The following editor will bring you a summary of the method of obtaining paths and directories in PHP [must read]. The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.
PHP’s method of obtaining the directory sum is through magic variables; through super global variables; through related functions, etc.:
<?php /** * PHP获取路径或目录实现 */ //魔术变量,获取当前文件的绝对路径 echo "__FILE__: ========> ".__FILE__; echo '<br/>'; //魔术变量,获取当前脚本的目录 echo "__DIR__: ========> ".__DIR__; echo '<br/>'; //dirname返回路径的目录部分,dirname(__FILE__)相当于__DIR__ echo "dirname(__FILE__): ========> ".dirname(__FILE__); echo '<br/>'; //$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']和$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']的结果一般相同,他们都是获取当前脚本的文件名 //只有当php以cgi方式运行时有区别,但是现在几乎找不到以cgi方式运行php了 echo '$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]: ========> '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo '<br/>'; echo '$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]: ========> '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; echo '<br/>'; //当前执行脚本的绝对路径。记住,在CLI方式运行php是获取不到的 echo '$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]: ========> '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; echo '<br/>'; //当前运行脚本所在的文档根目录。在服务器配置文件中定义。 echo '$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]: ========> '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; echo '<br>'; //getcwd()返回当前工作目录 echo "getcwd(): ========> ".getcwd(); echo '<br>'; echo '<br>'; echo "本文来自脚本之家";
The print result is as follows [My root directory is: G:/web]:
The above is a summary of the method of obtaining paths and directories in PHP [must read] and skills. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (!