl), $param, $method);
                    }catch (WeixinException $e) { 

                throw new WeixinException($errorMessage, $errorCode);
            return $result;

        * 获取微信 api 的 access_token 。 不同于 OAuth 中的 access_token ,参见  http://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki/index.php?title=%E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96access_token
        * @param bool 是否强制刷新 accessToken
        private function _getApiToken($forceRefresh = false) {
            $accessToken = $this->library->redisCache->get(&#39;Weixin:AccessToken&#39;);
            if($forceRefresh || empty($accessToken)) {
                $result = $this->callApi("https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid={$this->appId}&secret={$this->appSecret}");
                $accessToken = $result[&#39;access_token&#39;];
                $expire = max(1, intval($result[&#39;expires_in&#39;]) - 60);
                $this->library->redisCache->set(&#39;Weixin:AccessToken&#39;, $accessToken, $expire);
            return $accessToken;

Copy after login

Model to get user information


     *   发起一个HTTP(S)请求,并返回json格式的响应数据
     *   @param array 错误信息  array($errorCode, $errorMessage)
     *   @param string 请求Url
     *   @param array 请求参数
     *   @param string 请求类型(GET|POST)
     *   @param int 超时时间
     *   @param array 额外配置
     *   @return array
    public function curl_request_json(&$error, $url, $param = array(), $method = &#39;GET&#39;, $timeout = 10, $exOptions = null) {
        $error = false;
        $responseText = curl_request_text($error, $url, $param, $method, $timeout, $exOptions);
        $response = null;
        if ($error == false && $responseText > 0) {
            $response = json_decode($responseText, true);

            if ($response == null) {
                $error = array(&#39;errorCode&#39;=>-1, &#39;errorMessage&#39;=>&#39;json decode fail&#39;, &#39;responseText&#39;=>$responseText);
                $logText = "json decode fail : $url";
                if (!empty($param)) {
                    $logText .= ", param=".json_encode($param);
                $logText .= ", responseText=$responseText";
                file_put_contents("/data/error.log", $logText);
        return $response;

    *  发起一个HTTP(S)请求,并返回响应文本
    *   @param array 错误信息  array($errorCode, $errorMessage)
    *   @param string 请求Url
    *   @param array 请求参数
    *   @param string 请求类型(GET|POST)
    *   @param int 超时时间
    *   @param array 额外配置
    *   @return string
    public function curl_request_text(&$error, $url, $param = array(), $method = &#39;GET&#39;, $timeout = 15, $exOptions = NULL) {
        if (!function_exists(&#39;curl_init&#39;)) exit(&#39;please open this curl extension&#39;);

        $method = strtoupper($method);

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
        if (isset($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;])) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;]);
        if (isset($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_REFERER&#39;])) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_REFERER&#39;]);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
        switch ($method) {
            case &#39;POST&#39;:
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                if (!empty($param)) {
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, (is_array($param)) ? http_build_query($param) : $param);
            case &#39;GET&#39;:
            case &#39;DELETE&#39;:
                if ($method == &#39;DELETE&#39;) {
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, &#39;DELETE&#39;);
                if (!empty($param)) {
                    $url = $url.(strpos($url, &#39;?&#39;) ? &#39;&&#39; : &#39;?&#39;).(is_array($param) ? http_build_query($param) : $param);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        if (!empty($exOptions)) {
            foreach ($exOptions as $k => $v) {
                curl_setopt($ch, $k, $v);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);

        $error = false;
        $errorCode = curl_errno($ch);
        if ($errorCode) {
            $errorMessage = curl_error($ch);
            $error = array(&#39;errorCode&#39;=>$errorCode, &#39;errorMessage&#39;=>$errorMessage);
            $logText = "$method $url: [$errorCode]$errorMessage";
            if (!empty($param)) $logText .= ",$param".json_encode($param);
            file_put_contents(&#39;/data/error.log&#39;, $logText);


        return $response;


Copy after login

Custom function to get user information


By calling the interface in the above three steps, the user's WeChat account information can be obtained.

You can take a careful look at the code. I have commented many places in it, making it easy to understand. I hope friends who want to learn can take a closer look.

For more articles related to the WeChat authorized login and access to user information interface, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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