With the failure of the company’s internal technology sharing (JS advanced) vote, I will first translate a good JS introductory blog post to facilitate children who don’t know much about JS to quickly learn and master this magical language. .
JavaScript is an object-oriented dynamic language. It is generally used to handle the following tasks:
Modify web pages
Generate HTML and CSS
Generate dynamic HTML content
Generate some special effects
Provide user interaction interface
Generate user interaction components
Verify user input
Autofill form
Front-end application that can read local or remote data, such as http://www.php.cn /
Implement server-side programs like JAVA, C#, C++ through Nodejs
Implement distributed WEB programs, including front-end and server-side
The version of JavaScript currently supported by browsers is called "ECMAScript 5.1", or simply "ES5", but the next two versions are called "ES6" and "ES7" (or "ES2015" and "ES2016", as the new version is named after this year), which has a lot of additional features and improved syntax, is very worth looking forward to (and has been partially adopted by current browsers and back-end JS environmental support).
This blog post is quoted from the book "Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript".
JS has three value types: string, number and boolean. We can use a variable v to save different types of values for comparison with typeof(v), typeof (v)===”number”.
JS has 5 reference types: Object, Array, Function, Date and RegExp. Arrays, functions, dates, and regular expressions are special types of objects, but conceptually, dates and regular expressions are value types that are packaged into object form.
Variables, arrays, function parameters and return values do not need to be declared. They are usually not checked by the JavaScript engine and will be automatically type converted.
The variable value may be:
Data, such as string, number, boolean
Reference of object: such as ordinary object , array, function, date, regular expression
The special value null, which is often used as the default value for initialized object variables
The special value undefined, the initial value that has been declared but not initialized
string is a sequence of Unicode characters. String constants will be wrapped in single or double quotes, such as "Hello World!", "A3F0′, or the empty string "". Two string expressions can be connected using the + operator and Can be compared by equals:
if (firstName + lastName === "James Bond")
The number of characters in the string can be obtained through the length attribute:
console.log( "Hello world!".length); // 12
All numeric values are in 64-bit floating point numbers words. There is no clear type distinction between integers and floating point numbers. If a numeric constant is not a number, its value can be set to NaN ("not a number"), which can be determined using the isNaN method.
Unfortunately. Yes, there was no Number.isInteger method until ES6, which was used to test whether a number is an integer. Therefore, in browsers that do not yet support it, to ensure that a numeric value is an integer, or a string of numbers is converted to For an integer, you must use the parseInt function. Similarly, a string containing decimals can be converted with the parseFloat method. The best way is to use String(n). Like Java, we also have two predefined Boolean values, true and false, and Boolean operator symbols: ! (not), && (and), || (or) when non-boolean values and boolean values. When comparing, non-boolean values will be converted implicitly. Empty strings, numbers 0, and undefined and null will be converted to false, and all other values will be converted to true.
Usually we need to use all. equal signs (=== and !==) instead of == and ! =. Otherwise, the number 2 is equal to the string "2", (2 == "2″) is true
Both VAR= [] and var a = new Array() can define an empty array (Erhu: the former is recommended)
VAR O ={} and var o = new Obejct() can both define an empty object. (Erhu: The former is still recommended). Note that an empty object {} is not really empty because it contains the Object.prototype inherited property. Therefore, a real empty object must be prototyped with Null, var o = Object.create. (null).
