The example in this article summarizes the method of dynamically loading packages in Python. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
There are three ways to dynamically load modules
1. Use the system function __import_()
stringmodule = __import__('string')
2. Use imp module
import imp stringmodule = imp.load_module('string',*imp.find_module('string')) imp.load_source("TYACMgrHandler_"+app.upper(), filepath)
3. Use exec
import_string = "import string as stringmodule" exec import_string
Whether the variable exists
1. hasattr(Test,'t')
2. 'var' in locals ().keys()
3. 'var' in dir()
4. vars().has_key('s')
Dynamicly add attributes
class Obj(object): pass def main(): list=["a","b", "c"] for i inrange(1,len(list),2): Obj = type('Obj',(),{list[i]:lambdaself,s:obj.__setattr__(s.split(" = ")[0],s.split(" = ")[1])}) obj =Obj() for i inrange(0,len(list),2): obj.__setattr__(list[i],list[i]) obj.a =1 obj.b("a =2") obj.b("c =3") printobj.a printobj.c if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Dynamic loading package:
def test(s,e): print s print e class C(): def __init__(self,name): print name def test(self): print 'class!!!'
Loader code:
class Dynload(): def __init__(self,package,imp_list): self.package=package self.imp=imp_list def getobject(self): return __import__(self.package,globals(),locals(),self.imp,-1) def getClassInstance(self,classstr,*args): return getattr(self.getobject(),classstr)(*args) def execfunc(self,method,*args): return getattr(self.getobject(),method)(*args) def execMethod(self,instance,method,*args): return getattr(instance,method)(*args) #Test: dyn=Dynload('util.common',['*']) ins=dyn.getClassInstance('C','gao') dyn.execMethod(ins,'test') dyn.execfunc('test','Hello','function!')
Load the specified file according to the name
def loadapp(self, app): filepath="mgr/"+app+".py" if os.path.exists(filepath): imp.load_source("TYACMgrHandler_"+app.upper(), filepath) //修改了,从新调用这个函数,新的代码自动生效
Calling the corresponding method according to the name
return getattr(self, op)(args.get("port"), args) //op="start" args=dict getattr(self, self.request.method.lower())(*args, **kwargs)
For more detailed introduction to the method of dynamically loading packages in python, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related articles. !