Table 1 Type testing and conversion
##Variable scope
function foo() { for (var i=0; i < 10; i++) { ... // do something with i } }
function foo() { var i=0; for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { ... // do something with i } }
我们可以通过键入下面的语句作为一个JavaScript文件或script元素中的第一行开启严格模式:’use strict’;
var person1 = { lastName:"Smith", firstName:"Tom"}; var o1 = Object.create( null); // an empty object with no slots
使用点符号(如在C ++/ Java的):person1.lastName = “Smith”
使用MAP方式person1["lastName"] = “Smith”
记录,例如,var myRecord = {firstName:”Tom”, lastName:”Smith”, age:26}
MAP(也称为“关联数组”,“词典”或其他语言的“哈希表”)var numeral2number = {“one”:”1″, “two”:”2″, “three”:”3″}
var person1 = { lastName: "Smith", firstName: "Tom", getFullName: function () { return this.firstName +" "+ this.lastName; } };
var myApp = { model:{}, view:{}, ctrl:{} };
可以由一个全局变量形式来定义,它的名称代表一个命名空间前缀。例如,上面的对象变量提供了基于模型 – 视图 – 控制器(MVC)架构模式,我们有相应的MVC应用程序的三个部分。
var a = [1,2,3];
因为它们是数组列表,JS数组可动态增长:我们可以使用比数组的长度更大的索引。例如,上面的数组变量初始化后,数组长度为3,但我们仍然可以操作第5个元素 a[4] = 7;
for (i=0; i < a.length; i++) { console.log(a[i]);} //1 2 3 undefined 7 `
我们可以通过 Array.isArray(a) 来检测一个变量是不是数组。
通过push方法给数组追加元素:a.push( newElement);
通过splice方法,删除指定位置的元素:a.splice( i, 1);
通过indexOf查找数组,返回位置或者-1:if (a.indexOf(v) > -1) …
var i=0; for (i=0; i < a.length; i++) { console.log( a[i]); } a.forEach(function (elem) { console.log( elem); })
通过slice复制数组:var clone = a.slice(0);
map(也称为“散列映射”或“关联数组’)提供了从键及其相关值的映射。一个JS map的键是可以包含空格的字符串:
var myTranslation = { "my house": "mein Haus", "my boat": "mein Boot", "my horse": "mein Pferd" }
var i=0, key="", keys=[]; keys = Object.keys( myTranslation); for (i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; alert('The translation of '+ key +' is '+ myTranslation[key]); }
myTranslation["my car"] = "mein Auto";
delete myTranslation["my boat"];
`if ("my bike" in myTranslation) ...`
var i=0, key="", keys=[]; keys = Object.keys( m); for (i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; console.log( m[key]); } Object.keys( m).forEach( function (key) { console.log( m[key]); })
通过 JSON.stringify 将map序列化为JSON字符串,再JSON.parse将其反序列化为MAP对象 来实现复制:
var clone = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( m))
if (typeof( v) === "function") {...}
var myFunction = function theNameOfMyFunction () {...} function theNameOfMyFunction () {...}
var sum = function () { var result = 0, i=0; for (i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) { result = result + arguments[i]; } return result; }; console.log( sum(0,1,1,2,3,5,8)); // 20
var numbers = [1,2,3]; // create an instance of Array numbers.forEach( function (n) { console.log( n); });
var sum = function () { var result = 0; Array.prototype.forEach.call( arguments, function (n) { result = result + n; }); return result; };
myApp.model = function () { var appName = "My app's name"; var someNonExposedVariable = ...; function ModelClass1 () {...} function ModelClass2 () {...} function someNonExposedMethod (...) {...} return { appName: appName, ModelClass1: ModelClass1, ModelClass2: ModelClass2 } }(); // immediately invoked
当构建一个应用程序时,我们可以使用这两种方法创建类,这取决于应用程序的需求 。mODELcLASSjs是一个比较成熟的库用来实现工厂方法,它有许多优点。(基于构造的方法有一定的性能优势)
基类Person 定义了两个属性firstName 和lastName,以及实例方法toString和静态方法checkLastName:
class Person { constructor( first, last) { this.firstName = first; this.lastName = last; } toString() { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; } static checkLastName( ln) { if (typeof(ln)!=="string" || ln.trim()==="") { console.log("Error: " + "invalid last name!"); } } }
Person.instances = {};
class Student extends Person { constructor( first, last, studNo) { super.constructor( first, last); this.studNo = studNo; } // method overrides superclass method toString() { return super.toString() + "(" + this.studNo +")"; } }
function Person( first, last) { this.firstName = first; this.lastName = last; }
Person.prototype.toString = function () { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }
Person.checkLastName = function (ln) { if (typeof(ln)!=="string" || ln.trim()==="") { console.log("Error: invalid last name!"); } }
Person.instances = {};
function Student( first, last, studNo) { // invoke superclass constructor Person.call( this, first, last); // define and assign additional properties this.studNo = studNo; }
通过Person.call( this, …) 来调用基类的构造函数。
// Student inherits from Person Student.prototype = Object.create( Person.prototype); // adjust the subtype's constructor property Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
通过Object.create( Person.prototype) 我们基于 Person.prototype创建了一个新的对象原型。
Student.prototype.toString = function () { return Person.prototype.toString.call( this) + "(" + this.studNo + ")"; };
var pers1 = new Person("Tom","Smith");
var Person = { name: "Person", properties: { firstName: {range:"NonEmptyString", label:"First name", writable: true, enumerable: true}, lastName: {range:"NonEmptyString", label:"Last name", writable: true, enumerable: true} }, methods: { getFullName: function () { return this.firstName +" "+ this.lastName; } }, create: function (slots) { // create object var obj = Object.create( this.methods, this.properties); // add special property for *direct type* of object Object.defineProperty( obj, "type", {value: this, writable: false, enumerable: true}); // initialize object Object.keys( slots).forEach( function (prop) { if (prop in this.properties) obj[prop] = slots[prop]; }) return obj; } };
var pers1 = Person.create( {firstName:"Tom", lastName:"Smith"});
The above is the detailed content of Teach you a detailed explanation of how to get started with JavaScript in 10 minutes. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!